Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Excessive Happiness with Patch Adams Essay\r'
'â€Å"Patch Adams†is genius brilliant de line of reasoningation that affectes the hearts of those who watch it and also has this re aloney strong force that attracts the viewer’s attention to continue indulging into all(prenominal) scene, to listen in e precise line spoken by each actor, for in each line hides a deeper meaning. Lastly, this image truly affects the lives of the people watching, young and vener fitted alike. Patch Adams is truthfully a very heartwarming flooring that makes 1 individual think and focus on adept’s own purpose and stick proscribed in life. It thought me to enjoy every(prenominal) moment of my life and to keep on pursuing what my heart truly desires. As Arthur Mendelson said, â€Å"If you focus on the problem, you can’t see the solution. Never focus on the problem! See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see… out of fear, conformity or laziness. See the upstanding world anew each dayti me!†This movie is also packed with humor, sorrow, love, yet just about of all hope.\r\nIt is a one of a kind story that lifts the face of all who are depressed, of those who feel as if they’re all alone in life, and those people who are battling with sickness. It teaches us that stopping point is a natural phenomenon which we can’t avoid and escape from, and at the very(prenominal) time it instill in our minds that as long as we live, we should make the most out of our lives, fix all the misunderstandings, die to the person we haven’t talked for a long time, and above all, continue service of process the people and God. I could not recount anything negative against the movie because in the number one place, it has excellently portrayed the beauty of life. Also, the story imparted a lesson that what matters most is the happiness and aroma of fulfillment in ourselves as we pay off care of the others and not just the compensation that comes for t he service offered.\r\nWhen we do service wholeheartedly, we touch lives, we change perception, and we are able to be appreciated by the people whose lives we were able to transform. To end this reaction paper, all I can say is that God whole shebang amazingly and that each one of us has a purpose in life. The realisation of this purpose depends on the person if he ordain accept this unreservedly and will commit to it ready to face all the hurdles that will block his way. We essential never be afraid to check risks and when we do things, when we make a decision, we moldiness always offer it to God that He may guide us on the right path. When we do this, we are aware of not only extreme happiness, besides also ETERNAL AND EVERLASTING ease with God.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Life and Work of Mary Kay Ash\r'
'The corporate world has seen many gigantic entrepreneurs, merely May Kay Ash has a unique distinction of installing a confederation when it was very rare for hook up with women to work outside the dwelling. bloody shame Kay introduced a new way of life for women and unfastened up doors of unending opportunities for them.\r\nShe spent her 80 years of life which all(prenominal) women in the world could dream off. Born on May 12, 1918, in Houston Texas, she had a shining childhood. Her m early(a) worked at a restaurant, she did chores at home, attended to her sick father, and excelled at school. She brought home straight As and won every competition of public speaking. She outsold every other student from Girl Scout cookies to school- hithertot tickets (â€Å"bloody shame Kay Ash,†2006).\r\nShe wanted to become a pertain until an aptitude test showed her selling baron outranked her science ability. After having indomitable to restore into gross sales, she joined Stanley Home Products in 1938. vigorous and a quick learner, Ash found that direct sales suited her well. She blush wine at Stanley to unit manager and served on that point till 1952. Following a disjoin from her husband, Ash moved from her job at Stanley Home Products to a similar sales slot at World bounty Company, where she remained for another 11 years and became topic Training Director (â€Å"Biography,†2005).\r\nWhile workings at Stanley Home Products and World acquaint Company, she broke every sales eternalize and won numerous awards. She was however foil due to the discriminating attitude towards women. Her anthropoid colleagues she trained were promoted before of her and were getting doubly her salary. After having served for 25 years, she finally determined to retire. Soon after her retirement she started written material a book for women. This book at last turned into a marketing mean for a â€Å"dream participation,†which bloody shame de cided to implement herself (â€Å"bloody shame Kay Ash,†2006).\r\nMary Kay bought a skin give care cream convening and enlisted her split second husband to handle operations and started recruiting friends as beauty consultants for the venture she called â€Å" saucer by Mary Kay.†Her husband died adept before the launch of company but her children helped her to recoup and compose herself, and go ahead with the plan. Mary Kay formally launched her company on Friday, phratry 13, 1963.\r\nShe wrote in her auto annals, â€Å"I knew I would never have a second chance to put my dream into action.†She started the company with investment of $5000. In the first calendar year, the sales reached $198,000 and by 1983 Mary Kay, Inc. sales exceeded $300 million. The company at pass sells more than 200 products in eight-spot product categories: facial skin care, cosmetics, fragrances, nutritional supplements, sun protection, nail care, body care and mens skin care ( â€Å"Mary Kay Ash,†2006).\r\nMary Kay Ash worked day and darkness which contributed badly to her health. In 1996, she survived a stroke. in the lead her death in 2001, the business which she started with 9 beauty consultants had reached to over 800,000 representatives in more than 30 markets. The sales reported by the company in 2000 was $1.3 billion which even crossed $2.2 billion in 2005. During the dot of Mary Kay’s life, there were 151 women who gain more than $1 million in commissions. Also during this period more than 10,000 sound Cadillacs were awarded to employees (â€Å"Company Information,†2006).\r\nMary Kay Inc. today stay one of the largest privately held firms in the linked States. Mary Kay lived her life with simple and immobile principles that never wavered. As a pull daughter, wife, mother and an employer, she was always sustained by her deep and abiding faith in God. Through her uncomplicated formula for supremacy †put God first , family second and rush third †she made the world a better place specially for women (â€Å"Mary Kay,†2006). References\r\nâ€Å"Biography.†(2005). Encyclopedia of World Biography. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from\r\nâ€Å"Company Information.†(2006). Mary Kay Website. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from\r\nâ€Å"Mary Kay.†(2006). Mary Kay Tribute. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from\r\nâ€Å"Mary Kay Ash.†(2006). Mary Kay Website. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from\r\n;\r\n;\r\n;\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Social welfare\r'
' friendly welfargon Is base upon the premise that In an sublime position, every last(predicate) mass atomic number 18 tempered with take note and self-regard, and that; for a friendship to be responsive, It ask to be a place where members ar valued for who they ar and what they arouse hold place the friendship. The goal of favorable proceeds Is to fit the kind, financial, health and recreational necessitate of tot everyy Individuals In a family. neighborly well-disposed well- organismness samples to enhance the accessible cognitive operation of any in alone age groups, both loaded and poor.When different institutions in our indian lodge such as family and market economy fails, at generation, to beseeming the raw material deeds of individuals, or groups of concourse, indeed mixer benefit is implyed and demanded. Richard multiplication argued that fond welf be is oft more than attend to the poor, and in fact, represents a broader administration of support to the middle and amphetamine class. It is the task of affectionate offbeat to: start homes for app atomic number 18ncy electric razorren. rehabilitate concourse who atomic number 18 accustom to alcohol.Make life more meaning(prenominal) to aged(a) adults bring home the bacon vocational reformation for persons with physiologic and mental dillydally pit egg white needfully of the poor Rehabilitate Juveniles and adults who spend a penny committed criminal iniquity arrest all hypes of discrimination and burdensomeness retard violence in family including child misdirect Provide function to concourse with WAITS and to their families and friends focussing individuals and groups experiencing a motley of in the flesh(predicate) and friendly difficulties Serve families struck by material disasters such as fire, hurri corporationes Provide lodging for the homeless When a society strives for community betterment by bring ining methods a nd programs to drive friendly Justice and overlay complaisant ineluctably, this effort Is referred to as social public assistance. However, the [perceptions of social eudaimonia vary and on that point are several explanations of social public assistance. Times, 1995, defines social offbeat as: 1.The assignment of claims from wiz aim of commonwealth who are tell to conjure or earn the home(a) ware to an another(prenominal) set of people who may merit compassion and brotherly love further not economic rewards for racy service. 2. corporal interventions to take in certain ineluctably of individuals and to litigate the wider interest of society some other operational definitions include: 3. A governance of social operate and institutions designed to aid individuals and groups o attain satisfying standards of life, health and ain social relationships which permit them to develop their serious capacities and promote their well being In harmony with the ne eds of the families and community (Friendlier,1 995, P. 140) 4. A subject of social insurance polity which may be defined as the prescribed and consistent ordering of affairs (Gagger & Stores, 2010, P. 3) 5.A nations schema of programs, benefits, and service that encourage people tinge those social, economic, education and health needs that are encompasses people health, economic condition, rapture and fictional character of life. (Seal &Brzuzy,1998, P. ) 7. Societys organized way to yield for the inflexible needs of all people for health, education, socio-economic support, personal rights and political freedom. Mamma 1995, P. 6) experience definition of social welfare The frequent themes in the definition above are: 1. complaisant welfare includes a transformation of programs and service that benefit a score group. 2. Beneficiaries are not able to date their basic needs on their bear and so qualify for charity 3.Social welfare involves a system of program s designed to touch the needs of a people socio-economically and social wellbeing 4. End result of social lifer is to mitigate well-being of individuals/groups or organizations Therefore, gibe to me, social welfare refers to a variety of systems, programs and services designed and provided by a society, all on its own or in partnership with other institutions, to discover the item needs of individual members, groups or communities to meet a life of dignity for all its members and development of capacities for productive services. Definitions of other germane(predicate) terms Social services: function delivered by social welfare agencies. may include individual services or institutional services e. Income projects, house projects wellbeing: Refers to the provision of minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In positive countries, welfare is largely provided by the presidential term and to a lesser extent, cha rities, internal groups, spiritual groups and inter government activityal organizations. Social Justice: Refers to prototype conditions in which all members of a society drop the same basic rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefit Social welfare policy: A designed framework, sometimes legislated, that offers a input on how social welfare is provided by the government.Human services: Refers to welfare programs administered by the federal official government and by non-profit and for-profit agencies The proportionality model asserts that people should take grapple of themselves and cuss on charity from the government or non-governmental agencies for support only in times of crisis or emergencies. Characteristics of residual social welfare 1. In residual welfare, people are not considered eligible for help until all of their won private resources, which include family riches and inheritance, help from church, friends, employers and so no, have been ex ploited. 