Friday, May 31, 2019
How will an awareness of psychoanalytic theory impact on your work in a
Psychoanalysis presumes that a good understanding of development requires analyzing the symbolic meanings of sort and the deep inner workings of the mind. It places a huge emphasis on the unconscious and how the unconscious is the precursor to human development. The level of awareness that I suffer of psychoanalytic theory would impact my performance in the classroom only if I act on my understanding in a proactive manner. I believe it was Socrates who said that a teacher is one who not only has an understanding of subject, but is one who has the ability to teach it. And an elementary school teacher has a special responsibility in not only the intellectual, but the social development of his student. Using psychoanalysis is beneficial in seeing symbolic... How leave alone an awareness of psychoanalytic theory impact on your work in a Psychoanalysis presumes that a good understanding of development requires analyzing the symbolic meanings of mien and the deep inner workings of the mind. It places a huge emphasis on the unconscious and how the unconscious is the precursor to human development. The level of awareness that I birth of psychoanalytic theory would impact my performance in the classroom only if I act on my understanding in a proactive manner. I believe it was Socrates who said that a teacher is one who not only has an understanding of subject, but is one who has the ability to teach it. And an elementary school teacher has a special responsibility in not only the intellectual, but the social development of his student. Using psychoanalysis is beneficial in seeing symbolic...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Black Rhinoceros :: essays research papers
THEBLACKRHINOCEROSAn endangered speciesBy Prep bed for quaternary Hour Language ArtsJanuary 2, 2001The black rhinoceros or rhinos are a very unique animal of Africa. They are important for the balance of nature. They are a large stocky animal. Their size is 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder and 10 to 12 feet long. Their weight can range in from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds. Rhinos are naturally gray in color but will often take on the color of the local soil. The horn of a rhino is not a true horn. It is not attached to the skull. It grows from the skin and is made up of keratin fibers, the same materials found in hair and finger nails. dreary rhinos have a prehensile lip that is used much like a finger to select and pick the leaves and twigs they prefer to eat. Their habitat is in the bushy plains, rugged hills, and scrublands in isolated areas of Central and South Africa. Rhinos are heavy browsers that hinder woody plants from dominating their habitat. This is important because it allow s grasses to grow, which provide food for many new(prenominal) animals on the grassy plains. Black rhinos travel alone except while breeding or raising offspring. Juveniles remain with the mother until they are completely weaned, in force(p) before a new a baby is born.Young rhinos are occasionally prey for many items for large carnivores such as lions and hyenas. People of both(prenominal) cultures believe that rhino horns contain medicinal properties. This is most likely not true but is one of the primary reasons rhinos are poached.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Illusion in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay -- essays p
Illusion in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Before writing The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald must have done thoughtful and all-encompassing research. This is apparent because, to explore the novels main theme, The American Dream, he chose to place it in the 1920s. This was, indeed, a perfect beat slot because the 20s were notorious for the numerous ways in which they influenced the public. These years served as a defining point for many aspects of everyday life such as wealth, social status, and general success. The American population during this time became obsessed with the term success and exactly what it meant to be successful. That was the common goal for just about everyone who lived during this time. Life was all about the American Dream. Everyone wanted it all, and often times would go to great lengths to have it. Jay Gatsby, one of the main character in Fitzgeralds novel, was not unlike the rest of the people who lived during this time. Tragically, hi s own, personal obsession with wanting to have everything finally became his downfall. This was Fitzgeralds intention in writing this novel to warn his readers that the American dream can turn tragic if reality becomes too obscured by the overwhelming lust for money and framework possessions. Jay Gatsby was born James Gatz a man who was very ashamed of his heritage. He was a poor man whose family did not posses a name in society. His parents were ambitionless and unsuccessful farm people (pg. 104). Gatsbys pathetic family situation was somewhat tolerable for him, for a little while. It was not until he met a girl named Daisy that he completed he was less than content with what little he possessed. Gatsby was very very much in love with ... ...ove with more than one person. He reluctantly let her go back to Tom while he pondered over the waste he had made out of his life. He spent five years earning so much money and climbing all the way to the top that he forgot to secur e the prize to be won. Gatsby died before he got to really achieve the merriment that he craved. His fate simply would not allow a poor man like him to go on living a lie. Gatsbys illusion became his ultimate downfall. universe rich, reputable, and on the arm of his true love had finally become a reality, until he realized it was not really HIM. He could not go on living a fantasy forever. It took Jay Gatsby a whole life of hardship to figure out that illusion and desire would always remain in his mind, and happiness was not money and pleasing others, it meant pleasing yourself through goodness something he probably knew all along.
Life Or Death Essay -- essays research papers fc
Life or Death There have been many issues through time that were love by both(prenominal)(prenominal), and hated by others. For example, people often debate the controversial issue of abortion. This issue is so involved, that it effects people morally, socially, and politically. At local clinics, some people will go as far as to hold protests. These are just some issues that effected people in the past and put forward ethically. Yet despite these issues, society has continued on. Euthanasia is an issue that concerns people of all ages in society right away. Imagine, if you would, that you had a relative on his cobblers last chouse with cancer. Their was no possible surgery that could remove the tumor. The doctors say that he could be suffering for days, weeks, or even months before he would pass away. Say that you had a daughter that was in a coma and would not get any better. Just ask yourself, what would you do? Now, imagine th e same relative with the same disorder again only this time the medical industry has suddenly discovered a cure for cancer. Then, the day he was going to be put to death they found a cure for him and he was saved. If you went through with the mercy killing it would have been like murder. Also, how do you think you could handle yourself after knowing that you finish your daughters life? These are some of decisions we are faced with during situations of this nature. Euthanasia, also mercy killing, is the practice of ending a life so as to release an individualistic from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. The term is sometimes used generally to refer to an easy or painless death. Voluntary euthanasia involves a request by the dying patient or that persons legal representative. Passive, or negative, euthanasia involves not doing something to prevent deaththat is, allowing someone to die. Active or confirmative euthanasia involves taking deliberat e action to cause a death (Microsoft Encarta 98). Euthanasia is a controversial issue that deals with religious, legal, and personal aspects. Most religious groups today look at euthanasia as immoral and sinful. For one example, the Christian Bible says, "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the consecrated Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God and you are not your own? For you were bought at a... the legal aspects, while most say they can do what of all time they want with life. The bible says that people shouldnt commit mercy killings. Also, the medical industry is split down the middle about it There are legal and criminal aspects which make it an issue that is still being debated. Personally, I can see wherefore this subject should be outlawed. This brief summary of the topic gives some examples why this is inhumane. People say that people have the right to do what they want with their own lives . The religious side of it says that we owe our lives to God. I do hold the read the Bible and I do agree with the scriptures. No one can tell another how they should feel, yet I hope to have given you some useful information on this topic, so that you can make your own opinion.Works Cited Bergman, Brian. "The Crown Reconsiders." Macleans 17 Nov. 1997"Euthanasia." Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia CD-ROM 1997Kondro, Wayne. "Reduced reprove for Mercy Killing." Lancet 13 Dec. 1997Tivnan, Edward. The Moral Imagination Confronting the Ethical Issues of Our Day. New York Simon & Schuster Inc. 1995
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James Joyce Essay
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James JoyceThe Tell Tale Heart and Eveline are stories found around thecircumstances, which surround a central character. Both protagonistsare portrayed in totally different ways.The characters in both stories are quite different. Eveline is the catch of a girls failure to become a woman. She tells herself thatshe would not be treated as her mother had been, but she isnt awarethat such treatment offers her the only lovely of security she knows.She has had to endure violence at the hand of her father, and she haslet herself believe that she is in love with Frank when she isntreally. In The Tell Tale Heart, the chronicle contains a nameless fibber who is the central character of the story. The narrator maybe male or female because Poe uses only I and Me in reference tothis character. about readers may assume that the narrator is malebecause it is written in first person by a male author but the story put forward also be plausibl e if the narrator was a woman. In the times Poewas writing, he would be creating a story whose impact would bechanged simply by imagining this horrendous deed being committed by awoman.In The Tell Tale Heart, the story covers a period of eight dayswhere any important action usually occurs around midnight. This periodof time is relevant to the story as it makes the reader more curiousabout the narrators ordeal. The readers are intentionally not informedabout the illness that the narrator had, and they are left to wonderwhether the evil eye is truly evil. The eight day period limits whatthe reader knows because they dont know what happened before. Thenarrator may have an extremely genuine reason... people of the early 1900s. Eveline was also writtenin the early 1900s and in that time it would have been Evelines dutyto research after her father rather than be in love. So the time in whichthe story was written would have really affected the way in which thestory was perceived, as people in the early 1900s were less tolerantof behaviour written in the stories.James Joyces portrayal of Eveline is very plausible because legion(predicate) ofthe readers may be able to relate to the character as she lives anordinary life. The narrator in The Tell Tale Heart, is not verybelievable because it is not often that readers hear about someonekilling a person because they have a vulture eye, its justunrealistic, but the story has a pull to it that makes readers want toread it because it is exciting and there is suspense, something whichEveline lacks.
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James Joyce Essay
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James JoyceThe Tell Tale Heart and Eveline are stories based nigh thecircumstances, which surround a underlying geek. Both protagonistsare portrayed in totally different ways.The characters in both stories are quite different. Eveline is theimage of a girls failure to become a woman. She tells herself thatshe would not be treated as her mother had been, but she isnt awarethat such treatment offers her the only kind of security she knows.She has had to endure violence at the hand of her father, and she haslet herself believe that she is in love with Frank when she isntreally. In The Tell Tale Heart, the story contains a nameless cashier who is the central character of the story. The narrator maybe antheral or female because Poe uses only I and Me in reference tothis character. Most get worders may assume that the narrator is malebecause it is written in first person by a male author but the storycan also be plausible if the na rrator was a woman. In the times Poewas writing, he would be creating a story whose impact would bechanged simply by imagining this horrendous deed being committed by awoman.In The Tell Tale Heart, the story covers a period of eight dayswhere any important action usually occurs around midnight. This periodof time is relevant to the story as it makes the reader more curious near the narrators ordeal. The readers are deliberately not informedabout the unsoundness that the narrator had, and they are left to wonderwhether the evil eye is truly evil. The eight day period limits whatthe reader knows because they dont know what happened before. Thenarrator may have an extremely current reason... people of the early 1900s. Eveline was also writtenin the early 1900s and in that time it would have been Evelines dutyto look after her father rather than be in love. So the time in whichthe story was written would have really affected the way in which thestory was perceived, as people i n the early 1900s were less tolerantof behaviour written in the stories.James Joyces portrayal of Eveline is very believable because many ofthe readers may be able to appertain to the character as she lives anordinary life. The narrator in The Tell Tale Heart, is not verybelievable because it is not often that readers hear about someonekilling a person because they have a vulture eye, its justunrealistic, but the story has a pull to it that makes readers want toread it because it is exciting and there is suspense, something whichEveline lacks.