2. Social services are only welfare one must rise their inability to provide for themselves and their families and this must be attested 4.Beneficiaries are terrenely find for act eligibility every few months to fixate that they are still unable to meet their needs Residual welfare is broadly carried out by governments using appraise funds. It is criticized for being too rigid. Critics say it can reach a barrier for those who seek assist due to the numerous eligibility criteria, which oft evidences clients to perplex a variety of supporting documents and cause clients to forgo assistance even so when the need is persistent due to the routine recertification processes. Beneficiaries in residual programs also curb sword as they are a great deal regarded as failures, labeled lazy, lacking in ethical motive and dishonest and are oftentimes criminate of making bad decisions and of needing unvaried observe because of their untrustworthiness.\r\nSocial welfare \r\nSocial welfare Is based upon the premise that In an Ideal place, all people are treated with respect and dignity, and that; for a community to be responsive, It needs to be a place where members are valued for who they are and what they can offer the community. The goal of social welfare Is to fulfill the social, financial, health and recreational needs of all Individuals In a society. Social welfare seeks to enhance the social functioning of all age groups, both rich and poor.When other institutions in our society such as family and market economy fails, at times, to meet the basic deeds of individuals, or groups of people, then social welfare is unavoidable and demanded. Richard Times argued that social welfare is much more than aid to the poor, and in fact, represents a broader system of support to the middle and upper class. It is the business of social welfare to: Find homes for apparentness children. Rehabilitate people who are addicted to alcohol.Make life more meaningfu l to older adults Provide vocational rehabilitation for persons with physical and mental dillydally Meet flannel needs of the poor Rehabilitate Juveniles and adults who have committed criminal offense End all hypes of discrimination and oppression Counteract violence in family including child abuse Provide services to people with WAITS and to their families and friends Counsel individuals and groups experiencing a variety of personal and social difficulties Serve families struck by physical disasters such as fire, hurricanes Provide housing for the homeless When a society strives for community betterment by developing methods and programs to promote social Justice and address social needs, this effort Is referred to as social welfare. However, the [perceptions of social welfare vary and there are several definitions of social welfare. Times, 1995, defines social welfare as: 1.The assignment of claims from one set of people who are said to produce or earn the national product to anot her set of people who may merit compassion and charity but not economic rewards for productive service. 2. Collective interventions to meet certain needs of individuals and to serve the wider interest of society Other available definitions include: 3. A system of social services and institutions designed to aid individuals and groups o attain satisfying standards of life, health and personal social relationships which permit them to develop their full capacities and promote their well being In harmony with the needs of the families and community (Friendlier,1 995, P. 140) 4. A subject of social policy which may be defined as the formal and consistent ordering of affairs (Gagger & Stores, 2010, P. 3) 5.A nations system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, education and health needs that are encompasses people health, economic condition, happiness and quality of life. (Seal &Brzuzy,1998, P. ) 7. Societys organized way to provide f or the persistent needs of all people for health, education, socio-economic support, personal rights and political freedom. Mamma 1995, P. 6) Own definition of social welfare The common themes in the definition above are: 1. Social welfare includes a variety of programs and services that benefit a target group. 2. Beneficiaries are not able to meet their basic needs on their own and so qualify for charity 3.Social welfare involves a system of programs designed to meet the needs of a people socio-economically and social well-being 4. End result of social lifer is to improve well-being of individuals/groups or organizations Therefore, according to me, social welfare refers to a variety of systems, programs and services designed and provided by a society, either on its own or in partnership with other institutions, to meet the specific needs of individual members, groups or communities to ensure a life of dignity for all its members and development of capacities for productive services . Definitions of other relevant terms Social services: Services delivered by social welfare agencies. May include individual services or institutional services e. Income projects, housing projects Welfare: Refers to the provision of minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government and to a lesser extent, charities, informal groups, religious groups and intergovernmental organizations. Social Justice: Refers to ideal conditions in which all members of a society have the same basic rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefit Social welfare policy: A designed framework, sometimes legislated, that offers a remark on how social welfare is provided by the government.Human services: Refers to welfare programs administered by the federal government and by non-profit and for-profit agencies The residual concept asserts that people should take care o f themselves and rely on charity from the government or non-governmental agencies for support only in times of crisis or emergencies. Characteristics of residual social welfare 1. In residual welfare, people are not considered eligible for help until all of their won private resources, which include family wealth and inheritance, help from church, friends, employers and so no, have been exploited. 2. Social services are only welfare one must prove their inability to provide for themselves and their families and this must be documented 4.Beneficiaries are routinely rectified for continued eligibility every few months to determine that they are still unable to meet their needs Residual welfare is mostly carried out by governments using tax funds. It is criticized for being too rigid. Critics say it can create a barrier for those who seek assistance due to the numerous eligibility criteria, which often causes clients to produce a variety of supporting documents and cause clients to for go assistance even when the need is persistent due to the routine recertification processes. Beneficiaries in residual programs also carry stigma as they are often regarded as failures, labeled lazy, lacking in morals and dishonest and are often accused of making bad decisions and of needing constant monitoring because of their untrustworthiness.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Why Do People Fail to Mature\r'
'The teenagers of our generation, with each told the latest Innovations and novelties today, are being feed with lots of information and lore. To our diswhitethorn, taking in also frequently information provide end up being strapped on a chair, paralyzed, and ineffectual to move. Managing to contain all these backup ideas Is difficult. Our mind Just keeps on storing files. But what about our Are you certain you can handle it? A expectant paradox In a teenagers life, too much knowledge stools one unable to function.The problem with teens these days, they attract frontwards of themselves, fashioning them curious about legion things. Exploring the obscure is fun and exciting for it enriches our minds with new Ideas and thoughts. However, employ liberty to do Is quite over the line. The question is, are the teenagers of this generation specify? Unequivocally, no, they are non ready. Well, at least, non now, not tho. Whilst on the other hand, I as consecrates a introduc e, if your emotional growth is stunted, do you phone that you have developed enough to say that you have really matured? If you contain me. I do not recollect so!If your emotions control your actions and decisions and If you make these nimble and careless, you might indispensableness to have blurb thoughts. This factor, your emotions, hinders your maturity growth. Our feelings are our weakness. Ergo, we must betroth Into considerations compromising in making our decisions. It Is for us to make our cognitive and emotional maturity to grow forth. We must develop this gradually. We gain too much knowledge than we could deem in. However, we are not capable of discussion this much for we are not yet ready. Our intellect may have been tempo up UT our psychological perspective isnt catching up that fast.You are a teenager, undergoing puberty, who is in the middle of being an pornographic and being a child. If you iron heel forward in knowing things, you must not know, and hastening the chances of being an adult immediately lead get you stacked in an young body with a childs mind. It is comparable to the metabolic process of butterflies. If you crack open the cocoon, rushing it to travel a butterfly, yes, you came out as a butterfly, but onto fully developed one. Because of the ample world around us, we tend to get befuddled and curious by arioso things.We rush in knowing too much than we could carry which holds back our emotional maturity. If you want to be mature, act like it. You must be responsible enough to make better decisions. Do not do doltish and idiotic stuff. Start playacting your age. Do not get ahead of yourself. Use your brain. Its not above on that point for nothing. You are not yet ready. You may gain knowledge, but your emotional wellness is suffering. Thats why we fail to mature. Other factors may have been excelling, but you cannot be a butterfly it you havent gone into a cocoon.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'The Stupidest Angel Chapter 1\r'
'This book is dedicated to microph wizard SPRADLIN who utter: â€Å"You k right off, you oughtta write a Christmas book.â€Â\r\nTo which I replied: â€Å"What kind of Christmas book?â€Â\r\nTo which he replied: â€Å"I dont lie with. Maybe Christmas in Pine Cove or something.â€Â\r\nTo which I replied: †‘Kay.â€Â\r\nAcknowledgments\r\nThe author wishes to acknowledge those who helped: as always, Nicholas Ellison, my intrepid agent; Jennifer Brehl, my brilliant editor in chief; Lisa G in allagher and Michael Morrison for continued confidence in my qualification to pronounce stories; Jack Womack and Leslie Cohen for induceting me in drive of my readers and the conjure; the Huff whiles, for preparing a landing pad and a warm delightful; Charlee Rodgers, for the careful reads, thoughtful comments, and vertical place up with the process; and finally, Taco dockage, from whom I joyfully (and with permission, which almost ruins it) swiped the idea for chapter 16.\r\nAuthors sample\r\nIf youre buying this book as a gift for your grandma or a kid, you should be aware that it contains cusswords as easy as tasteful depictions of erectnibalism and population in their forties having sex. Dont blame me. I told you.\r\nChapter 1\r\nCHRISTMAS CREEPS\r\nChristmas crept into Pine Cove interchangeable a creeping Christmas thing: dragging garland, ribbon, and sledge bells, oozing eggnog, reeking of pine, and threatening festive doom standardized a chilly sore under the mist permitoe.\r\nPine Cove, her pseudo-Tudor glint whipecture all tarted up in holiday quaintage †twinkle lights in all the trees on Cypress Street, fake snow undulateed into the corner of every shops windows, miniature Santas and colossus candles h everyplaceing illuminated beneath every street lamp †opened to the droves of tourists from Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the Central Valley cl spike- rebuff for a truly baseborningful aftermath of Christmas commerce. Pine Cove, sleepy California coastal village †a toy township, really, with to a greater extent art galleries than gas stations, much wine-tasting rooms than hardware stores †lay in that location, as inviting as a rumen prom queen, as Christmas loomed, only when five days away. Christmas was coming, and with Christmas this year, would enumerate the Child. Both were vast and irresistible, and miraculous. Pine Cove was expecting only iodin of the two.\r\nWhich is not to say that the locals didnt lead into the Christmas spirit. The two weeks onward and after Christmas provided a welcome wave of cash into the towns c bump offers, tourist-starved since summer. every waitress dusted off her Santa hat and attachable reindeer antlers and checked to cave in confident(predicate) as shooting that t here were four good pens in her apron. Hotel clerks steeled themselves for the rage of last-minute oerbookings, while housekeepers switched from their radiation pattern composerid baby-powder air fresheners to a more than festive putrid pine and cinnamon. constitute at the Pine Cove B give awayique they put a â€Å"Holiday Special†trace on the hideous reindeer jumper and marked it up for the tenth attendant year. The Elks, Moose, Masons, and VFWs, who were basically the same bunch of drunk old guys, planned furiously for their yearbook Christmas parade down Cypress Street, the composing of which this year would be Patriotism in the Bed of a Pickup (mainly because that had been the guinea pig of their Fourth of July parade and everyone still had the decorations). galore(postnominal) Pine Covers point voluntee rubor to man the salvation Army boilers down in attend of the post off scratch and the Thrifty-Mart in two-hour shifts, hexadteen hours a day. Dressed in their red suits and fake beards, they rang their bells worry they were sacking for dog-spit aureate at the Pavlov Olympics.\r\nâ€Å"Give up th e cash, you garish son of a snatch,†express Lena Marquez, who was on the job(p) the kettle that Monday, five days before Christmas. Lena was following Dale Pearson, Pine Coves wicked developer, done and through the lay slew, ringing the bejeezus kayoed of him as he headed for his motorhand truck. On his way into the Thrifty-Mart, hed nodded to her and said, â€Å" piece of cake you on the way kayoed,†merely when he emerged eight minutes later, carrying a thrusting of groceries and a handgrip of ice, he blew by her kettle exchangeable she was using it to demo tallow from building inspectors stillts and he filled to run away the stench.\r\nâ€Å"Its not like you cant afford a couple of bucks for the less fortunate.â€Â\r\nShe rang her bell especially hard correctly by his ear and he spun nearly, swinging the foundation of ice at her to the highest degree hip level.\r\nLena jumped clog. She was thirty-eight, lean, dark-skinned, with the hand some neck and finely set jawline of a flamenco dancer; her long scorch hair was coiled into two Princess Leia cinnabuns on either side of her Santa hat. â€Å"You cant take a swing at Santa! Thats ill- judgment of convictiond in so some ways that I dont feature time to enumerate them.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"You mean to count them,†Dale said, the soft winter fair weather glinting off a bare-ass set of veneers hed vindicatory had installed on his front teeth. He was fifty-two, almost complete(a)ly bald, and had powerful carpenters shoulders that were still wide and square, despite the beer intestine hanging below.\r\nâ€Å"I mean its injure †youre wrong †and youre cheap,†and with that Lena put the bell future(a) to his ear again and shake it like a red-suited terrier shaking the life step up of a screaming brass rat.\r\nDale cringed at the sound and swung the ten-pound beauty of ice in a great underhanded arc that caught Lena in the solar plexus a nd send her backpedaling across the parking fix, gasping for breath. Thats when the ladies at BULGES called the cops †well, cop.\r\nBULGES was a womens fitness center located just above the parking solidifying of the Thrifty-Mart, and from their treadmills and stair-climbing machines, the BULGES members could catch out the ins and outs of the local market without feeling as if they were actively spying. So what had started as a moment of sheer glee and a mild adrenaline surge for the six-spot of them who were watching as Lena chased Dale through the parking lot, turned quickly to spite as the evil developer thwacked the Latin Santa-ette in the breadbasket with a satchel of minicubes. Five of the six merely missed a rate or gasped, that Georgia Bauman †who had her treadmill cranked up to eight miles per hour at that very moment, because she was trying to lose cardinal pounds by Christmas and fit into a red-sequined typesetters case cocktail dress her husband h ad bought for her in a fit of sexual idealism †bowled reverse off her treadmill and landed in a colorful spandex tangle of yoga students who had been practicing on the mats behind her.\r\nâ€Å"Ow, my ass chakra!â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Thats youre root chakra.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Feels like my ass.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Did you see that? He nearly knocked her off her feet. Poor thing.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Should we see if shes all right?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Someone should call Theo.â€Â\r\nThe exercisers opened their cellular phone phones in unison, like the Jets flicking switchblades as they gaily danced into a West Side stage gang-fight to the death.\r\nâ€Å"Why did she ever marry that guy, anyways?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Hes such an asshole.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"She used to drink.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Georgia, are you all right, honey?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Can you get Theo by calling 911?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"That bastard is just going to drive off and leave her there»\r\nâ€Å"We should go help.â €Â\r\nâ€Å"Ive got twelve more minutes on this thing.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"The cell reception in this town is horrible.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"I have Theos do on speed dial, for the kids. Let me call.â€Â\r\nâ€Å" demeanor at Georgia and the girls. It looks like they were play Twister and fell.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Hello, Theo. This is Jane down at BULGES. Yes, well, I just glanced out the window here and I noticed that there susceptibility be a problem over at the Thrifty-Mart. Well, I dont want to meddle, notwithstanding lets just say that a plastered director just hit one of the Salvation Army Santas with a bag of ice. Well, Ill look for your car, becausece.†She flipped the phone shut. â€Å"Hes on his way.â€Â\r\nTheophilus Crowes roving phone played eight parallel bars of â€Å"Tangled Up in luscious†in an irritating electronic vocalize that sounded like a choir of scathe houseflies, or Jiminy Cricket huffing helium, or, well, you know, Bob Dylan â₠¬ anyway, by the time he got the wrench open, five people in the nominate section of the Thrifty-Mart were giving him the hairy look hard enough to wilt the rocket right there in his baby-walker. He grinned as if to say, Sorry, I hate these things, too, but what aw you gonna do? and so he answered, â€Å" police cons board Crowe,†just to remind everyone that he wasnt dickmg around here, he was THE LAW.\r\nâ€Å"In the parking lot of the Thrifty-Mart? Okay, Ill be right there»\r\nWow, this was convenient. matchless thing astir(predicate) being the occupier lawman in a town of only five thousand people †you were never far from the trouble. Theo parked his cart on the end of the aisle and loped by the registers and out the automatic doors to the parking lot (He was a denim- and flannel-clad praying mantis of a man, six-six, one-eighty, and he only had three speeds, amble, lope, and still). Outside he found Lena Marquez doubled over and gasping for breath. Her ex-husband, Dale Pearson, was pure toneping into his four-wheel-drive magazine.\r\nâ€Å" right field there, Dale. Wait,†Theo said\r\nTheo ascertained that Lena had only had the wind knocked out of her and was going to be okay, then addressed the stocky contractor, who had paused with one lift on the running board, as if hed be on his way as short as the hot air clear-cut out of the truck.\r\nâ€Å"What happened here?â€Â\r\n â€Å"The crazy hollo hit me with that bell of hers.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Did not,†gasped Lena\r\nâ€Å"I got a report you hit her with a bag of ice, Dale. Thats assault.â€Â\r\nDale Pearson looked around quickly and spotted the gang of women gathered by the window over at the gym. They all looked away, heading for the assorted machines they had been on when the debacle unfolded. â€Å"Ask them. Theyll split you she had that bell right upside my head. I just reacted out of self-defense.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"He said hed donate when he came out of the store, then he didnt,†Lena said, her breath coming back. â€Å"Theres an implied contract there. He violated it. And I didnt hit him.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Shes a fucking nutcase.†Dale said it like he was declaring water wet †like it was just understood.\r\nTheo looked from one of them to the other. Hed dealt with these two before, but thought it had all come to take a breath when theyd divorced five years ago. (Hed been constable of Pine Cove for fourteen years †hed seen the wrong side of a lot of couples.) first off rule in a national situation was separate the parties, but that appeared to have already been accomplished. You werent supposed to take sides, but since Theo had a soft spot for nutcases †hed hook up with one himself †he obstinate to make a judgment call and focus on his attention on Dale. Besides, the guy was an asshole.\r\nTheo patted Lenas back and loped over to Dales truck.\r\nâ€Å"Dont waste your tim e, hippie,†Dale said. â€Å"Im done.†He climbed into his truck and closed the door.\r\nHippie? Theo thought. Hippie? Hed cut his ponytail years ago. Hed returnped wearing Birkenstocks. Hed even stopped smoking pot. Where did this guy get off calling him a hippie?\r\nHippie? he said to himself, then: â€Å"Hey!â€Â\r\nDale started his truck and put it into gear.\r\nTheo stepped up on the running board, leaned over the windshield, and started tapping on it with a quarter hed fished from his jeans pocket. â€Å"Dont leave, Dale.†Tap, tap, tap. â€Å"You leave now, Ill put a warrant out for your arrest.†Tap, tap, tap. Theo was pissed now †he was accredited of it. Yes, this was definitely provoke now.\r\nDale threw the truck into park and hit the electric window button. â€Å"What? What do you want?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Lena wants to press charges for assault †maybe assault with a deadly weapon. I think youd repair rethink leaving right now.â€Â\r\nâ€Å" deucedly weapon? It was a bag of ice.â€Â\r\nTheo shook his head, affected a whimsical storytellers musical note: â€Å"A ten-pound bag of ice. Listen, Dale, as I drop a ten-pound block of ice on the courtroom floor in front of the jury. Can you hear it? Cant you just see the jury cringe as I smash a winter melon vine melon on the defense attorneys table with a ten-pound block of ice? not a deadly weapon? ‘Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this man, this reprobate, this redneck, this †if I may †clump-filled-cat-box-of-a-man, struck a defencelessly woman †a woman who out of the kindness of her heart was collecting for the poor, a woman who was only †;\r\nâ€Å"But its not a block of ice, its †»\r\nTheo raised a finger in the air. â€Å"Not some other word, Dale, not until I read you your rights.†Theo could tell he was getting to Dale †veins were starting to pulse rate in the contractors temp les and his bald head was bout bright pink. Hippie, huh? â€Å"Lena is definitely pressing charges, arent you, Lena?â€Â\r\nLena had make her way to the side of the truck.\r\nâ€Å"No,†Lena said.\r\nâ€Å"Bitch!†Theo said †it slipped out before he could stop himself. Hed been on such a roll.\r\nâ€Å" bump into how she is,†said Dale. â€Å"Wish you had a bag of ice now, dont you, hippie?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Im an officer of the law,†Theo said, privation he had a gun or something. He pulled his badge wallet out of his back pocket but decided that was a little late for ID, since hed know Dale for nearly twenty years.\r\nâ€Å"Yeah, and Im a Caribou,†Dale said, with more pride than he really should have had nearly that.\r\nâ€Å"Ill forget all about it if he puts a hundred bucks in the kettle,†Lena said.\r\nâ€Å"Youre nuts, woman.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Its Christmas, Dale.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Fuck Christmas and fuck you.â€Â\r\nâ €Å"Hey, theres no need for that kind of talk, Dale,†Theo said, going for the peace in peace officer. â€Å"You can just step out of the truck.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Fifty bucks in the kettle and he can go,†Lena said. â€Å"Its for the needy.â€Â\r\nTheo whipped around and looked at her. â€Å"You cant plea-bargain in the parking lot of the Thrifty-Mart. I had him on the ropes.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Shut up, hippie,†Dale said. thus to Lena, â€Å"Youll take twenty and the needy can get bent. They can get a job like the rest of us.â€Â\r\nTheo was sure he had handcuffs in the Volvo †or were they still on the bedpost at substructure? â€Å"That is not the way we †»\r\nâ€Å"Forty!†Lena shouted.\r\nâ€Å"through!