Monday, May 27, 2019
What Impact did Social and Economic change have upon Germany, 1870 – 1914?
The unification of Germany in 1871 acted as a catalyst for industry that enabled a period of rapid maturement and change. This growth in industry changed Germany for constantly socially and economically and it was this change that was to make Germany a great nation, even rivalling Britain itself by 1890.As soon as the Reich was established in 1871, the German economy took off. Germany feature huge mineral wealth and this was manipulated to build an incredibly strong economy. Germany possessed areas such(prenominal) as Alsace-Lorraine that contained Europes largest descent of iron ore that was essential to its growing steel industries. In fact Germany was totally independent due to the abundance of all resources that were necessary for an industry at the m. Germany was create industrially at an incredibly rapid rate and this is shown through its outputs (fig. 1). How perpetually it was not until later that Germany began to found colonies that showed exactly how powerful it had dumbfound.Another resource Germany possessed was manpower and plenty of it (fig. 2). In 1870 Germanys total population was around forty one million, already nine million more than Britain. This total however increase yet further and by 1890 Germany had an even larger population of forty nine million. This huge population provided an incredibly large labour force that could be drawn from as industry continued to grow.The industrialists themselves became very wealthy as industrialisation took plump for of Germany. Labour was cheap and so were the raw materials lending to ever increasing profits that rivalled the wealth of the Junkers. Unlike the Junkers however the industrialists did not have any policy-making power and this was what caused future problems.In 1875 there were eight German cartels however as the industrial expansion began to slow and times became ever harder the numbers began to increase. In 1885 Germany boasted ninety such cartels and two hundred and ten honorable five years later These cartels began to exercise enormous influence over the development of the Reich and they began to make demands for things such as protective tariffs and later for naval and colonial development. This is where the industrialists began to taste power and the cartels enabled politically minded individuals a chance to have an influence over Germanys ruling and development however minor. This was all the power mortal from the middle class could possess due to Germanys static class system.Germany was a standpat(prenominal) state and so naturally change was frowned upon. What remained of Germanys past during the industrialisation was that of the Junkers political monopoly. Bismarck himself was a Junker and one of his main political aims was to maintain the superiority of this upper class. The Junkers also continued to obtain great wealth due to their hold over agriculture. Without the food stuffs that the Junkers provided, Germany would not have been able to grow i n the manner that it had.As well as industrialisation, urbanisation was taking place at the same time as Germanys population was moving from rural areas to cities in search of employment.These multitude that came in search of work became known as the on the job(p) class, an entirely new level of German society. It was the industrialists however who actively attempted to draw people from the countryside into the cities. Drawing such large numbers into the cities however created problems such as over crowding which in turn created even more problems such as chronic disease epidemics.As more and more people were drawn to the cities the working class itself grew and as it grew so did its political influence. People deep down the class began to think of courses to improve their lives and began asking for better conditions such as better accommodation and wages. If managed badly the working class could easily revolt and cause untold problems for the government so the authorities began to pay ever more attention to the growing voice of the working class.Both regional and religious differences were perpetuated within the new German State meaning Germany at this time was not totally unified. Each region had its differences. These differences were normally minor in nature however some were greater than others were such as language or religion. The southern areas of Germany were Catholic and the Protestant members refused to totally collaborate with them. This led to political and social arguments that could not easily be resolved. The authorities had to watch how tensions rose and cruel between both sides so as to avert any possible serious problems that may have arisen.At this time industrialists began to make demands for expansion within the navy and the founding of colonies. This would create even more trade because of a captive market that only German industry would be involved in. By obtaining naval contracts and supplying the colonies themselves a company cou ld make a lot of profit. However at this time, countries such as Britain and France had taken all the colonies of worth. The only way Germany would gain such useful assets would be to take them by force from their custodians. This action could easily lead to war however and so called for a more aggressive foreign policy that in the future would contribute to Germanys involvement in world war one.In conclusion the social and economic changes had a massive effect on Germany. Germany began to change into a whole new place and towards the end of the period it also began to develop its own identity. Although some problems arose none were too serious as to stop Germany becoming a great nation. The leadership Bismarck supplied enabled Germany to pass through troubled times with ease and differences began to become less of an issue as time went on. However it is ironic that while Bismarck suspected Catholics and Socialists of trying to destroy Germany, it was to be the demands of the indust rialists and financiers that led to the downfall of his conservative system.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Personal Ethical View Point
Even though I do not ever so speak up when I know some involvement is wrong, I throw off got a well-knit code of personal ethics because I believe loyalty, honesty, and above all, respect for another(prenominal)s depart guide me to make me the proper ethical decisions end-to-end my life. I feel that I am a very loyal person. I believe that I am easy to get along with and brush aside make friends without effort. Once I make friends, I have them for life. I have always haughtinessd myself on supporting decisions that my friends and family make, however if I know they be a mistake. Who am I to correct anyones actions?I understand the importance of making mistakes, so we can learn from them. Along with loyalty, I pride myself on having not bad(p) fortitude. I am not easily swayed in my beliefs. I will listen to other view points and understand the importance of different beliefs, exclusively I stand strong with the facts that I have disc everywhereed in which I developed my beliefs. Although I say that I respect other flocks opinion, I will fight for a cause I believe in, and I will back it up with every minute of energy I have if I feel something needs to be done to correct an action.I have noticed that I will tell people the truth, even if it may hurt them, but I will only do so when asked for an opinion. I know that telling a lie will only hurt me in the long run, so I am thankful that I am an extremely honest person. Lies will always mystify back to haunt me, and I am aware of that fact. I prefer to go through life without the stress of world caught in a lie. silver dollar always pays off in the long run, even if it may cause feelings to be hurt. Working hard is a trait I value in my life. Not just physical labor, but mental work as well.I am tenacious in working through a problem until it is solved. I generally work hard on everything I set out to accomplish. I excessively believe that it takes a great sense of critical view to achieve suc cessful hard work. I recognize that working hard comes with a set of rewards unattainable any other way. Along with all the great qualities I have, I would not be human if I said I did not have some damaging qualities as well. To me, having some negative qualities does not necessarily mean it is a shame, but instead, I believe having negative points only helps balance out the positive.For instance, I have been known to be overly quiet when I should have spoken up on someones behalf. In other words, I do not always stick up for others when they are being treated poorly. I do get an overwhelming feeling that I should be strong and say something, but the quiet person inside me feels more comfortable and I weigh the options of making a situation worse, rather than breach. When I notice something is wrong, I have a tendency to ignore the situation unless it involves me. I believe this goes back to deciding if my opinion will make a situation worse.I know this is a quality that I must w ork on in order to continue to become a better person. If more people spoke up, mayhap this world could become better? This is what I consider to be my biggest character flaw. Additionally, I also have been known to give into peer pressure. Not when it comes to drugs or other unhealthy activities, but I will oftentimes follow others actions when participating in activities that make me feel uncomfortable. Also, I often take advice from people, even if I know it is not the best advice. Perhaps this is a way of showing respect to others.As I have stated, I pride myself on being a strong person, but sometimes this conflicts with the desire to make others feel valued around me. When I speak of value, there is only one thing that I value the most, and that is my family that I have created. The best gift I was given was my children and my loving husband in which I would do anything for. They are the cogitate I try to be successful. I have worked very hard at teaching them a great sense of personal ethics of their own, and I support my familys decisions whether I feel them to be right or wrong.If a member of my family does make a decision that could have had a better outcome, I let them figure out the issue, and I always suggest new ideas in order to still give a structured solution, temporary hookup that individual still learns from their mistakes. Again, even though I do not always speak up when I know something is wrong, I have a strong code of personal ethics because I believe loyalty, honesty, and above all, respect for others will guide me to make me the proper ethical decisions throughout my life. How power you use your personal ethics to determine a course of action?I have an example in which my personal ethics were greatly tested. When I was still working as an Assistant Security Director, the head Security Director was a very harsh, uncaring, pushy type of a person. He often treated all of his employees very poorly. He called everyone awful names. Once a n employee had made a mistake within their job duties, my boss would forever hold that over their heads and often referred to those employees as his retards. He would even introduce them to other people that were hired into our department as retard 1, 2, & 3.On a daily basis, I would take after our most manly men come into the security office with their head held high, only to watch them leave feeling less of a man, and their heads hung low. My boss would also make sexual remarks to all the female security officers and I know it made them feel very uncomfortable. The Security Director knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, because he threatened everyones jobs if they went to his boss. Most of the employees felt helpless. I believe this is where the quiet part of me stood in the way, because I did not say anything to him or anyone else even though I was just under his rank.I would often go home and reflect what the Security Director had done for the day and watched how pe oples feelings were affected, including mine. After overmuch embarrassment, hurt feelings and lack of pride, I finally let my personal ethics shine through. After a lot of intense reflection, as well as begging from the rest of the staff, I decided it was time to do what I could to stop my bosss behavior. I stood up for all my employees knowing I could lose my job. I was tired of knowing in my heart that what he was doing was wrong on so many levels. I went above his head and secured a meeting with his boss. I spoke up and evealed all of my bosss behaviors. I was completely uncomfortable doing so, but I knew it was the right decision that I had made. In the end, the Security Director was given a choice to leave or be publicly dismissed of his duties. I believe the result of me adhering to my strong code of personal ethics was the catalyst for this situation. All the employees who were harassed and bullied by my boss were so thankful and appreciative. My company had hired an investi gator and every virtuoso employee was interviewed on the topic. Almost everyone stood behind me and showed their support. I guess they just needed someone stand up and be heard.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Discipline and the Effects on the Unit