†Dale said. He pulled two twenties from his wallet, wadded them up, and threw them out the window so they bounced off of Theo Crowes chest. He threw the truck in gear and endorse out.\r\nâ€Å"Stop right there!†Theo commanded.\r\nDale righted the truck and took off. As the big red pickup passed Theos Volvo station wagon, parked twenty yards up the lot, a bag of ice came flight of stairs out the window and exploded against the Volvos tailgate, showering the parking lot with cubes but otherwise doing no damage whatsoever. â€Å"Merry Christmas, you psycho bitch!†Dale shouted out the window as he turned onto the street. â€Å"And to all a good night! Hippie!â€Â\r\nLena had tuck the wadded bills into her Santa suit and was squeezing Theos shoulder as the red truck roared out of sight. â€Å"thank for coming to my rescue, Theo.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Not much of a rescue. You should press charges.â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Im okay. Hed have gotten out of it anyway, he has great lawyers. Trust me, I know. Besides, xl bucksâ€Â\r\nâ€Å"Thats the Christmas spirit,†Theo said, not able to keep from smiling. â€Å"You sure youre okay?â€Â\r\nâ€Å"Im fine. Its not the first time hes lost it with me.†She patted the pocket of her Santa suit. â€Å"At least(prenominal) something came of this.†She started back to her kettle and Theo followed.\r\nâ€Å"You have a week to file charges if you change your mind,†Theo said.\r\nâ€Å"You know what, Theo? I really dont want to make pass another Christmas obsessing on what a complete waste of humanity Dale Pearson is. Id rather let it go. Maybe if were lucky hell be one of those holiday fatalities were always hearing aboutâ€Â\r\nâ€Å"That would be nice,†said Theo.\r\nâ€Å"Now whos in the Christmas spirit?â€Â\r\nIn another Christmas story, Dale Pearson, evil developer, self-absorbed woman hater, and seemingly unredeemable curmudgeon, might be visited in the night by a series of ghosts who, by showing him bleak visions of Christmas future, past, and present, would bring about in him a change to generosity, kindness, and a general warmth toward his fellow man But this is not th at kind of Christmas story, so here, in not too many pages, someone is going to dispatch the scummy son of a bitch with a shovel. Thats the spirit of Christmas yet to come in these parts. Ho, ho, ho.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'The Best Alaskan Salmon in Ohio\r'
'The Best Alaskan pink-orange in Ohio David Johnson DeVry University The Best Alaskan chromatic in Ohio If I said it was attainable to have fresh, n of all time crisp, Alaskan pink-orange delivered anywhere in the United States within twain days of the cope withk universe caught, people might call me crazy. I know I would but that is on the nose what I found being announce when I began searching for online retailers of Alaskan salmon. I have been enjoying salmon for a foresighted time and living in key Ohio has forced me to try many avenues for the come to the foreflank salmon I could find.My choices were oftentimes special(a) to whatever stock of salmon was unattached at local retail locations that were often previously frozen. What I needed was a service that offered me a wide phase of paradoxical, fresh salmon and Great-Alaska-Sea forage exceeded my expectations with the best perceptiveness salmon I have ever had. The setoff thing I reflection for when I b uy salmon is spirit and to me that means wild-caught, non farm brocaded salmon. The problem here is the huge bulk of salmon interchange in stores is sold as being â€Å"wild†from the Atlantic Ocean but this is not entirely true.The trick here is fisheries are allowed to commercialise their salmon as â€Å"wild†as long as the fish is allowed to travel in the Atlantic Ocean. However, they are stock-still being fed processed food pellets. The main difference between wild and farm raised(a) is their diet, which affects the overall reference of the fish. There are even wellness considerations that should be taken if farm raised fish is frequently consumed. Wild salmon from Alaska are considered by many as the best source of quality salmon easy.Since this fishery was based out of Alaska I had some confidence I would be paying for the best salmon out there and they delivered on their promise. The freshness of the fish was also a big line when I began to enterta in the idea of devising an order for salmon online. Locally I am often left to pluck from Alaskan salmon filets that were previously frozen for transportation to Ohio, on the other hand, the starting time thing I noticed was this gild offered submit overnight shipping with a minimum purchase that was in my cost range. This almost seemed too good to be true.Amongst many other online retailers I could not find a single opponent oblation this service. With their service offering free overnight shipping with special case that involves dry-ice, I was able to purchase a fresh, never frozen, salmon. When I received my first order I was almost dazed that I could have an Alaskan salmon, precisely caught a day or two before, delivered to my door. This exceeded my expectations largely because I would have never thought it was possible. As a lot as I love salmon, all(prenominal)thing must be taken in moderation. Eating the arrogate same type of salmon every week might get dumb f ast.So, I also needed a good amount of phase available to purchase amongst the different salmon species inborn to Alaska. The main types between salmon are â€Å"white†and â€Å"red†flesh and they sense of taste distinctly different. When parlayed with the different locations and diets of the Alaskan salmon species, this allows for a lot of different ship canal to prepare and cook the fish. This is very significant to me and I was very happy to see this caller offered 8 different species of salmon. To convey even more variety the company offers over 10 different take in methods that add incredible flavor to the fish.All of which I have tried and taste phenomenal, including a variety of other seafood items they sell ranging from considerable crab legs to prawns that weigh one jampack each. When I began my search for a modern source of salmon I forecast I would not have much luck living in Ohio. What I found was a company offering one of the best online serv ices I have ever seen. The free overnight shipping plus the large variety of fresh salmon was exactly what I was looking for. I did a vast amount of research on quaternate retailers that sell salmon and other seafood online and what I found is, for us salmon lovers far from the ocean, this is best option available.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Print Media Versus Electronic Media Relations Essay\r'
'Print media today is tranquillize considered to be the number iodinness medium for humans dealings practiti iodiners, in spite of the recent progress were visiting in electronic media and especi onlyy the Internet. populace dealings practitioners channel any pertinent instruction finished the media in order to position it to its tar put audiences or sh beholders in the club. everyday transaction professionals nighly deal with affect media. Print media is considered an measurable function for heartyity transaction professionals because galore(postnominal) intelligence activitypaper and clipping agencies use new dethaws.\r\nBefore the wicked attacks on the World Trade midst in New York City on kinfolk 11, 2001 intelligence agencypaper readership had been steadily declining in the unify States and the rest of the world. After September 11, 2001 intelligence agencypapers readership had improved as well the media’s image. Ameri ignores suddenly dem anded to get by to be informed roughly world affairs, special anyy the war on terror and protect our nation. From â€Å"The Practice of Public Relations†hand: 49% considered the media â€Å"highly professional,†comp ard to 73% subsequently 9/11, 59% considered the media â€Å"politic whollyy biased,†comp ared to 47% after 9/11, and 35% recalld the countersignworthiness media â€Å" gull’t care†virtually the state they report on, while 47% contract up them compassionate.\r\nBased on a study done by the U.S. attention & Market Outlook in that location are 30,700 printing companies in the coupled States. As for magazines 17,321 are published in the United States according to the National Directory of Magazines. what is much magazine readership has seen an increase in its readership.\r\n direct I exit begin discussing promotion and its relevance. rootage, off forwarding is known as the conscious attempt to manage the world ly concern’s perception of a overcome. promotion is achieved by directly wor major power with media. In addition, furtherance is infrastood a to a greater extent powerful method than advertising. Advertising embody a lot of money. Think closely it a full-page ad in the New York Times or ring Street Journal could cost a company or an individual thousands of dollars. promotion cost compared to advertising are really low, it merely costs a company their judgment of conviction and effort to create. Publicity is considered to be more(prenominal) than credible than advertising because it’s similar to a third-party endorsement. Its thought of as â€Å" countersign†so about bulk volition trust it.\r\n in that location are six causas why forwarding kit and boodle well for an cheek. early one is when announcing a new product or expediency. homogeneous I said earlier advancement is deemed as discussion so utilizing packaging originally advertisi ng is crucial. Second, frequentity buttocks be advantageous when recognizing an old product. third base reason is when explaining a complicated product. This elbow room its tough to explain a sundry(a) product in an advertisement because advertisements are limited. Companies bottom non possibly fit e verything they want into a brief advertisement so they contrive a forwarding stunt much(prenominal) as a staged detail to discuss complex products or processs. one-quarter value of earthity for any validation is little or no budget. This suggests that companies with under(a)size budgets rat non afford to devote at that place eon to advertising, so they turn to normality, which is quite crummy and exceptionally effective.\r\nThe fifth value of realityity is enhancing the organization’s reputation. This in my position is very grand job for usual dealing practitioners. The best guidance to draw forward or enhance an organization’s reputation is through publicity and non through advertising because it is self-serving and very ineffective. The die hard reason why publicity engages uncorrupted sense for any organization is during a crisis. According to our textbook publicity techniques are the fastest and or so credible inwardness of response during a crisis. This is in any case known as damage control, companies oft choose this route when a crisis occurs.\r\n instantly I will discuss some other form of public dealing that’s taken part of print media, propaganda. First off the purpose of propaganda is to influence large number’s tone and manipulate tidy sum to change their behavior, rather than to communicate the facts slightly something. The early uses of propaganda can be traced all the modal value back in 1600’s. The Catholic Church used propaganda to inform and persuade the public. Back during those years the term propaganda did non retain the same negative connotation care it has today. Propaganda excessively was used during the days that led to the American Revolution. Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams and many an(prenominal) others participated in propagating anti-British information to the rest of the colonies. harsh examples where propaganda can be easily found in newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, government reports, news reports, books, posters, and level(p) art work.\r\nNext topic that I will discuss is how to pitch publicity successfully. The public traffic textbook outlines 10 rules or tips on how to achieve publicity after create verbally a release. First tip is to know deadlines. Time means everything especially for newspapers. They guide stories displace to them at a precise time so they can follow up on the story to make certain its not phony. Second tip is to write to them directly, do not call. Reporters induct a gigantic deal deadlines to make, they don’t need some other person calling adjacent up on in that location release. th erefore, writing them a letter is preferable and considered comely etiquette. The third is to direct the release to a specific person or editor. It would fit any person entrusting releases to a newspaper to write which department or specific editor needs to see your release. The reason to direct your release to a specific person is because newspapers consist of many departments and even more newsmans and writers.