Discipline and the effects on the unit Accountabilities is one of the rudimentary of the military. It only brings person-to-person responsibility precisely it as well shows organization of a unit. There are more reasons why being on time is important. The US regular army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted. warrant officers, and com careed officers alike. The military would non be anything with forbidden the soldiers. When soldiers arent in that respect to perform there duties or they are late then the unit looses efficiency. Time worry is a re everyy large part of success, military or civilian.Many people could improve there lives drasticly if they knew how to manage the time properly. Setting priorities is a very important touchstone in time management. If your priorities arent set in order then you wont get the important things done in a timely manner. People often go over there time limits because they are optimistic. Discipline we are taught early in our milita ry careers that graze is an important part of our daily r come forwardine. The r placeine itself-importance promotes a sense of regularity and correct.By being assigned a line of hold that we are to perform daily, we top apart a pattern of living comparable with many different (and often larger) tasks given to us. When a part of our avocation considered to be mandatory becomes a task performed out of second nature, we begin to perform totally duties in a similar fashion. If you can s take a crap both morning without having to be reminded or told, you whitethorn find that it comes just as naturally to take out the trash, write a monthly counseling recountment, or maintain your weapon. Discipline and respect are important in life as well as in the army. Respect is one of the armys seven set.The seven army values are loyalty, respect, duty, honor, selfless service, integrity, and personal courage. While respect is one of the army values, insure is needed for all of them. You essential have retard in yourself in order to have selfless service, to do your duty, to have personal courage, as well as loyalty, and honor. And it takes a discipline to respect. The definition of discipline is 1. training to recreate in accordance with rules drill military discipline. 2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill training A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer. . punishment inflicted by way of correction and training. 4. the rigor or training effect of experience, adversity, etc. the harsh discipline of poverty. 5. appearance in accord with rules of conduct behavior and order well-kept by training and control good discipline in an army. 6. a set or system of rules and regulations. 7. Ecclesiastical . the system of government regulating the practice of a church as distinguished from its doctrine. 8. an instrument of punishment, esp. a whip or sco recreate, employ in the practice of self-mortification or as an instrument of chastisement in certain religious communities. . a branch of instruction or acquire the disciplines of history and economics. Basi nominatey discipline is what is needed in order for order and control to be maintained. The definition of respect is 1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferent regard look on. See synonyms at regard. 2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation. 4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or obligingness pay ones respects. 5. A particular aspect, feature, or detail. A lot of people who enlist in the Army do not understand the importance of the step they make.They do not understand that civilian life with its rules, the life they used to live is left behind. Beginning basic training they learn the new discipline, the Army discipline, and not everybody is able to comprehend its importance. Discipline in the Army is important because of the stakes involved. In civi lian world a miss of discipline may case some discomfort or may be some problems with the law.. In the Army poor discipline could result in the unnecessary divergence of soldiers lives a cost too you much to pay. As a discipline soldier you place the units mission higher up your personal welfare.It plain means the understanding your task and obeying orders promptly because your fellow soldiers and leaders depend on you to do so. The purpose of discipline is to make soldiers to be well expert so that they canalise out orders quickly and intelligently under the most effortful conditions. Insistence of performing tasks properly enhance military discipline. For example, ensuring soldiers wear their uniforms properly, pursual orders, march well or repeat tasks until they do them correctly are part of military discipline. This no harassment or punishment.Proper and prompt exertion of orders depart for save lives in combat. This is no way means you should not exercise initiativ e to solve a problem or to ensure the job gets done. American soldiers have a long tradition of displaying initiative and discipline soldiers cerebrate their attacks toward the success of the team. Discipline in routine things like saluting , police calls and physical training leads to discipline in the difficult things like advancing under fire, disposing of unexploded ordnance, and safe declareing enemy prisoners of war.That is why the Army insists on training to standards. It starts with self-discipline alone grows with pride in the unit. In the film saving private ryan a soldier lost his discipline for the mission at hand at the muckle of a frightened child and the result for his loss of discipline caused him to also lose focus on his surroundings and was shot by a national socialist sniper hiding out in a tower just d deliver the street, also in the alike film a young corpral was takin out of his comfort zone as a writer to perform the mission of retrieving private ryan. During the mission they came across an open area guarded by to mechanism guns and in the success of bringing bringing down the gunman was torn in a moral delima to let the German soldier live and zepsequent on it came back around on him as that same German soldier led a squad to the same location that they traveled to and killed many of the men in the operation two of which were in a twist laying down suppressive fire while the corpral was bringing them ammo because of the corpral lose of discipline he coward down and hid while the German soldier killed the two men in the building.Anformer(a) military film that shows deprivation of discipline is Jarhead in this film the one scene that stands out the most in my mind is where the main character talks another fellow soldier into taking his guard shift so he could drink with his buddys that night and the result from the carless motions was a trailor caught fire and a bunch of fire take shapes and flares were set off and possibly gave away there position, the sitiuation could have been a lot worse then what it was.With the examples used from those two films it shows that with the lack of discipline the effect on the unit can be heartbreaking and life threatning, just like a chain it only works properlly if every link does its job, if one gets in trouble we all get in trouble, one broken link and the whole chain is no good Do to my irresponsibility and lack of discipline to wake up and be at the gym at 0530 like normal I decided to sleep in and then was late to the 0630 PT formation which caused PFC Bucini to run around through out the entire hanger and out to the barracks in order to locate me and also me being late not just looks bad on me but it also looks bad on the platoon and the company. I made it look bad on my Platoon Seargeat ( SFC Duffy) in front of the other platoons of not knowing where his soldiers are and to the scratch Seargeant. To understand how standards and discipline are related, you h ave to start with the basic premise of how we grow sergeants in the army. This is a three step process. Step one ratify a standard.Army regulation 670-1, wear of the uniform, is a stadard that tells us how to wear the uniform, items on the uniform and all the accessories. It guides our unifor in the field. The items we wear on the uniform or carry with us is a standard usually IAW a unit SOP. The PMCS we perform on our hummv in the motor pool is done to outlined in the operators manual. A patrol of soldiers sexual climax off mission in Baghdad, Iraq clear their weapons upon entering their base camp IAW the standard published in the weapons handling procedures highly-developed by the safety center. Now with an understanding of standards, step two is put someone in charge of enforcing the standards.This is where the sergeant is now responsible for his or her serviceman of the army, those three or quaternion soldiers. It is the sergeant who conducts daily inspections of soldiers un iforms. It is the sergeant who conducts pre-conduct checks (pcc) of his or her soldiers arms and equipment before going out on patrol. It is the sergeant who supervises the PMCS of the HUMMV during maintenance periods, and it is the sergent who over-watches the soldiers coming off patrol to ensure all have cleared their weapons to standard. Step three in growing our leaders is to hold the sergeant accountable. This is where the more sr. leaders above the sergeant have their resopnsibility. To verify what is being done to standard, senior leaders have to inspect.A soldier on patrol absent a piece of equipment means it was missed during PCCs by the sergeant and obviously missed by a more senior leader during the pre-combat inspection (PCI). This same analogy extends to every standard we set for our units and our sergeants to obligate. So for the more senior leaders above the sergeant you must always remember your role in growing sergeants. Lead by example by demonstrating the stand ard in all that you do. This leading by example empowers the sergeant to enforce standards on their minor(ip) piece of the army. We have always said when a more senior leader demonstrates a lesser standard this presentment now becomes the new standard. The demonstration of a lesser standard goes far deeper than just setting a new standard, it circumvents the potential of the sergeant.I have learned that the two basic building blocks for a sergeant to establish his or her authority and establish discipline in the organization begin with basic uniform and saluting standards. Enforcing basic standards and holding sergeants accountable for their soldiers is critical to developing these young leaders. In every case where a soldier has died because of an accident and the cause of death was negligence by sergeants to enforce standards and how these were implemented and the discipline within the organization. In every case where the sergeant stops enforcing fundamental standards and senio r leaders do not hold him accountable, the enforcement of standards in other areas begins to slip.Short cuts in performing PMCS begin to become routine, soldiers stop wearing seatbelts, PCCs are not performed in detail, complacency begins to set in and sergeants stop making on the spot corrections. The importance of the squad and platoon leadership in establishing standards and holding sergeants accountable is critical to the performance of the organization when you walk into an organization as an outsider and you see everyone in the same uniform, vehicle load plans are organized, basic fundamental drills are performed aas routine, you learn a lot about the units discipline. You know as an outsider that standards are established, everyone knows the standard, and there is a leader in charge. The bottom line , be the standard, know the standard, and enforce the standard. The army is an old institution.In this democracy it dates back to the washingtons time in 1775-76 when the Revolu tionary war took place to proclaim our freedom from the British. One particular thing which washingtons army had in common with our groundbreaking army today is discipline. This is very important in order to keep ou forces organized. A well develop army will always come out the victor in battle. Take a look at musolinis army in italy in the drop dead war. When the going got tough, their troops got disorganized, failed to obey orders, and in the end decided it was time to surrender. And so it happened with Hitlers Third Reich. His troops got disorganized from the lack of proper discipline and as the proverb goes, united we stand, divided we fall. The Third Reich fell.Our american army is a well organized promoteing force and always will be, with the proper kind of discipline which we have now. The officers in charge of each army, corps, division, regiment, down to the platoon and squad are all experienced , level headed men and women, whose job it is to keep the men and women un der them disciplined as well as informed as to what is goin on and thereby gaining the mens and womens cooperation. From the five star general down to the lowly private, it is his duty to see that whatever his job is, it will be done properly. With such a fighting force, how can we lose? Remember united we stand, devided we fall. We shall not fall.With so many distractions around you, what does it take to stay focused on your goal and keep going until you succeed? The answer is, self discipline. Self discipline, absolutely must be developed in order to succeed. Self discipline is the ability to force yourself to do something you know you should do, whether you feel like it or not. Whilst you may not have a global corporation or a country to run (and so can probably get away with a a couple of(prenominal) extra hours in bed ) the point is, successful people dislike the same things you dislike but discipline themselves to do it anyway. Why do we do things we dislike? Because we know that is the price to pay for success.This is why self discipline is so important in achieving success. Self discipline means overcoming your natural urge to do what is fun, easy and quick. Self discipline takes time to develop, but just like any other skill the more you practice using self discipline the stronger it will become. Every act of self discipline you practice will strengthen your level of self discipline. Over time it will also strengthen your character, confidence and self esteem. If you can force yourself to do what you should do, whether you feel like it or not, your success is virtually guaranteed. Now that you are aware of what it takes to be successful, is success what you truly want?Or are you happier living the lif you currently live? Because if you want success, you can have it, anyone can. Just like in a shop you must commencement exercise decide what you want, pay the price and it will be yours. discipline is the soul of the army, it makes small numbers formid able procures success to the weak, and esteem to all George Washington. Among the many issues facing us, discipline proved critical in understanding what went wrong in Somalia. Much of the problem of the CAR as a unit, most of the incidents that occurred during the preparation stage in Canada, and the many troubling incidents involving Canadian soldiers in Somalia all have a common origin a lack of discipline.For the ordinary citizen who has little exposure to the military, discipline is understood to be the cornerstone of armies, the characteristic that one would have expected to be much in differentiate in an armed force as renowned for its professionalism as the Canadian forces. It was the difference between this public expectation and the actual events of the Somalia mission that captured the attention of Canadians and contributed to the call for this inquiry. For example, there were 20 incidents of accidental or negligent discharge of a personal weapon and two incidents of ac cidental or negligent discharge of faction served weapons in theatre. One caused an injury and another killed a Canadian forces soldier.The board of inquiry into the leadership, discipline, operations, actions, and procedures of the Canadian airborne regiment battle group remarked that these accidental discharges occurred to an unimaginable degree. These incidents call into question the standard of self discipline in the Canadian contingent. Few professions are as dependent on discipline as the military. An army is best seen as a collection of individuals who must set aside their personal interests, concerns, and fears to pursue the purpose of the group collectively. The marshalling of individual wills and talents into a atomic number 53 entity enables an army to face daunting challenges and great adversity and therefore to achieve objectives unattainable except through concerted effort. The instrument by which this is accomplished is discipline.The psyche purpose of military di scipline is the harnessing of the capacity of the individual to the needs of the group. The sense of cohesion that comes from combining the individual wills of the group members provides unity of purpose. The group that achieves such glueyness is truly a unit. Effective discipline is a critical factor at all levels of the military, and nowhere more so than at the unit level. besides discipline plays a vital role at all levels within the military. Too frequently armies treat discipline as a concern regarding the write down levels a matter to be attended to primarily by non commissioned officers at the unit level and below.But discipline is important for the proper surgery of the chain of command throughout the military. Undisciplined staff officers of commanders who hold themselves above the rigours of discipline can do far more harm to the collective effort of the military than any soldier in the rankes. We have determined that the CAR displayed definite signs of poor discipline in the early 1990s in hostility of the remedies recommended in the 1985 Hewson report examining disciplinary infractions and anti social behavior. A number of factors contributed to the disciplinary problems in the CAR, specifically in two commando, prior to deployment, including periodic lack of commitment on the part of the CARs parent regiments to ensure that their best members ere sent to the CAR the inferior quality of some junior officers and NCOs indefinite practices in two commando in the recruitment of NCOs the ambiguous relationship between master corporals and soldiers the high turnover rate within the CAR and the sub units mutual distrust and dislike among a substantive number of the CARs officers and NCOs questionable suitability of individual officers for the CAR and the ranks they occupied a tendency to downplay the entailment of disciplinary infractions or to cover them up entirely and the continuing ability of CAR members to evade responsibility for disciplinary infractions. The CAR was simply unfit to assay a mission in the autumn of 1992, let alone a deployment to Somalia.The three incidents of October 2 and 3, 1992, indicated a significant breakdown of discipline in 2 commando during the critical period of training and preparation for operations in Somalia. Military pyrotechnics were discharged illegally at a party in alognquin park. The illegal possession of these pyrotechnics was the result of theft from DND and the making of false statements. A search conducted on the soldiers premises uncovered ammunition stolen from DND, as well as 34 Confederate flags. These incidents were so serious that LCOL morneault proposed to leave 2 Commando in Canada unless the perpetrators came forward. BGEN Beno, after consulting MGEN MacKenzie, opposed this plan. Almost everyone suspected of participating in the October incidents was permitted to deploy.Several of these individuals created difficulties in Somalia. In spite of established doctrine, prac tice, and procedures, there were problems at the senior levels of the chain of command in providing adequate supervision, resulting in poor discipline, fualty transition of information, untimely reaction through advice or intervention, and ineffective remedial action. Such problems appear to have been so frequent as to indicate a significant systemic failure in the exercise of command. In short, the attitude of all ranks toward the importance of good discipline, from junior soldiers to the most senior commanders in the Canadian forces, was by all odds weak.When there is insufficient respect for and attention to the need for discipline as a first principle, military operations can be expected to fail. And in respect of discipline, the mission to Somalia was undoubtedly a failure. The fact is that , at the time of the Somalia mission, discipline was simply taken for granted. It seems to have been assumed that trained soldiers in a professional military would naturally be well discip lined. The matter was tracked and reported on indifferently and inconsistently, with no central co-ordination or sharp focus at the highest levels. Above all, discipline was the subject of inadequate attention, supervision, guidance, enforcement, or remedy by the senior levels of the chain of command it was, shockingly, simply ignored or downplayed.In facing the future, the first requirement is to take steps to recognize the importance of discipline and the role it must play as a matter of fundamental policy. Discipline requires not only policy definition and emphasis in doctrine, training and education, but also a prominent and visible focus in the interests and concerns of the most senior leadership. Under the UCMJ, the noncommissioned officer (NCO) does not have the same authority as the commissioned officer. Principally, NCOs do not have authority to punish personnel under their supervision. Punishment is administered only through the use of article 15 or courts-martial. Since N COs penal authority, what actions can they take to ensure discipline among their people?These questions will be answered as we consider the need for discipline in the military. I will focus on the NCOs role in transaction with discipline problems. If encumbrance techniques fail, NCOs should be aware of methods available to them for correcting subordinates when their behavior impairs mission accomplishment. Indeed the NCO plays an important role in influencing punishment when it is necessary in achieving mission readiness. Discipline can best be defined as a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct. This state of training must be achieved and maintained during peacetime so that our forces will be secured for war time contingencies.It is too late to prepare for war once war has started, which is sometimes a difficult concept for lesser experienced NCOs to accept. often the feeling is, we are a technical force technicians do not need to same state of disciplined readiness as combat soldiers. This feeling perhaps fosters a false assumption that air force members will not be expected to fight during wartime instead, we will maintain a support role (i. e. , aircraft maintenance, supply, personnel, etc). the questions then become is it necessary for air force people to maintain a high state of readiness? Is it really necessary to be disciplined for war? These questions must be answered by all NCOs who are ultimately responsible for achieving success in peacetime readiness as well as in actual warfare.History shows us that we cannot leave this state of readiness to pure chance we must prepare for any emergency. Discipline, of course, is vital. Rudyard kipling recognized this need for discipline when he had one of his tommy atkinses explain We was rotten for we started- we was never disciplined we made it out a favor- if an order was obeyed. Yes every little drummer ad is rights and wrongs to mind, so we had to par for teaching- and we paid General George pa tton, a strong disciplinarian who was equally as adamant about preparedness, told his commanders if they did not enforce and maintain perfect discipline, they were potential murders.He went on to say that is a blunt way of putting it, but war is blunt, and war is what we must all prepare for. General Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest military leaders of all time, was equally firm when it came to discipline. He wanted his soldiers to understand that, in addition to efficiency, discipline guaranteed a soldiers safety that if his forces did not prepare themselves for war when they had a chance they would pay dearly. The Air Force, recognizing the need for discipline, published AFR 30-1 air force standards, in which four types of discipline are identified task, group, impose, and self. Task discipline is defined as how well we meet the challenges of the job.First, we must recognize that the job is important, and how well we perform will influence the effectiveness of our work section and our unit. Task discipline requires a strong sense of responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities, volunteering for the tough jobs, and operative overtime, if necessary, to accomplish our mission as it relates to the air force mission. Group discipline means teamwork. Since most air force jobs require that several people work effectively as a team, group discipline is very important. Just as we must have a sense of responsibility to our job, we should also have a sense of group responsibility and effective team membership.We must pull our own weight and at times we may have to repudiate some personal preferences for the good of our work section, unit, or group. Imposed discipline is known as enforced obedience to legal orders and regulations. It is absolutely essential in combat or in emergencies when there is no time to explain or discuss an order. Most air force training teaches us to carry out orders quickly and efficiently. During peacetime, a contin uation of this type of discipline provides the structure and good order necessary throughout the organization to accomplish the mission or task, regardless of the situation. Self discipline is a willing and instinctive sense of responsibility that leads us to do whatever needs to be done.Getting to work on time, knowing all aspects of the job, setting priorities, and denying some personal preferences for more important values or duties are all measures of self discipline. Far above our acceptance of imposed discipline, self discipline reflects our personal commitment and sense of duty. Often we emphasize one type of discipline at the expense of another. For instance, we allow ourselves to become so task disciplined that we fail to recognize the necessity for discipline of other types. The ultimate solution for the NCO is to create an environment where the necessity for imposed discipline is minimized or eliminated, but this is not always possible. Therefore, we must understand how t o impose discipline when it is clearly indicated.Three general approaches can be taken in dealings with discipline the preventive approach, the corrective approach, and the punitive approach. Initial consideration should be given to the preventive approach because it is logically first and is positive and constructive in its development. The preventive approach includes understanding human behavior, using good management and leadership techniques, setting the examples, and enforcing the standards. These are not all inclusive however, they represent the majority of preventive techniques to discipline problems. There are numerous lessons in dealing with preventive techniques, and most of our NCOs fully understand these techniques for preventing discipline problems.Organizations usually have a few people who do not respond well to preventive techniques, which leads us to the next approach in dealing with discipline problems correcting the individual who has not responded to preventive techniques. The NCO supervisor is limited in his use of preventive and corrective approaches, since only officer commanders can use the punitive approach. This fact alone creates the undeniable necessity for NCOs to understand and employ fully the corrective actions available to them. The first action available to NCOs for correcting individuals who have not responded to preventive techniques is the verbal reprimand. Verbal reprimands should be given only for performance or conduct and should never leave an individual feeling personally attacked. In other words, individuals should be reprimanded for unacceptable behavior not personality.A memorandum for record should be kept to be used for later action, if necessary. The second corrective action is the documented counseling. The documented counseling does not have to follow any prescribed format in fact, most major air commands have their own forms. Individuals reviewing subsequent case files will have a better understanding of the situation if they include the following items a statement of the problem, a discussion of the problem, and personal observations. This documented counseling should be filed in a general correspondence folder, marked specifically with the action included in the folder (i. e. , disciplinary action).The terzetto corrective action NCOs can take is the garner of admonishment/reprimand. Administrative reprimands and admonitions are management tools available to commanders, supervisors, and other superiors to instruct and reprove subordinates for departing from acceptable norms of performance, conduct, or bearing. There is no prescribed format for writing this letter. A reprimand is more bare than an admonition and carries a strong implication of official censure. The letter of admonition should be written when no unfavorable information file is necessary, although either the letter of admonition or reprimand can be laid in the individuals uif.The letter of admonition may also be file d in the same manner as the documented counseling. However, since the letter of reprimand is more severe than a letter of admonition, it should be forwarded through the individuals uif. Supervisors can write a letter of reprimand, but only commanders can forward it to the cbpo for placement in the uif. The last and final action is administrative discharge action under the provisions of AFR 39-10 or AFM 39-12. These procedures are too complex to address in this article. However, it should be pointed out that if all the preceding preventive, corrective, and punitive actions have not disciplined the individual, then discharge is the next step.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Fidm Essay Paper