\r\nNext one is similar to the last one, which is to determine how the newsperson wants to be contacted. This shows the reporter that you care to the highest degree his or her preferences. Something not to do is to besiege an editor to get your story to be published. This is a wrong tactic and it substance abuse further your cause. Badgering could only leave to worse results in the future. The future(a) dickens are to use exclusives but be careful and make sure you do your own calling. Making your own calls or else of letting an assistant to it is a bulls eye of respect. The next suggestions are to not send clips of other stories about your client and to stop a kindred. Developing a good professional relationship is key to accomplishing things. The snap off you know a reporter the more successful your company will be. The last rule and in my opinion the most cardinal job for a public relations practitioner is to never lie. once they lose trust in you the relationship is severed and pretty much over.\r\n entirely in all print media is still regarded as the strongest medium for public relations professionals. Print media can be achieved through publicity and advertising. Organizations should perpetually consider publicity before advertising because it offers some dogmatic benefits. Furthermore propaganda is the spreading of ideas and information for the purposes of incentive or manipulating behavior. For the most part deal believe propaganda is usually false, which isn’t prerequisite true. The last topic I wrote about was how to pitch publicity effectively to reporters; these rules were defined in our textbook.\r\nElectronic media has stupefy king in the twenty-first century. Fifty part of the nation gets their news from tv set. Today there are more then the spectacular three ne cardinalrks. Cable television has father a monster itself with many carry devoted to news twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week such as CNN, flurry News Channel, and MSNBC. The internet is as well as a very fast growing media for tribe to get their news, especially for teenagers and large number in their twenties. Radio also falls under electronic media. Talk wireless is also broad in today’s nation with many popular wireless hosts such as shiver Limbaugh, Howard Stern, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. provided what makes news media so popular? Is it the duty here and right now mindset that the peck of today have? in that respect are many things that contribute to this. These next couple of paragraphs is release to explore electronic media and public relations of public media.\r\n batch love to delay TV. I believe I mentioned earlier that fifty per centum of the nation gets their news from television. The fact is that most sight get their news from the television. The reason this is that there is non-stop bombardment of news and blether shows on at all times. in that location are even specific news series and channels that specialize in a certain part of the news such as ESPN for sports coverage, Bloomberg TV for personal line of credit market coverage, and Entertainment To shadow for the in vogue(p) celebrity gossip. These specialty television shows have grown together with the growth of wire television.\r\nThere are so many different news agencies out there now trying to break the big story that public relations representatives for companies are working over time to make sure that their company is not under attack from a nosey reporter trying to rise in the ranks. It i s a recurring nightmare for the public relations department of many big corporations. Katie Couric has a great quote on the champaign that sums it all up very nicely: â€Å"Some news coverage has become more salacious, more sensationalistic, less intelligent, more giving people what they want to examine or what you think they want to hear, rather than what you think they need to or should ideally hear.â€Â\r\nBecause of news shows being on all the time, there is one very Copernican thing that every public relations people should know how to do and that is suitcase a television interrogate. If a public relations person does not know what they are doing when being interviewed, they can potentially hurt the company that they are supposed(p) to be representing. There are many different do’s and don’ts that should be imagineed when participating in an interview but I am going to skip right down to the most important part. The biggest two things you need to rememb er when being interviewed is be honest and be ready.\r\nTelevision publicity is not al shipway a bad thing. Since most people get their news from television, companies usually will want to take advantage of this phenomenon and go to the general public through television. The way companies do this is through the moving picture news release. The people in public relations most oft use the television set news release for breaking news. disruption news telly releases are sent by satellite directly to a news agency. There is also another causa of video news release that is not for breaking news, which is called coniferous video news releases. Evergreen video news releases are a great deal sent to broadcasters on a cassette. This is the case because of the fact that an evergreen video news release is not necessarily as important so time is usually not an issue.\r\n video recording news releases are very important for the person who works in public relations. There are many import ant guidelines to video news releases that should be kept in mind while one is being produced. One of the most important things about producing a video news release is localizing it. A VNR will more give carely be used if it can be tailored for specific areas. other thing that should be remembered about VNRs is that a good VNR tells a story. It does need to be a story tailored to the television viewer. This means that the VNR should be curt and to the bill with sound bites and graphics. It should appear as if the VNR is retributive like any other interchange of news on the station. A VNR should not be produced if there is nothing to see. If there is no video or no pictures, then it is a waste of time and money. People will not keep up it so broadcasting corporations will not even bother to pick it up.\r\nThere are some downsides and risks to VNRs. I give voice risks because only like cinemas at the movie theater, there are going to be some flops. And also just like movies , VNR producers can lose large amounts of money. A public relations person should make sure that a VNR is needed before producing one. The VNR should also be expensive. Do not cheapen the VNR and cut corners because the broadcasting corporations will recognize this and not waste their airtime. Public relations people should also profit that there are other ways to get the news out to the public. unspoilt because something needs to be reported to the public does not mean that a VNR should be used. Some analysis needs to be taken into consideration to make sure that the VNR is actually the right way to send the information. There are some controversies on whether VNRs are an accurate and undeceiving form of news yet overall the VNR is an effective way to get an important message to millions of people.\r\n other form of electronic media that is important for all people that practice public relations is the public military run announcements. A public service announcement is basical ly just a long commercial that is play for no cost. The organizations that use these most often are the ones of the non-profit sort or of corporations that are doing non-profit activities to better their public image. Although public service announcements are on television, they are not seen by many except for the night owls. Most, but not all, of the public service announcements are run between midnight and 6:00AM. This is due to the fact that companies need commercials that bring in revenue and since public service announcements do not do that, they often do not get the fix time spots. Most public service announcements are like commercials that try to get the viewer to take a specific course of action. They are not around as significant as the video news release from a public relations standpoint.\r\nThe wireless is the last electronic media that will be lecturinged about. Talk radio receiver has become huge in the United States. Twenty-two percent of Americans listen to conv ersation radio according to Scarborough Research. The growth of prate radio can be pinpointed to two reasons. The first is that many more people now work at home. This is because of the quick growth of technology. People no lasting need to go to the office because they can finish all their work at home. The second reason that talk radio has grown is the fact that people sweat all the time. Since it is very dangerous to watch television while driving, most people listen to the radio while getting from point A to point B.\r\nThere are now talk shows on just about any subject you could possibly be interested in from sports to hypnotism to conspiracy theories. People like to listen to talk radio because it is â€Å"realâ€Â. Talk show hosts say what they want to say and are paid to have an opinion. Talk shows are also interactive. It gives the people that listen to the show a voice. You can call in and give your opinion on the matter as well. AM talk radio is dominated by conse rvative viewpoints such as Rush Limbaugh, a pioneer in talk radio. Talk radio can also be very controversial so media directors need to be very selective, careful, and prepared if planning to be on a talk radio program.\r\nBecause television and radio have become such a big part of everyday keep in the United States, public relations people need to be sensitive of it and use it to the fullest potential. News on electronic media is a here and now type of media. News needs to be short and pointed to make sure that the viewer does not lose interest. Electronic media is the future so public relations people should be exploring the opportunities now.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'The Outbreak of the HIV Virus\r'
'Who would fork by ever thought that a disease, possibly brought to the States by give Afri fire monkeys, would affect the landed estate forever? This is exactly what happened in the late ordinal century when the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( support) was introduced to America. The unpredictable pandemic caused a grand outrage for age to come. The extravasation of the humankind immunodeficiency computer virus virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, in the early 1980″s resulted in medical research, public misconceptions, and ultimately growing alertness. appear first unaccompanied in human creation men, acquired immune deficiency syndrome was an unfamiliar virus to the entire join States.\r\nReports of mystical and unexplainable symptoms caused much confusion among patients and horizontal posits. In 1981, the first reports explained that 41 homosexual men in the San Fransisco area had â€Å"… a rare and often apace fatal form of cancer† (Altman n. p. ). After eld of researching these cases and millions of others appearing later in the decade, scientists discovered that it was non cancer they were dealing with. They c tot each(prenominal)yed it human immunodeficiency virus (Human Immune Virus) which stretch forths to assist (Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome) that â€Å"… rogressively destroys the bodyâ€Âs tycoon to fight infections and certain cancers†(ARIC n. p. ).\r\nWith minimal research there was nonhing to initially â€Å"combat†the virus; but, give thanks to time and funding, there were somewhat drugs that seemed to help free the spread of the virus in ones body. These anti-retroviral drugs salvage dont prove as cures ! for the virus, but withstand definitely helped and persist in to help patients live colossaler (ARIC n. p. ). Since a vaccine to â€Å"… evoke an immune system response that get out prevent infection or disease phylogenesis†still ha s non been found, other treatments energize been tested.\r\nAccupuncture, variant management, hypnosis, exercise, good nutrition, and an overall electropositive attitude all seem to alleviate symptoms even if they are not proven cures of the virus (Packer 78-88). Although assist is a liveness threatening disease, there were m each stack sustenance with it by keeping healthy and staying safe. Scott Fried had not tried any of the aniviral drugs; however, practices such as winning 80 herbs and vitamins a day, staying physically fit, visiting the doctor every three months, and existence happy ache kept him alive with the virus for thirteen days (Fried speach).\r\nMost victims have not lived as long as he which is why AIDS has lead to some extensive research. Investigators supported by backstage and public funds continued to search for a cure or even an explanation of HIV/AIDS for two decades because like the â€Å"b! need plagueâ€Â, AIDS has killed off millions of peo ple in a short time. Also like the scandalous plague did, AIDS carried with it a long wander of misconceptions. In the Middle Ages anyone carrying the â€Å"black plague†was to be avoided. Similarly, the public would often avoid people with AIDS.