Valencia MitchellFIDM Application Hi, Im Valencia Mitchell, and I believe FIDM (Fashion base of Design and Merchandising) is the right school for me. Since the age of 10-11, fashion has been one of those things that I just knew I had a passion for. From reading fashion magazines memorizing many French, Scandinavian, Italian, and American fashion designers keeping up with the trends and events on style. com, to catching up with fashion weeks all around the world online I have finally found my place.Im a very independent, social, determined, but goofy person. I love meeting new people. During my free time, I love to listen to music, draw, or watch movies. I love making people smile, and making their day better. Im a junior in high school, but graduating early this upcoming class due to extra credits. No matter what Im doing or where I am, I try to exceed the expectations that I have set for myself. I believe that FIDM is the perfect fit for me, because it mainly focuses on the occupa tion or industry you would like to work in.FIDM teaches you the inside and outs of the industry, and prepares you for the future. For three long time now, I have wanted to attend this school and I believe that FIDM will bring out the best of my abilities and make my future brighter. Ever since I was given a tour around the San Francisco campus, I have fallen even more in love with this school. The atmosphere, the energy, the introduction windows it seemed like the school was make for meThis has made me even more excited for college and what my future will bring. The major that Im applying for is Visual Communications. For the longest time, I wanted to be a fashion stylist. I loved how they didnt just pick/choose and style the clothes they tried to portray a story with props, location, and history as well. Ive been a big fan of Grace Coddington (from Vogue), Camilla Nickerson, and Havana Lafitte. Visual Communications takes all those things and puts into one.When I toured the camp us in San Francisco, I noticed many display windows in which were designed by many visual communication students. Every window I came across was different in style, and the story told from what they designed. Being in a classroom is okay at times, but I like being interactive with projects, also. Since Im a very big dreamer, I believe this major is perfect for me. Upon my graduation from FIDM, I know that I will have accomplished what I always wanted to do ever so since the age of 10.I want to feel that I never gave up on my dream of being who I always wanted to be. I know I will become very proud of myself when I graduate from FIDM. I would have gain the experience that I needed to push forward and research new opportunities. Hopefully by then, I would have made great connections with different clothing brands such as J. Crew, BCBG, or Anthropologie. I believe that with me receiving teaching from FIDM, it will help me reach new heights that I never knew I could reach. This is th e first step to reaching those heights.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Real World
Real world cyber crime cases This document is an extract from the book Cyber Crime & digital demonstrate Indian stead authored by Rohas Nagpal. This book is available as coursewargon for the Diploma in Cyber Law and PG Program in Cyber Law conducted by Asian School of Cyber Laws www. asian faithfulnesss. org Cyber Crime & digital testify Indian Perspective 23. Real World Cases This chapter serves as a ready reference guide. First the various scenarios be covered. A detailed discussion on the various cyber crimes, is covered in the ASCL matter titled Understanding Hackers and Cyber Criminals.This is provided as official coursewargon for the ASCL Certified Cyber Crime tec course. Then the applicable law and legal liabilities be covered. Then the modus operandi ordinarily followed by the criminals is discussed. The investigation guidelines for cyber crime investigators are not discussed in this book as they are part of the syllabus of the ASCL Certified Cyber Crime Investigato r course only. For real world case studies on investigation of cyber crimes, please refer to the ASCL publication titled Case Studies on Cyber Crime Investigation.This is provided as official courseware for the ASCL Certified Cyber Crime Investigator course. 130 2008 Rohas Nagpal. each(prenominal) rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital exhibit Indian Perspective 23. 1 Orkut Fake Profile cases Orkut. com is a very popular online partnership and social engagementing netsite. Orkut users provoke search for and interact with people who dish out(p) the same hobbies and interests. They can create and join a wide variety of online communities. The writes of Orkut members are publicly viewable. The scenarios 1. A assumed profile of a woman is created on Orkut.The profile displays her correct shout out and hint education (such as address, residential phone number, cell phone number and so forthtera. Sometimes it even has her photograph. The problem is that the profile desc ribes her as a prostitute or a woman of loose extension who wants to have sexual relations with anyone. Other Orkut members see this profile and spark calling her at all hours of the day asking for sexual favours. This leads to a parcel of harassment for the dupe and as hygienic as defames her in society. 2. An online hate community is created.This community displays objectionable culture a passst a particular republic, religious or ethnic group or even against national leaders and historical figures. 3. A fake profile of a man is created on Orkut. The profile contains libellous information abut the dupe (such as his alleged sexual weakness, alleged immoral character etc) The law Scenario 1 Section 67 of breeding engine room Act and role 509 of the Indian Penal Code. Scenario 2 Section 153A and 153B of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 3 Section 500 of Indian Penal Code. Who is presumable?Scenario 1 Directors of Orkut as well as all those who create and update the fake profil e. Scenario 2 aforesaid(prenominal) as Scenario 1. Scenario 3 Same as Scenario 1. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 131 Cyber Crime & Digital cause Indian Perspective The fountain Scenario 1 Jealousy or revenge (e. g. the victim may have rejected the advances made by the suspect). Scenario 2 Desire to cause racial hatred (e. g. Pakistani citizens creating an anti-India online community). Scenario 3 Hatred (e. g. a school student who has failed may victimize his teachers).Modus Operandi 1. The suspect would create a free G stake paper victimization a fictitious name. 2. The telecommunicate ID chosen by him would be unrelated to his real identity. 3. The suspect would then login to Orkut. com and create the offensive profile. 132 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 2 telecommunicate Account Hacking Emails are increasingly being used for social interaction, business communication and online actions. Most email account holders do not take fundamental precautions to protect their email account passwords.Cases of theft of email passwords and subsequent misuse of email accounts are becoming very mutual. The scenarios 1. The victims email account password is stolen and the account is then utilise for sending out malicious code (computer virus, worm, Trojan etc) to people in the victims address book. The recipients of these viruses opine that the email is coming from a known person and run the attachments. This infects their computers with the malicious code. 2. The victims email account password is stolen and the jadeer tries to extort bullion from the victim.The victim is threatened that if he does not pay the money, the information contained in the emails will be misused. 3. The victims email account password is stolen and lascivious emails are sent to people in the victims address book. The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of development Technology Act. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of information Technology Act and share 384 of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 3 Sections 43, 66 and 67 of Information Technology Act and section 509 of the Indian Penal Code. Who is liable?Scenario 1 Persons who have stolen the email account password and who are mis using the email account. Scenario 2 Persons who have stolen the email account password and who are threatening to misuse it. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 133 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective Scenario 3 Persons who have stolen the email account password and who are misusing the email account. The power Scenario 1 Corporate Espionage, unrepentant pleasure in being able to destroy valuable information belonging to strangers etc. Scenario 2 punishable monetary gain.Scenario 3 Revenge, jealousy, hatred. Modus Operandi 1. The suspect would install keyloggers in public computers (such as cyber cafes, airport lounges etc) or the computers of the victim. 2. unsuspicious victims would logi n to their email accounts using these infected computers. 3. The passwords of the victims email accounts would be emailed to the suspect. 134 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 3 Credit Card Fraud Credit cards are commonly being used for online booking of airline and railway tickets and for other ecommerce transactions.Although most of ecommerce websites have implemented strong security measures (such as SSL, secure web legions etc), instances of credit card frauds are increasing. The scenario The victims credit card information is stolen and misused for making online grease ones palmss (e. g. airline tickets, software, subscription to pornographic websites etc). The law Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and section 420 of Indian Penal Code. Who is liable? All persons who have stolen the credit card information as well as those who have misused it. The motive Illegal financial gain.Modus Operandi Scenar io 1 The suspect would install keyloggers in public computers (such as cyber cafes, airport lounges etc) or the computers of the victim. Unsuspecting victims would use these infected computers to make online transactions. The credit card information of the victim would be emailed to the suspect. Scenario 2 Petrol pump attendants, workers at retail outlets, hotel waiters etc note down information of the credit cards used for making payment at these establishments. This information is sold to criminal gangs that misuse it for online frauds. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 135 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 4 Online Share Trading Fraud With the advent of dematerialization of shares in India, it has become mandatory for investors to have demat accounts. In most cases an online banking account is united with the share trading account. This has led to a high number of online share trading frauds. The scenario Scenario 1 The victims account passwords are stolen and his accounts are misused for making fraudulent bank transfers.Scenario 2 The victims account passwords are stolen and his share trading accounts are misused for making unauthorised transactions that result in the victim making losses. The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and section 420 of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and section 426 of Indian Penal Code. Who is liable? Scenario 1 All persons who have stolen the account information as well as those who have misused it. Scenario 2 All persons who have stolen the account information as well as those who have misused it.The motive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain Scenario 2 Revenge, jealousy, hatred Modus Operandi Scenario 1 The suspect would install keyloggers in public computers (such as cyber cafes, airport lounges etc) or the computers of the victim. Unsuspecting victims would use these infected computers to login to their online banking an d share trading accounts. The passwords and other information of the victim would be emailed to the suspect. Scenario 2 Same as scenario 1. 136 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 3. 5 assess Evasion and Money Laundering Many unscrupulous businessmen and money launderers (havala operators) are using virtual as well as personal terminal media for hiding information and records of their illicit business. The scenario Scenario 1 The suspect uses physical storage media for hiding the information e. g. knockout drives, floppies, USB drives, supple phone memory cards, digital camera memory cards, CD read-only memorys, DVD ROMs, iPods etc. Scenario 2 The suspect uses virtual storage media for hiding the information e. g. mail accounts, online briefcases, FTP sites, Gspace etc. The law Scenario 1 Depending upon the case, provisions of the Income Tax Act and Prevention of Money Laundering Act will apply. Scenario 2 Depending upon the case, provisions of the Income Tax Act and Prevention of Money Laundering Act will apply. Who is liable? Scenario 1 information. The person who hides the Scenario 2 The person who hides the information. If the operators of the virtual storage facility do not cooperate in the investigation, then they also become liable.The motive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain Scenario 2 Illegal financial gain Modus Operandi Scenario 1 The suspect would purchase small storage devices with large data storage capacities. Scenario 2 The suspect would open free or paying accounts with online storage providers. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 137 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 6 Source Code thievery Computer solution code is the most of the essence(p) asset of software companies. Simply put, source code is the programming instructions that are compiled into the executable files that are sold by software development companies.As is expected, most source code thef ts take place in software companies. Some cases are also reported in banks, manufacturing companies and other organisations who get received software developed for their use. The scenario Scenario 1 The suspect (usually an employee of the victim) deals the source code and merchandises it to a business rival of the victim. Scenario 2 The suspect (usually an employee of the victim) steals the source code and uses it as a base to make and sell his own version of the software. The law Scenario 1 Sections 43, 65 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 63 of the Copyright Act.Scenario 2 Sections 43, 65 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 63 of the Copyright Act. Who is liable? Scenario 1 The persons who steal the source code as well as the persons who purchase the stolen source code. Scenario 2 The persons who steal the source code. The motive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain. Scenario 2 Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi Scenario 1 If the suspect is an empl oyee of the victim, he would usually have direct or indirect recover to the source code. He would steal a copy of the source code and hide it using a virtual or physical storage device. 138 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective If the suspect is not an employee of the victim, he would hack into the victims servers to steal the source code. Or he would use social engineering to get unauthorised access to the code. He would then contact potential buyers to make the sale. Scenario 2 If the suspect is an employee of the victim, he would usually have direct or indirect access to the source code. He would steal a copy of the source code and hide it using a virtual or physical storage device. If the suspect is not an employee of the victim, e would hack into the victims servers to steal the source code. Or he would use social engineering to get unauthorised access to the code. He would then modify the source code (either himself or in association with other computer programmers) and launch his own software. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 139 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 7 Theft of Confidential Information Most business organisations store their sensitive information in computer systems. This information is targeted by rivals, criminals and sometimes disgruntled employees.The scenario Scenario 1 A business rival nonpluss the information (e. g. tender quotations, business plans etc) using hacking or social engineering. He then uses the information for the benefit of his own business (e. g. quoting lour rates for the tender). Scenario 2 A criminal obtains the information by hacking or social engineering and threatens to make the information public unless the victim pays him some money. Scenario 3 A disgruntled employee steals the information and mass mails it to the victims rivals and also posts it to numerous websites and newsgroups.The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of t he Information Technology Act, section 426 of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 384 of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 3 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 426 of Indian Penal Code. Who is liable? Scenario 1 The persons who steal the information as well as the persons who misuse the stolen information. Scenario 2 The persons who steal the information as well as the persons who threaten the victim and extort money.Scenario 3 The disgruntled employee as well as the persons who help him in stealing and distributing the information. The motive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain. Scenario 2 Illegal financial gain. Scenario3 Revenge. 140 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective Modus Operandi Scenario 1 The suspect could engross a skilled hacker to break into the victim systems. The hacker could also use social engineering techniques. Illustration A very goo d looking at woman went to meet the system administrator (sysadmin) of a large company.She interviewed the sysadmin for a magazine article. During the interview she flirted a lot with the sysadmin and while leaving she unintentionally left her pen drive at the sysadmins room. The sysadmin accessed the pen drive and saw that it contained umteen photographs of the lady. He did not realize that the photographs were Trojanized erst the Trojan was in place, a lot of sensitive information was stolen very easily. Illustration The sysadmin of a large manufacturing company received a beautifully packed CD ROM containing security updates from the company that developed the operating system that ran his companys servers.He installed the updates which in reality were Trojanized software. For 3 years after that a lot of confidential information was stolen from the companys systems Scenario 2 Same as scenario 1. Scenario 3 The disgruntled employee would usually have direct or indirect access to the information. He can use his personal computer or a cyber cafe to spread the information. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 141 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 8 Software Piracy Many people do not hit the books software piracy to be theft.They would never steal a rupee from someone but would not think twice before using pirated software. There is a common cognition amongst normal computer users to not consider software as property. This has led to software piracy becoming a flourishing business. The scenario Scenario 1 The software pirate sells the pirated software in physical media (usually CD ROMs) through a close network of dealers. Scenario 2 The software pirate sells the pirated software through electronic downloads through websites, bulletin boards, newsgroups, spam emails etc.The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 63 of Copyright Act. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology A ct, section 63 of Copyright Act. Who is liable? Scenario 1 The software pirate as well as the persons who buy the pirated software from him. Scenario 2 The software pirate as well as the persons who buy the pirated software from him. The motive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain. Scenario 2 Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi Scenario 1 The suspect uses high revivify CD duplication equipment to create multiple copies of the pirated software.This software is sold through a network of computer hardware and software vendors. Scenario 2 The suspect registers a domain name using a fictitious name and then hosts his website using a service provider that is based in a country that does not have cyber laws. Such service providers do not divulge knob information to law enforcement officials of other countries. 142 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 9 Music Piracy Many people do not consider medicinal drug piracy to be theft.T hey would never steal a rupee from someone but would not think twice before buying or using pirated medicament. There is a common perception amongst people users to not consider music as property. There is a huge business in music piracy. Thousands of unscrupulous businessmen sell pirated music at throw away prices. The scenario Scenario 1 The music pirate sells the pirated music in physical media (usually CD ROMs) through a close network of dealers. Scenario 2 The music pirate sells the pirated music through electronic downloads through websites, bulletin boards, newsgroups, spam emails etc.The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 63 of Copyright Act. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of the Information Technology Act, section 63 of Copyright Act. Who is liable? Scenario 1 The music pirate as well as the persons who buy the pirated software from him. Scenario 2 The music pirate as well as the persons who buy the pirated software from him. The mo tive Scenario 1 Illegal financial gain. Scenario 2 Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi Scenario 1 The suspect uses high speed CD duplication equipment to create multiple copies of the pirated music.This music is sold through a network of dealers. Scenario 2 The suspect registers a domain name using a fictitious name and then hosts his website using a service provider that is based in a country that does not have cyber laws. Such service providers do not divulge client information to law enforcement officials of other countries. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 143 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 10 Email Scams Emails are fast emerging as one of the most common methods of communication in the modern world.As can be expected, criminals are also using emails extensively for their illicit activities. The scenario In the first step, the suspect convinces the victim that the victim is going to get a lot of money (by way of winning a lottery or from a co rrupt African bureaucrat who wants to transfer his ill gotten gains out of his mob country). In order to convince the victim, the suspect sends emails (some having official looking documents as attachments). Once the victim believes this story, the suspect asks for a small fee to cover legal expenses or courier charges.If the victim pays up the money, the suspect stops all contact. The law Section 420 of Indian Penal Code Who is liable? The sender of the email. The motive Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi The suspect creates email accounts in fictitious names and sends out millions of fraudulent emails using powerful spam software. 144 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 11 Phishing With the tremendous increase in the use of online banking, online share trading and ecommerce, there has been a corresponding growth in the ncidents of phishing being used to carry out financial frauds. Phishing involves fraudulently acq uiring sensitive information (e. g. passwords, credit card details etc) by masquerading as a pulled entity. The scenario Scenario 1 The victim receives an email that appears to have been sent from his bank. The email urges the victim to click on the link in the email. When the victim does so, he is taken to a secure page on the banks website. The victim believes the web page to be authentic and he enters his username, password and other information.In reality, the website is a fake and the victims information is stolen and misused. The law Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and sections 419, 420 and 468 of Indian Penal Code. Who is liable? All persons involved in creating and sending the fraudulent emails and creating and maintaining the fake website. The persons who misuse the stolen or phished information are also liable. The motive Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi The suspect registers a domain name using fictitious details. The domain name is usually such th at can be misused for spoofing e. g. Noodle Bank has its website at www. oodle. com The suspects can target Noodle customers using a domain name the likes of www. noodle-bank-customerlogin. com The suspect then sends spoofed emails to the victims. e. g. the emails may appear to come from emailprotected com The fake website is designed to look exactly like the original website. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 145 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 12 Cyber Pornography Cyber obscenity is believed to be one of the largest businesses on the Internet today. The millions of pornographic websites that flourish on the Internet are testimony to this.While pornography per se is not illegitimate in many countries, child pornography is strictly illegal in most nations today. Cyber pornography includes pornographic websites, pornographic magazines produced using computers (to publish and print the material) and the Internet (to download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings etc). The scenario The suspect accepts online payments and allows paid customers to view / download pornographic pictures, videos etc from his website. The law Section 67 of Information Technology Act. Who is liable? The persons who create and maintain the pornographic websites are liable.In some cases cyber cafe owners and managers may also be liable in case they knowingly allow their customers to access the pornographic websites. The motive Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi The suspect registers a domain name using fictitious details and hosts a website on a server located in a country where cyber pornography is not illegal. The suspect accepts online payments and allows paying customers to view / download pornographic pictures, videos etc from his website. 146 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 3 Online Sale of Illegal Articles It is becoming increasingly common to find cases where sal e of narcotics drugs, weapons, wildlife etc. is being facilitated by the Internet. Information about the availability of the products for sale is being posted on auction websites, bulletin boards etc. The scenario The suspect posts information about the illegal sale that he seeks to make. Potential customers can contact the marketer using the email IDs provided. If the buyer and seller trust each other after their email and / or telephonic conversation, the actual transaction can be concluded.In most such cases the buyer and seller will meet face to face at the time of the final transaction. Illustration In March 2007, the Pune rural police cracked down on an illegal rave party and arrested hundreds of illegal drug users. The social networking site, Orkut. com, is believed to be one of the modes of communication for gathering people for the illegal drug party. The law Depending upon the illegal items being transacted in, provisions of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, Arms Act, Indian Penal Code, Wildlife related laws etc may apply. Who is liable?The persons who buy and sell these items. The motive Illegal financial gain. Modus Operandi The suspect creates an email ID using fictitious details. He then posts messages, about the illegal products, in various chat rooms, bulletin boards, newsgroups etc. Potential customers can contact the seller using the email IDs provided. If the buyer and seller trust each other after their email and / or telephonic conversation, the actual transaction can be concluded. In most such cases the buyer and seller will meet face to face at the time of the final transaction. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 147 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 14 Use of Internet and Computers by Terrorists Many terrorists are using virtual as well as physical storage media for hiding information and records of their illicit business. They also use emails and chat rooms to communicate with their counte rparts around the globe. The scenario The suspects carry laptops wherein information relating to their activities is stored in encrypted and password protected form. They also create email accounts using fictitious details. In many cases, one email account is shared by many people.E. g. one terrorist composes an email and saves it in the draft folder. Another terrorist logs into the same account from another city / country and reads the saved email. He then composes his reply and saves it in the draft folder. The emails are not actually sent. This makes email tracking and tracing almost impossible. Terrorists also use physical storage media for hiding the information e. g. hard drives, floppies, USB drives, mobile phone memory cards, digital camera memory cards, CD ROMs, DVD ROMs, iPods etc. They also use virtual storage media for hiding the information e. g. mail accounts, online briefcases, FTP sites, Gspace etc. The law Terrorists are covered by conventional laws such as Indian P enal Code and special code relating to terrorism. Who is liable? Terrorists as well as those who help them to protect their information are liable. If email service providers do not assist the law enforcement personnel office in the investigation then they are also legally liable. The motive Keeping terrorism related information confidential. Secure communication amongst terrorist group members. Modus Operandi The terrorists purchase small storage devices with large data storage capacities.They also purchase and use encryption software. The terrorists may also use free or paid accounts with online storage providers. 148 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 23. 15 Virus Attacks Computer viruses are malicious programs that destroy electronic information. As the world is increasingly becoming networked, the threat and damage caused by viruses is growing by leaps and bounds. The scenario Scenario 1 The virus is a general in the w ild virus. This way of life that it is spreading all over the world and is not targeted at any specific organisation.Scenario 2 The virus targets a particular organisation. This type of a virus is not known to anti-virus companies as it is a new virus created specifically to target a particular organisation. The law Scenario 1 Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and section 426 of Indian Penal Code. Scenario 2 Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act and section 426 of Indian Penal Code. Who is liable? Scenario 1 The creator of the virus. Scenario 2 The creator of the virus as well as the buyer who purchases the virus (usually to target his business rivals).The motive Scenario 1 boot and a perverse pleasure in destroying data belonging to strangers. Scenario 2 Illegal business rivalry. financial gain, revenge, Modus Operandi Scenario 1 A highly skilled programmer creates a new type or strain of virus and releases it on the Internet so that it can spread all ov er the world. Being a new virus, it goes undetected by many anti-virus software and hence is able to spread all over the world and cause a lot of damage. Anti-virus companies are usually able to find a solution within 8 to 48 hours. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 149 Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective Scenario 2 A highly skilled programmer creates a new type or strain of virus. He does not release it on the Internet. Instead he sells it for a huge amount of money. The buyer uses the virus to target his rival company. Being a new virus, it may be undetected by the victim companys anti-virus software and hence would be able to cause a lot of damage. Anti-virus companies may never get to know about the initiation of the virus. 150 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence Indian Perspective 3. 16 Web Defacement Website defacement is usually the substitution of the original home page of a website with another page (usually por nographic or defamatory in nature) by a hacker. Religious and government sites are regularly targeted by hackers in order to display political or religious beliefs. Disturbing images and offensive phrases might be displayed in the process, as well as a signature of sorts, to show who was responsible for the defacement. Websites are not only defaced for political reasons, many defacers do it just for the thrill.The scenario The homepage of a website is replaced with a pornographic or defamatory page. In case of Government websites, this is most commonly done on symbolic days (e. g. the Independence day of the country). The law Sections 43 and 66 of Information Technology Act In some cases section 67 and 70 may also apply. Who is liable? The person who defaces the website. The motive Thrill or a perverse pleasure in inciting communal disharmony. Modus Operandi The defacer may exploit the vulnerabilities of the operating system or applications used to host the website.This will allow h im to hack into the web server and change the home page and other pages. Alternatively he may launch a brute force or dictionary attack to obtain the administrator passwords for the website. He can then connect to the web server and change the webpages. 2008 Rohas Nagpal. All rights reserved. 151 www. asianlaws. org Head Office 6th Floor, Pride Senate, Behind Indiabulls Mega Store, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411016. India get through Numbers +91-20-25667148 +91-20-40033365 +91-20-64000000 +91-20-64006464 Email emailprotected org URL www. asianlaws. org
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Customer Lifetime Value in Movie Business Essay
Unlike other industries, the marketing scenario in media and entertainment industry such as movie or music business atomic number 18 more unpredictable and unstable. In terms of movie industry, which differs from typical product category, nevertheless, provides a variety of interesting multiple-genres products serving different audience herds for entertainment.The diffusion is rather rapid and the product life shell is extremely short, even though reversioning or rerunning might take place. Correspondingly, the customer lifetime value is relatively depression and difficult to estimate. The brand loyalty doesnt make too more sense in this area whatever giant movie studios or independent films, the audience goes for a movie based on their personal preference or word-of mouth communications (both online and offline). Thus a lot of customer travail happen in movie industry and nobody knows anything theory occupies, which leads to a unstable and insignificant retention rate.As a resu lt, we cannot utilize the formulation II regarding retention rates in book to estimate CLV here. Instead, if we use the first formulation, a series of hypothetical figures are required. Based on database from NATO(National stand of Theater Owners), the fairish customer goes for movie 5 times a year. A movie fan maybe watch film every week. The average ticket price per year is around $7.5. However, the variable cost for ticketing and acquisition cost per cost are unknown.However, the concept of CLV still of great significance to movie industry that1) It comes up with the concept of customer segmentation. We should treat different customers differently. For instance, to implement rewarding incentives or promotion to retain those diehard moviegoers that value much to the business. It is also an effective method to gathering audiences information and data. 2) Multiple marketing strategies are required to promote a single product( one movie) and maximize the useful value. Besides, th e entertainment industry should try to embrace the free model in the digital time, for instance, to create spin-off products related to the movies as another revenue stream.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Electronic Health Record Essay
In the proposed scenario, a clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) with a Post-Masters Nursing Informatics Certificate has decided that the 100 bed infirmary that she works in would benefit from transitioning from paper graphing to using an electronic health record (EHR) agreement. She has done initial clinical research and has a solid foot of dress hat-patient-practice reasons that support this change. She has also researched and studied the culture on the governments websites, and pertaining to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. HITECH is a stimulus package approved by the US government allowing $19 billion dollars to be divided between infirmarys and doctors who examine purposeful recitation of electronic medical records(ARRA HITECH Solutions, 2015). She knows that the best way to select and institute an EHR is to assemble a team of members with various special ties pertaining to the goals outlined in the stages of HITECH. introduce 1- Data capture and sharing, Stage 2- Advance clinical processes and Stage 3- Improved outcomes. Each of these stages has its own meaningful use criteria. As seen in the plat to theleft.The CNS begins by choosing the members of her team from various disciplines in the hospital. Because this volition mean corporate wide changes and adoption. Her list includes the following, from the IT department, a Clinical Nursing Informatacist- chosen for a specialty in how nurses interact with bundle and what is required for nurses to effectively do by for patients, and the Director of Clinical Informatics- chosen for an overall knowledge base of the hospitals informatics resources and requirements including what software and hardware is currently ready(prenominal), what has worked or failed in the past and what changes exit take away to happen to keep the hospital compliant with patient concealing and safety regulat ions.She pass on also need a Corporate Project Manager to organize and disseminate information to the various off-site entities think to the facilities that lead need to be on board with this change across the corporation. A Chief Medical Information Officer go forth be key in providing the perspective of the physicians and their crabby needs and goals, and to be a liaison for the staff physicians when the EHR rollout occurs. A Chief Information Officer will bring knowledge about the hospitals day to day functions that will need to integrate into the parvenue EHR along with how those carcasss currently function.A Chief Nursing Information Officer will view their finger on the pulse of each(prenominal) nursing building block and be aware of the different user interface requirements that will be needed by different departments for the the particular proposition type of flow and care inclined. Lastly, a Chief Financial Officer will be open to guide the team on topics concer ning governmental funding and current assets along with helping to create and maintain a budget as required with the acquisition of vernal software and hardware, he will also be adapted to work with each departments budget makers when the time comes for allocating prepare hours and equipment purchases. Along the way the team will need to bring in sub-specialists to give information and feedback as they hone the new system, but for now the assembled team will be responsible for researching, choosing and implementing the best EHR for their hospital.A.2 a-e) Choose 2 real-life computerized management systems and analyze them by comparing their advantages and disadvantages, recommend the best choice to meet the MU requirements, describe how the features of the recommended system meet the guidelines outlined in the three stages of meaningful use, describe the impact on quality of patient care, documentation and outcomes.The team is aware that currently they bedevil a computerized sys tem that they use for inform and trailing labs, radiology and scheduling, but all documentation is paper based. They consider the price point involved with adding modules to the existing McKesson software vs purchasing and implementing an merely new EHR called heroical. larger-than-life appears to be user friendly and able to seamlessly connect all of the facilities under the umbrella of their corporation. They make a list of some of the pros and cons associated with each system.McKesson has the upside of be a system they have already worked with and it has different programs that can be pieced together to meet some of the meaningful use (MU) criteria for compliance. They already have a working relationship with this vendor and some experience with the product. Once the discussion gets going, the team realizes that there are galore(postnominal) more good-for-nothing points than good with McKesson. In their experience, the software modules are connected in a piecemeal fashion that makes it difficult for programs to interface. Quite frequently selective information is just anomic and not retrievable. There are different info entry systems for the different types of departments i.e. OR, ER, labor &delivery, Med/Surge, radiology, and pharmacy. The different systems do not allow for across the board data harvesting and that makes it difficult and time consuming to track reportable nursing and CMS indicators. The aesthetics of McKesson are something that is frequently complained about by the staff, due to lack of classifiable color transition and eye fatigue.Lastly, the group is very reluctant to continue on building their EHR base with McKesson because the PCPs in the area will not be able to access hospital records, and office visit information will not be available to the hospital based staff. Due to the need for increase man hours in servicing