\r\n there were fabrications that AIDS could be caught by another human being from sneezing, coughing, hugging, kissing or even any â€Å"casual contact†; so, people stayed a right smart from those who were infected by AIDS. Another lie was that AIDS was caused by something magical or mystical (Taylor 23-24). Though some were overly sleepless of â€Å"catching†the virus, others were not careful enough. Since the initial outbreak was among gay men it was alone assumed that solely gay men could be touch. Then reports of IV drug users having the disease still seemed to eliminate the chance of the common person being infected.\r\nNext, hemophiliacs and people who had had blood transfusions were reported followed by b lacks, Hispanics, lesbians, hearty women and eventually white, heterosexual, males. Still everyone said â€Å"It canâ€Ât happen to me,†until it did (Fried speech). This assumption that AIDS only affected few amounts of people and only minorities was the basis of all misconceptions about that virus. People did not believe the virus could have any allude on their lives; but, it did impact everyones lives directly and or indirectly.\r\nNow that â€Å"AIDS is the jiffy leading cause of death in the United States among people aged 25 to 44″ (ARIC n. p. ), the misconceptions have been proven to be false. Although it was statistically correct that 66% of people infected by AIDS were homosexual males, 24% were IV drug users, and only 4% were heterosexual males or females (Packer 17) it was still a incident that AIDS can affect anyone. After years of research and statistical reports there were finally people relaying these messages to the public.\r\nMotivational speak ers, like Scott Fried, continue to reach out to teens and adults about AIDS and sex. Information about these subjects can also be found easily, not only at hospitals or doctors†offices; but in books, magazines, pamphlets, and even on the internet. Conducting a simple search on http://www. yahoo. com came up with 164 â€Å"category matches,†1,206 â€Å" net site matches,†and 237,000 web page matches. This means that HIV/AIDS appears at least 238,370 times on th! e world wide web and it shows that AIDS in an important component of modern life.\r\nNot only are people becoming aware of the AIDS epidemic, but they are becoming aware of grammatical gender through learning about AIDS. Before the outbreak of this fatal virus sex was only speak about discretely. Now even kids are being made aware of the dangers of sex and spreading HIV. In this way HIV/AIDS had a positive affect on the country. People are aware of the facts and probably make better decisions. Some ex perts have said that AIDS will remain the way it is now and others predict it growing into a â€Å"huge epidemic†(Taylor 28).\r\nHopefully due to this expansion of experience and recognition, he AIDS virus will not spread as quickly and infect as many people as it has in the past. HIV positive, homosexual, male, Scott Fried, said, â€Å"Ironically one of the blessings that HIV/AIDS has brought me is the abundance of love. . . †and perhaps that is true. Pertaining to the eighties and the early onset of the virus, AIDS caused much more commotion than love. However, every befog has a silver lining and the hysteria has finally cleared up some myths. It has opened up the public to not only HIV/AIDS awareness, but sexual cognizance as well.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Interoffice Memorandum Essay\r'
'In recent months, the Roanoke office has had complaints from cardinal clients. Customer satisfaction is declining; this is bureauly due to pitiful esprit de corps among the subsection’s employees. It has come to my direction that just abtaboo of the graphic designers and art directors feel that their ideas atomic number 18 not being taken seriously. All the while, employees are throw longer hours without proper compensation. We moldiness let up our immediate attention to this feature as Roanoke handles roughly of our biggest clients. We must also be sure the employees we take away are being treated as part of a team.\r\nAs an executive director team, it is very(prenominal) eventful to reach out to the Roanoke branch to find out the root of the problem before the entire friendship is affected. Here is my proposed plan of communication with the branch:\r\n• Zachary inelegant †Speak with Roanoke’s clients to estimate if they can return any f eedback as far as trends they susceptibility be seeing in the branch’s operations.\r\n• Al Gucciardo †Speak with the Public Relations plane section employees and get their feedback\r\n• Troy Richards †Speak with the marketing division employees for their feedback\r\n• Devi Dewdat†Speak with the advertising department employees for their feedback\r\nPlease determine together a report from each someone you speak with by July 31, 2014. I go away decent with Michelle Garner, the HR director of the Roanoke branch to controvert the issues. We ordain then hold an executive meeting to discuss the status of the branch and what changes need to be considered.\r\n convey you in advance for all your time. This is a very critical time for the Roanoke branch and the company as a whole.\r\nAs previously discussed in our drop dead meeting, we need to communicate with the employees at your branch closely their concerns due to the longer hours t hey have been required to work recently.\r\nPlease provide the payroll statement for the branch for the past 12 months. These will help the executive team analyze how the employees’ time is being managed to see where management might be falling ill-considered.\r\nThis is a very critical time for the Roanoke branch. We must work together\r\nto end to the low morale that seems to have taken over the office. With that, please do work that getting these statements your top priority today. I will be traveling to the branch on Thursday, July 31 to go over them.\r\nPlease keep in mind that we will be approaching this situation at all angles and we can discuss some ideas on how to improve employee morale overall at our meeting.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Unit 26\r'
'Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Assignment Brief television & Film | |Unit 26: Film Studies | backing: Analytical Approaches and Relationships surrounded by Films and | | |their Production Context | | | division: 2013 |Group: Year 12 | |Assignment expiration: |Assignment Deadline: |Assessor: | | / /2013 |Draft Submission: / /2013 |G. Rushworth | | | lowest Submission: / /2013 | | |This brief has been approved by: |appointment: | |J. MacKay |Jan 13 | Context | | | |This unit aims to develop learners’ spirit of how carrys be created for specific audiences and how they make meaning for those | |audiences through an exploration of industry practices and the application of a retch of theoretical approaches. The insights that | |learners develop allow for inform their approaching take work. | |Learning Outcomes: |Unit: | |Be fit to apply different analytic approaches to conducts |26. 1 | | agnise the birth between films and their work contexts |26. 2 | useful Resources: | |www. imdb. com | |Film website with range of industry and film data | |www. empireonline. co. uk | |Possibly word’s biggest and best film magaizine with huge back catalouge of reviews/features | | | |There is a very large selection of DVDs available in Media Studies.Just fill a Media t for each oneer to take a mien. | +-+ | assign 1: Analytical Approaches | | move on |Using the analytical approaches of writing style analysis, content analysis and auteur theory, create a |? |P1 | | |detailed discussion of the gangster musical genre. | | | | | | | | | |You will look at the film Goodfellas, and extracts from The Godfather, Scarface, Ameri provoke Gangster| | | | |and occupy Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. | | | | |? | | | |Your discussion of the genre may be d genius as a 1400 word report, or as a cardinal minute Power Point| | | | |presentation with serial let downs. | | | | | | | | | |In your analysis of the g angster genre you should also consider the following: | | | | | |? | | |Codes and Conventions | | | | |Iconography | | | | |Findings from both your content and textual analysis | | | | |Narrative structure | | | | |Audience Readings |? | | be |In checkition: | |M1 | | | applicable exemplars that draw upon elements or details of the films studied will be devoted to buy at| | | | |what is said, provided you will not specify these examples to tell how they illustrate the point they |? | | | |support. In discussing codes and conventions in a genre analysis you might note: | | | | | | | | | |‘The lingua is distinguish of the iconography of the horror movie and is ofttimes the means by which the | | | | |victim is killed.In 12 of the 15 movies I studied for my content analysis a knife was used for at| | | | |least one of the murders and in five it was used for all of them. The otherwise two common means of | | | | |killing were choking with a rope and with the b be ha nds. Knives have connotations of | | | | | cut movements and gushing blood. The most famous example of this must(prenominal) be the squander scene in | | | | |Hitchcock’s Psycho. Being knifed to death is particularly frightening because you hobo see the | | | | |person killing you.It’s not identical shooting, which is done at a outperform and is a much more | | | | |cold-blooded means of killing. This is why the gun is the conventional weapon in gangster movies | | | | |like Scarface. ’ | | | |DISTINCTION |Ideas will be developed and points supported with arguments and well focused examples which are | |D1 | | |elucidated in such a air as to draw out of the example precisely what it is roughly it that |? | | | |exemplifies the point it illustrates. | | | | |Examples will refer to precisely defined elements or details of the films studied.In discussing | | | | |codes and conventions in a genre analysis you might note: | | | | | | | | | |‘The kni fe is part of the iconography of the horror movie and is often the means by which the | | | | |victim is killed. In 12 of the 15 movies I studied for my content analysis a knife was used for at| | | | |least one of the murders and in five it was used for all of them. The other two common means of | | | | |killing were strangulation with a rope and with the bare hands.What | | | | |these methods all have in common is that they involve close bodily accomplish between the victim and | | | | |the killer, | | | | |which makes the murder more frightening, remote shooting which is done at a space and is a much| | | | |more | | | | |cold-blooded way of killing. This is why the gun is the conventional weapon in gangster movies | | | | |like Scarface | | | | |or war movies like Platoon, where the killing of Elias by Barnes poses how far apart they are | | | | |morally as well | | | | |as physically and Barnes’s act seems even more cipher because it is so careful and | | | | |deli berate. Knives have | | | |developed connotations through intertextuality that are specific to horror movies, such as | | | | |slashing movements | | | | |and gushing blood. In the most famous example of this †the shower scene in Hitchcock’s Psycho †| | | | |we never actually see the murderer, but we do see the movement of the knife repeated over and over| | | | |again, and the blood swirling down the shower outlet as though it is just water. ’ | | | business 2 Relationship Between Films And Their Production Contexts | |PASS |Empire, an established film magazine, wants you to write an informative bind (800 words) about| |P2 | | |Hollywood’s Goodfellas (1990) and Britain’s pursue Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998). |? | | | |You can use your notes from task 1 to help you. Your denomination will look at the affinity each | | | | |film has with the production company and the factors that influence that relationship. | | | | | | | | |Your expression should discuss the following: | | | | |Stars | | | | |Social issues | | | | |Regulatory bodies | | | | | monetary determinants | | | | |Distribution and Exhibition | | | | |Vertical and horizontal ntegration | | | | |Synergies between different films |? | | | | | | | | |You will ensure your article looks professional. You should add stills from both films, and use | | | | | allow for font and layout. | | | | deservingness |You will talk about the relationships between production contexts and films, in such a way as to | |M2 | | |show why they are the way they are, or the effects they have on the films that are produced. |? | | | | | | | |Relevant examples that draw upon elements or details of the films studied will be habituated to support| | | | |what is said. | | | | | | | | | |Relevant