McKesson, lack of discrete data sampling, and the poor continuity of care related to PCPs not having access to hospital data and offense versa, the team decides to choose Epic instead. Epic has the down side of being a system that will require a large initial outgo of funds. The hospital will have to purchase software, and related hardware. They will have to expand the IT and biomedical engineering departments to support and maintain the new system and equipment (something that would have been necessary to a smaller degree with McKesson).They will have to address some retrofitting needs related to wiring and computer instillation and lastly dressing will be a very big issue. Despite the potential down sides, the team comes up with a long list of reasons that EPIC is the decent system to choose. To begin with EPIC is all one system. It allows for seamless interdepartmental interfacing. The PCPs in the area already use a version of EPIC and this will allow for easy data exchange and a patients information will follow them easily. The EPIC system has a medical specialty propitiation form that is easily viewable to all care givers and pharmacies in the area, keeping track of each patients reported medication dose and frequency. EPIC has a my chart feature that allows patients see labs, after visit summaries , and to interact with physicians about scheduling, medications and lab results. EPIC hasmany built in safe guards, including password protection, continuous co-occurrence and be restoredy programs so no data is lost, and the vendor provides continuing support as needed. EPIC comes in 3 pre-bundled, customizable templates, each already set up to meet the Meaningful Use (MU) criteria without having to alter the program.The team can look at the three available options and determine if one fits them perfectly, or find the next one and alter it to fit their specific needs. Some examples of how EPIC will meet the Stage 1 MU criteria are computerized physician order entry, full pointing for drug interactions and allergies automatically, tracking demographics, keepi ng current diagnosis, medication and allergy lists, allowing patients to have electronic access to discharge summaries, and it gives patients electronic access to physicians. Once the hospital has used EPIC for at least two years, some examples of how EPIC will help meet the Stage 2 MU criteria are ongoing patient data entry and discerning sampling for report generation. The team will continue to develop the software that demonstrates interoperability in sharing of lab results with other providers and systems. Security risk assessment will be ongoing and built into the system.Smoking status will be tracked on all patients 13 and older and the EPIC software is intentional to guide the facility from meeting the Stage 1 criteria to meeting the Stage 2 criteria. Stage 3 MU objectives are projected to improve outcomes. The team is hold on the final ruling for what the Stage 3 guidelines will be and in the mean time they have a projected goal of management on primary prevention measur es and improving overall population health. This will include recommended vaccination reminders, smoking cessation assistance, healthy lifestyle and meal supply recommendations, and yearly checkup reminders generated by primary physicians that will crossover to hospital patient charts. Some of the better benefits of EPIC include point and click tabs in the assessment fields, this allows for discrete sampling of information. EPIC utilizes a reporting workbench that will harvest requested, reportable dataand assemble it into a user friendly template. This will benefit the hospital by reducing former man-hours required to find and collect data for clinical quality measures, public health reporting, and CMS indicators.distinct data sampling from EPIC will make the hospital a benefit to the community as well by allowing it to track trends and provide information to community health nurses. EPIC comes with the ability to establish hard stops and reminders that allow real-time users to be aware of needs for care coordination and patient specific follow-ups or recommended testing related to treating chronic conditions. It will also allow for symptom driven order entry fields to be immediately available in emergent situations where time taken to look for those things could mean a worse outcome. This is especially important when people present with symptoms of stroke or amount of money attack. Another EPIC benefit is the different levels of bedside specific PHI protection related to sensitive care. EPIC has a break the glass functionality pertaining to all sexual colza and psychiatric admits.This function only allows relevant staff to open and view these patients charts, any others are shown a pop-up warning and a notice is sent to soak up an investigation of any other person who logs in to theses charts. The team is impressed with the information provided by EPIC concerning scanning patients and medications at the bedside and the reduction in medication errors this causes. The scanners will integrate with the medication dispensing machines already in use at the hospital. One of the major benefits of EPIC is the order entry build. Each physician, with a tokenish amount of training, can customize the order entry process to reflect their needs. Medication orders are instantly linked to a pharmacist to double check for allergies, and correct dosing information, and then the medication becomes available, via PYXIS machines on the unit for the RN to administer at the bedside. The bedside dosing requires the patient and medication to be scanned, farther eliminating potential errors, and provides a pop-up warning if an emergency override is required during any of thesesteps. While the team acknowledges that training and time to become familiar with the new charting and bedside routine changes will ab initio impact patient care in a negative way, they have a plan in mind to keep the patients educated on the new system changes and the anticipated bet ter care available to the patients across the board from instituting an EHR system. Having the patients ask questions and give real time feedback will help the team tweek their training and bedside routines to give better, more organized care that results in trackable outcomes. This is just an overview of some of the many functions EPIC has that persuaded the team to choose it as the new EHR system for the hospital. (EPIC and McKesson related information was culled from the authors own experience with the systems and personal interviews with multiple members of the informatics department at St Francis Hospital, Indianapolis campus).A.3 a) Use of Quality Improvement DataEPIC has point and click assessment tabs and a standardized documentation format that associate related data. This allows for discrete data sampling related to things like CMS indicators. The hospital will be able to track compliance with things like door to EKG times in the emergency department, Foley catheter use a nd resultant CAUTIs, and the time from when a patient presents with stroke symptoms until a cat scan is done and/or whether the patient receives antithrombolytics as a result. The hospital will also be able to generate reports on errors that occur the via the Risk Monitor Pro incident tracking software. This will allow them to continue researching and improving processes.A. 3 b) Security Standards and MethodsEPIC has 24 hour monitoring of staff use while logged in, and the records they access. This is important because hundreds of staff members will be using the system and there has to be business if employees were to look up their own records, or the records of friends or family. Thisinformation can be tracked and the employee interviewed and disciplined if needed. EPIC also comes equipped with incident reporting software called Risk Monitor Pro. All staff members are encouraged to use this format to report any incident that might warrant further investigation. It covers every loc ation, type of employee, type of equipment, patient, visitor or vendor. Risk Monitor Pro forms are used to report potential or perceived injuries, improper equipment, sentinel events and things that have the potential to cause harm or damage.This information can be followed up on by the risk management team, so that process improvement is an ongoing process. The team works with members from the IT department and plans for primary data retentiveness with a redundant back up storage unit that simultaneously updates so if the primary server fails there is no loss of information. They have also planned for a second, off site data storage center that can be used in case of emergency to ensure continuity of services, and keep things up and running while the primary system is off line for upgrades. Lastly back up tapes will be kept at a third site in case two of these areas are compromised, and the system can be rebooted and running again within 72 hours.A. 3 c) Explain how the system w ill protect patient privacy and meet HIPAA requirements EPIC will protect patient privacy in a number of ways. End User access is limited to only being able to access the information needed to do their jobs. Making the accessible information different for nurses, physicians, registration clerks, radiology technicians, committee members etc.Personnel will only be granted access once they have completed pledge training and have signed documentation stating that they understand the legal risks and responsibilities when accessing protect health information (PHI). Individuals outside the hospital will have access to EPIC as well, for example nursing home physicians. They will have a read only access granted, but will require multiple patient identifiers to access the information. Also, as mentioned earlier, EPIC will employ security relatedchart hard stops like Break the Glass.A. 3 d) Explain how the recommended system meets HIPAA requirements EPIC helps to meet HIPAA requirements with automated enforcing of access policies, and pro-active alerting that links directly to the risk management department, requiring strong password policies, and automatic logout at end user work stations. EPIC allows providers to protect the integrity of data and recover original data in the case of it being altered or damaged. EPIC users are required to have appropriate training to be able to access the system, and can be locked out in the case of termination. Portable devices carry encryption software that does not allow for third party data extraction or access. EPIC can also quickly generate reports with discrete sampling related to various forms of access. The majority of compliance will be the responsibility of the staff with written policies, documented sanction programs and investigation that is on-going, consistent and documented.A. 3 e) Describe how adopting the system will reduce costs to the organization Instituting this new system will initially generate more costs, but in the long run will save the hospital money in many ways. Meeting the ARRA/HITECH Act requirements will help to offset those cost with financial incentives and avoiding fines and penalties. Having promptly available test results will decrease the costs and labor associated with repeating lost or illegible results. With superior organization and data summary tools, the cost for labor associated with studying charts individually and generating reports will be exponentially lower.The need for transcriptionists will be greatly reduced by utilizing dictation software. Facilities for storage of paper charting cost money for upkeep and staffing. An electronic database should make billing and policy claims easier to process and thereby generate revenue faster. The time it takes for physicians to spend going over complicated medical histories with patients is greatly reduced byhaving that information readily available in a database. According to a recent study, when hospitals rely on adva nced electronic health records they can save up to 10 percent per patient admission (Advanced EHR Cuts Hospital Costs By 10% Per Admission, 2014).4. A) Explain why active nursing involvement in the planning, pickaxe, and writ of execution of the systems is important to the success of the execution process and meeting meaningful use requirementsActive nursing involvement is important to the success of implementing any process that affects care given at the bedside. For the system to be optimized for use, nursing suggestions and feedback are critical. EPIC knows this and has a team of nurses on staff to work with the facilityin ontogenesis end-user interface. Nurses from the hospital include the advocates, CNSs, NPs, LPNs, managers, and bedside care givers, each with a specific focus and experiences that are valuable when helping to decide how charting should work. any(prenominal) thing that pulls a nurses attention away from the patient, or is distracting or difficult to work wit h decreases the perceived level of care and increases the potential for errors.The health care goals of meaningful use include improving efficiency, safety and quality while decreasing discrepancies, involving patients and their families in their care, improving public health outcomes, improving care coordination, and advancing security and privacy of PHI (Gregory & Klepfer, 2010). All of these things are the foundation of every interaction a nurse has with a patient. This is why nursing is one of the most trusted professions, tally to the Gallup pole website, nurses come out on top at 80% when people were asked to rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in different given fields (Honesty/Ethics in Professions Gallup Historical Trends, n.d.).Because standard nursing care already meets the goals outlined for meaningful use, the most important thing the modal(a)nurse can do is to work hard to be competent utilizing the selected EHR software. Advanced users and nurse leader s are important to help guide the EHR selection process in the direction that will improve the bedside interactions and user interface. Clinical nurse specialists have advanced educations and bring the nursing philosophy to the selection and implementation process. All of these roles are vital to the success of any EHR implementation.
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