existent information about production contexts will be offered although it will not be | | | | |used to support developed argument. | | |DISTINCTION |You will talk critically about the relationships between production contexts and films, justifying| |D2 | | |points |? | | | |made with accompaniment arguments or take the stand. | | | | | | | | | |You will draw out of an example precisely what it is about | | | | |it that exemplifies the point it illustrates.Material about production contexts will be well | | | | |researched and will refer to precisely focused elements or details of the film/films studied. | | | | | | | | | |You will provide full and extensive explanations and systematically provide arguments to support | | | | |points made. Relevant examples that draw upon elements or details of the films studied will be | | | | |given to support what is said. | | | |Guidance for this Assignment |Task |? |To fall upon a PASS grade, the evidence must show that you are able to: | |P1 | take hold approaches to analysing films with some suppress use of takings terminology |1 | | |P2 | diagnose the relationship between films and their production contexts wi th some appropriate use of undefended |2 | | | |terminology | | | |To happen upon a MERIT grade, the evidence must show that you are able to: | |M1 |Apply approaches to analysing films coherently with propagation to detailed illustrative examples and generally|1 | | | | go under use of subject terminology | | | |M2 |Explain the relationship between films and their production contexts with reference to detailed illustrative |2 | | | |examples and generally correct use of subject terminology | | | |To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, the evidence must show that you are able to: | |D1 |Apply approaches to analysing films critically, supporting points with arguments and elucidated examples and |1 | | | |consistently use subject terminology correctly | | | |D2 |Comprehensively explain the relationship between films and their production contexts with elucidated examples|2 | | | |and consistently using subject terminology correctly | | | Tutor’s Feedback | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Referral †What the learner should do: | | | |Tutor’s key signature/ get a line |IV Signature/Date | | | | | scholarly person’s Feedback | | | | | | | | | | | |Learner’s Signature/Date | | | ———————†Grading Criteria: Text taken directly from criteria in BTEC guidelines\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Obesity Is Not a Personal Problem\r'
' corpulency is Not a Personal fuss As the obesity wave crashes over the united States, more than Americans ar paying out of carrier bag to flourish the $33 billion commercial f be industry (Spake 283). As American’s waistbands get across to expand, they immerse themselves in one of the largest, most immoral consumer markets: the fish loss industry. Amanda Spake, author of â€Å"Rethinking Weightâ€Â, addresses the headspring as to who should comprehend the over each cost of cargo loss programs. Spake challenges that insurance companies should pay for the expenses that obese concourse encounter.\r\nThis, she states, is imput optionable to the fact that obesity is a biological â€Å"disease†and it should be treated and paid for desire any other critical illness (283). In this clause, Spake does not present the sizeableness of physical activity, hardly discussing unsuccessful dieting experiences and bad genetic makeup. Although Spake curtly suggests that exercising is an advantage to those who atomic number 18 obese, she puts the solitary tear for obesity on the genetic aspect. From 1986 to 2000, the number of battalion who are severely obeseâ€which is identified by having a body mass index of 40 or moreâ€has quadrupled, from about 1 in 200 adults to 1 in every 50.\r\nThis shock statistic has caused more people to be aware of this emerging occurrence that has swept over the United States. corpulency has medical professionals worrying; not save are the numbers of hard people continuing to spring but weight-related medical costs are soaring. health fearfulness costs for illnesses due to obesity develop today exceeded those related to both smoking and alcoholism. The obesity pestilent is a big contributor to skyrocketing health care costs in the United States, partly due to the weight-related diseases that come hand-in-hand with obesity.\r\nAilments such as type II diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and hig h cholesterol are near connected to obesity and an alarming 80 percent of obese adults suffer from one of these life-threatening diseases (Spake 283). numerous research foundations are now connecting obesity to a person’s genetic makeup, calling it a biological development that an mortal cannot verify. Spake suggests that insurance companies should dressing the costs of obesity as it is a genetically and biologically determined disease thus the individual does not require the ability to misplace weight on their own.\r\nAs a result, researchers suggest that including the give-and-take of obesity in health care plans energy bring science and sanity to the anarchy of weight loss (Spake 286). Many researchers do not find obesity as a disease in fear that unhealthy weight-loss programs will nearday be considered acceptable treatment and ultimately mandated to be cover by insurance. Although Spake validates her assertions by backing up her speech with credible opinions and statistics, she weakens her statement by not addressing the importance of physical activity. Maria Pfisterer is an obese mother who Spake claims has essay every weight-loss strategy imaginable.\r\nHowever, nowhere does it say that in addition to the drugs and â€Å"quick-weight-loss fads†Pfisterer had attempted to include an exercise regime. She claimed that all of the programs she tried resulted in a few pounds broken and quite a few more gained; constantly returning to the same 197 to 202 pound range. Being heavy(a) is the result of one thing: eating more nourishment than one stings (Spake 285). Nowhere in the article does Spake suggest that physical activity is a effective, healthy and inexpensive way to lose weight, choosing to put forth the idea that weight loss comes only from high-priced dieting programs.\r\nIn her article, Spake claims that genetics are the sole factor for obesity in America. in that location are many other factors mentioned in the artic le that play into someone’s weight including the food they eat, their level of physical activity, and societal factors such as advertising. Also, Spake quotes Arthur Frank, director of George Washington University’s Weight commission Program, â€Å"So saying to an obese person who wants to lose weight, ‘ wholly you have to do is eat less,’ is standardised saying to a person suffering from asthma, ‘All you have to do is breathe better’†(284).\r\nObesity and asthma are two very unalike things therefore should not be compared. An individual who is overweight can take control of their weight-gain by taking more personal responsibility and making fitter choices. However, asthma is an inflammatory disorder that can charter at any time which causes an individual to suspire or gasp for air where an individual cannot control its effects. Not everyone agrees that obesity should be considered a disease, some stating that the obesity epidemi c can be disordered by individuals taking more personal right for their wellbeing and opting to make healthier lifestyle choices (Spake 283).\r\nIn an alarmed attempt to make readers believe that obesity should be considered a disease and insurance companies should cover the cost of the individual’s expenses, Spake fails to provide comely evidence to support her claim. She maintains that overweight people have a genetic flaw that causes them to be predisposed to weight gain. Physical exercise, which is seldom mentioned in Spake’s article, is an important weight loss tool that helps to burn the extra calories an individual’s body does not burn on its own.\r\nSpake portrays a defective argument that invalidates her main purpose. People with health insurance should get wind to see what is covered and seek healthier, less-expensive alternatives to fix the things that are not included. Regardless of what â€Å"Rethinking Weight†suggests, overweight indi viduals have an equal opportunity to replace their existing lifestyle with healthier habits. Works Cited Spake, Amanda. â€Å"Rethinking Wight. †Writing and Reading for ACP Composition. Eds. doubting Thomas E. Leahey and Christine R. Farris. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2009. 282-88. Print.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Gay Marriage: the Recognition of Equal Human Rights Essay\r'
'In America, great deal hit on to the Declaration of Independence as an instruction execution of their rights. Part of the Declaration of Independence clearly states, â€Å"We appreciation these truths to be self-evident, that all men be created tally, that they be endowed by their Creator with certain nontransferable Rights, that among these atomic number 18 Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†(Jefferson 80). Gays are hu world beingnesss too, and they should equally be able to enthral the hu domain rights.\r\nIf we believe that ethereal rights are equal regardless of their bring upual orientation; consequently why do sprightlys book to press for equal posts in the church building building, law, and psychological compare? Gay passel, their families, and their friends are engagement for these rights. They want equality for experiencelys including pitchive wedlock, and trades union benefits that the unbroken man- charwoman labor unions e njoy. Gay brformer(a)hood dies an option because umpteen jocund couples want the equality of human rights.\r\nGays realize their rights are being abolished by the fact that they are non allowed to heavyly connect and enjoy the privileges as matrimonial couples. Only 12 states in America and partition of Columbia legally allow cheerful nuptials. The twelve states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, mum, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington (Millst wizard). mom is the first state that legalized man espousals on May 2004 (Tying the K non). Although joyouss can legally marry in these states, the couples cast off limited rights.\r\nDOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) restricts federal conjugation benefits; therefore, it pr make upts funnys from receiving the insurance benefits for organization employees, Social Security benefits, immigration, and the file of phrase tax returns (Burns). The documentary, Tying the Knot sho ws that many gay couples stay together for a retentive period of time, whether they are espouse or not. They circumstances their gos: mentally, physically, and economically. But when a mate dies, the other(a) spouse does not get his/her rights as a radiation diagram opposite-sex spouse would get, which includes pension benefits and/or the house (be capaciousings).\r\nThe mental picture shows a sad reality to this current grievance toward gay couples. While gays’ rights are being suppressed, the incertitudes produce to come up, â€Å"Is being gay an option? â€Â. This question becomes a part of controversy for gay nuptials. harmonize to Dan Eden, a writer for an online journal Viewz unmatched since 1996 on his research, â€Å" queerness is a congenital condition much resembling being ‘left-handed’. †He entrusts a scientific point of view that homosexuals are born that bureau; hormones also take sexuality, beside chromosomes. Homosexual is not a lifestyle, homosexuals are born gays and they do not carry being gay as a lifestyle.\r\nThe subject area Memo, a political newsletter since 2011, interviewed passel and asked them, â€Å"Do you think people born gay or submit to be gay? †When they answered, the interviewers added another question, â€Å"When did you choose to be straight? †which made people think. The field Memo wants people to think about this, era Eden wants to make a clear dictation that â€Å"being gay is not an optionâ€Â. The Obama presidentship has been trying to bring equal rights for gays, by stating that LGBT’s rights (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) also part of the human rights (Clinton).\r\nHillary Rodham Clinton, the US secretary of state in 2009 stated, â€Å"All people deserve to be treated with dignity and obtain their human rights respected, no matter who they are or whom they love. †It is clear that people drop an equal rights and exemp tion to love, to choose their partner, and to get married despite their sex’s orientation. On the other hand, according to Ben Newman, a public relations director who had been in position as a â€Å"healed gayâ€Â, being gay is an option and can be cured. His create has been changed to protect confidentiality.\r\nNewman explained this in his story regarding how his family tail endground and puerility experiences made him being attracted towards men, although he was already married to a woman and had children from her. Later on, he followed a reparative therapy: a reverse treatment through psychotherapeutics to change his sexual orientation. He succeeded to come back to the corporation as a â€Å"straight†man after 2 years and 3 months in the reparative therapy (Newman). In this situation, although gay wedding is already legal in some states, gay couples still struggle with their positions in regime and law, and also with their positions among church and sta te.\r\nIn government and law: when will gay couples receive an equal law for their conjugal union? Does government have the power to define espousals? It seems that even when gay couples are allowed to marry, they are without any marriage rights, because of DOMA. In regard to their position between church and state, there is much apparitional objection towards gay marriage. In the United States, Christianity and Catholicism are the chief(a) religions. These religions believe in God and believe that the marriage is rightly between a man and a woman.\r\nAlthough certain churches approve gay marriage (Tying the Knot), the dread is, how it might refer the government, and how it might cause people manipulate the marriage to get the government’s benefits (Boston). Furthermore, in State of the Union 2004, President George W. provide stated: The union of a man and woman is the most enduring human institution, honored and boost in all cultures and by every religious faith. Age s of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society.\r\nMarriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and essential roots without change the good influence of society (Burns 7). President scrub described marriage as cultural and natural way to expand the society, because of the fact that marriage between man and woman would produce and foster children. These man-woman marriages are honored by faith and beliefs. He does not want the changes in marriage values affect the society in a bad way. In addition, for people that do not agree on gay marriage, they have skepticism about how gay marriages will affect children in the afterlife.\r\nAlthough people tackle that gay couples will not have children, entirely in reality they do, either from previous relationships, adoptions or simply have to raise children from other family’s member. However, c hildren who are raised by gay couples posit legal assurance from their â€Å"gay parentsâ€Â. According to Anne Pollock, a graduate student in social studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, â€Å"The first priority of civil marriage should be to provide a secure milieu for all children.\r\nThe religious right’s study that children benefit from their [antigay activists] assaults against gay families is nothing less than hypocritical. Burns)†If the gay parents do not have equal legal rights, like what stated in DOMA; so that, if something slip aways to one of the gay parent, their children also will suffer from the consequences. For example, if a working gay spouse gets into accident at work and dies, the lines would show up for the other hold up spouse when they are denied for the support, which she/he needs to live with the children. For this reason, the benefit is future’s assurance for children themselves; lastly, it seems sanctimonious to take away these rights from the children.\r\nThe other skepticism towards gay marriage is that it will harm children. An author of several(prenominal) books about marriage, Maggie Gallagher states, â€Å"First and foremost, children need stable families to become the kind of adults who will in turn provide stable families for their future children… Legalizing same-sex marriage would sanction families that would disrobe children of the experience of either motherhood or sufferhood. (Burns)†Gallagher wants people to think that a normal family has a father and a mother to raise their children; these children will smelling upon their parents to build their own family in the future.\r\nThe family that does not have man-woman parents will create a different effect to their children. Therefore, Gallagher believes that man-woman marriage will produce children, and on the other hand, gay couples could not produce children. Specifically, gay marriage will harm children me ntally and in long term, our population. Moreover, there are other questions toward gay marriage: will it promote social stability or harm society? For years, gay people have been struggling for their recognition, although they get married in a party with friends and families, but they did not get marry legally.\r\nHowever, they have not think about their future assurance such as: the insurance benefits for government employees, Social Security benefits, immigration, or the filing of joint tax returns. Their futures seem uncertain; something might happen and take away the rights that a normal opposite-sex marriage would legally have. In addition, The California Health query Survey held a research regarding physical affliction from legal same-sex marriage and how they legally recognized themselves affect their mental heath, and it showed various numbers about how significant the recognition from society for whom they are (Wight).\r\nIf gay marriage becomes legal, there is some ass urance for their future; and, if they are socially accepted for whom they are, the society will sack forward and become a stable and break in society. On the other hand, there are skepticisms that gay marriage will harm the society. According to surface-to-air missile Schulman, a popular New York writer, gay marriage is selfish and degrades moral values from our society (Burns). muckle deserve to love and choose their partner, but if their choices are not base on acceptable morality, then they should not do it.\r\nGallagher is strengthening Schulman’s conviction; Gallagher points out about how marriage is the needs of man and woman, in terms sexually, to produce children, financially, and socially (Burns). In conclusion, in term of human rights, gays are human too. They have rights to be treated equally. The searching of equality has been happening for years, from the rights of black people, women’s rights to mix-race marriage rights. people have the rights to cho ose their own partner, their love, and their assurance in the future. Why legalize gay marriage if the marriage itself has taken its rights (DOMA)?\r\nPeople mention morality and society in terms for our children future, by rejecting gay marriage and its rights. Gay marriage is not the only problem that people have nowadays, there are other occurrences that ignore the morality and society; there are crimes that ignore morality values (rape), shooting in schools or public places, robbery, and many other crimes that occur. We live in a world that demands morality in society; but, what kind of morality and society that we have now †do we value ourselves better than gay people?\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Lost Worlds Essay\r'
'Some Ameri dis runs remember where they came from; others weary’t. That’s the case in Daniel Chacon’s explanation â€Å"The Biggest City in the Worldâ€Â. It is a tale most Harvey Gomez who is a Mexican the Statesn unseasoned man whose grandparents migrated to the Unites States from Mexico. Harvey has only been to Mexico once in his holy life and neither of his parents has ever been there before. then he doesn’t know anything nearly his inseparable culture or language. In this fiction Harvey travels ample inside of Mexico for the offset printing time with his Mexican record prof David P.\r\nRogstart and gets exposed to its culture and language. On the contrary, Carolina hospital’s poem â€Å"Finding inhabitation†is about Mexicans who were born in Mexico and later migrated to the States. When Harvey arrives in Mexico he tries to distance himself from the agricultural’s culture. In fact, short after he acquires ou t of his hotel room the first place that he goes to is La Zona genus Rosa because â€Å"The expensive shops, Gucci, Polo, Yves St. Laurent, relaxed him because they reminded him of Beverly Hills†(Chacon 58).\r\nHarvey is waiver to places in Mexico that he is well-known(prenominal) with back in the United States and is non stressful to explore his hereditary pattern. Perhaps this is because he doesn’t odour wish well he is a Mexican and that he is only an American. After all, he was born and increase in the United States by parents who have never been to Mexico themselves. Harvey eventually gets exposed to ancient Aztec monuments when he runs into Professor Rogstart who is viewing stone carvings. As Harvey decides to take a closer look at the stone carvings, he is seeing history of his hereditary pattern and begins to compare it. Gomez wondered how many another(prenominal) Aztecs were scared into call back in their gods, like his stimulate tried to make him believe in saviour and the Virgin Mary†(Chacon 60).\r\nHe starts thinking how the Aztecs were raise up into worshiping their gods in Mexico and how his father brought him up into believing in God in America. Harvey learns about the Spanish Conquest of Mexico and begins to ask Professor Rogstart questions. He gives him ethical answers â€Å"Rogstart, feeling a professorial obligation, explained to Gomez the meaning of all(prenominal) panel, each symbol, giving such fine lucubrate†(Chacon 61).\r\nDuring the explanation, Harvey feels a sense of pride in his inheritance. You can tell that Harvey now wants to learn more about his past; however, he is still struggling to take in his heritage. As Harvey saves his journey in Mexico, he repeatedly distances himself from the Mexicans. Harvey is reacting this agency because he is attached to money. That go away in short enter to an end as Harvey himself loses all of his money. â€Å"He slipped his hand into his pocket for his roll of bills†(Chacon 63). After he realizes that he is broke, he starts to panic.\r\nHarvey’s immediate reply is to find his money no matter what it takes, precisely when he does not find it, Harvey starts to feel the equivalent way the Mexicans did when they begged him for money. This is the first time that he feels this way because he was raised in America where money is a major influence in life. When it looks like it will be the end of his journey in Mexico, he discovers it is beginning. Harvey enters a taxi and tells the driver â€Å" memorise me to the Zona Rosa†(Chacon 65). During the ride, Harvey is relaxed and begins to feel like a Mexican deep in his heart.\r\nWhen it seems that he is going to continue his denial, he tells the driver â€Å"Take me to Chapultepec super C†(Chacon 66). The cab driver is surprised and Harvey laughs telling him that he wants to explore Mexico. Harvey finally ends the denial of his Mexican heritage and goes on to explore Mexico. The poem â€Å"Finding Home†written by Carolina Hospital tells the story of how Mexicans who come to America try to find their heritage in the United States. Like many who migrate to America, the immigrants miss their country and are concerned about losing their culture.\r\nIn contrast to Harvey Gomez, this poem shows that many Mexicans in America appreciate their heritage. â€Å"I have travelled compass north again,/to these gray skies/and empty doorways,†(Hospital 101). This shows that they miss their native country and are concerned about obstructting their heritage. Perhaps Harvey’s grandparents thought the same thing when they first came to America from Mexico. Regardless of their arrival in America, they want to retrovert to Mexico someday. â€Å"I must travel again soon†(Hospital 102).\r\nDespite leaving their ative land they have complaisance for Mexico and will visit again. After the experience that Harvey had i n discovering his heritage, I am sure that he will visit Mexico again. Daniel Chacon is clearly making a program line that Mexican immigrants whose kids are born and raised in America forget their own culture. In the story Harvey Gomez is denying his heritage and was embarrassed at times to hold that he is Mexican. This is because he barely knows anything about Mexico and doesn’t even speak the language. Eventually Harvey accepts who he is and discovers his heritage throughout the story.\r\nI believe that Chacon wants to demonstrate how all-important(a) it is for people to know where they come from and not to forget who they are. Carolina Hospital indicates that Mexican immigrants in America continue to appreciate their heritage. In her poem the Mexicans are not embarrassed to admit where they come from. The Mexicans embrace their heritage and plan on visiting Mexico. I believe that Hospital wants to demonstrate that Mexicans immigrants do appreciate their heritage. even the fact is that no matter where people come from they must appreciate their heritage.\r\n'
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