Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tsotsi vs The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free
Tsotsi vs The Kite Runner Essay In the novel, The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini and the film Tsotsi written by Athol Furgard, many similarities can be found. Both stories include the inner battle that people face throughout their life, the meaning of bravery and what brotherhood truly represents. In todays society, people find it difficult to perceive their values and what they believe in. The inner battle isnt the only concept that the novel and the movie share, but many more parallel ideas will be revealed through themes. Very few would believe that the pureness of flying kites and the criminality associated with gangs could somehow be so similar. Although these stories were written nearly a decade ago, they are still able to accurately depict what life in Afghanistan and South Africa are like today. Bravery, Brotherhood, and Redemption are all themes in which one or more characters from The Kite Runner and Tsotsi undergo at least once throughout their stories. Redemption is the act of sacrifice and getting rid of sins. Redemption just means you just make a change in your life and you try to do right, versus what you were doing, which was wrong. Ice T. Bravery is courageous behavior or character. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela. Finally, Brotherhood is the relationship between brothers or a close group of friends. I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I dont believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesnt want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two-way street. Some might ask, what is the true meaning of bravery? There is no correct answer to this question as everyone has their own interpretations on bravery. Bravery can take many forms, and not just in situations where there is combat. Any time that someone has to overcome fear and take action can be classified as bravery. An example of bravery in The Kite Runner would be when the main character, Amir returns to Afghanistan to save his brothers son, Sohrab. After discovering that Sohrab is in an orphanage in Afghanistan, Amir decides to bring him back to America, as a way of ridding himself of his past sins. While searching Afghanistan for Sohrab, Amir discovers that his childhood enemy, Assef is the Taliban leader who has Sohrab captive. He must overcome his fears and face the bully of his past, to redeem himself and free Sohrab. Amir defeats Assef in a fight, and successfully takes Sohrab back to America. This is a true act of bravery as Amir was willing to sacrifice his life to insure Sohrabs safety. If he had lost or been caught, Assef, being a member of the Taliban, wouldve had Amir killed instantly. In the movie Tsotsi, there are two specific examples of bravery. While returning to the house for the second time, Tsotsi and his gang hold John hostage while searching for valuable items. The real reason for Tsotsis return was to find things that would help him take care of the baby such as baby formula and a bottle. John sets off the house alarm while no one is watching him and Tsotsi and his friends begin to panic. Butcher proceeds to aim his gun at John, for setting off the alarm. As he is about to pull the trigger, Tsotsi shoots Butcher in the back of the head. This requires true bravery as Butcher was his good friend, but he had to sacrifice his friend to ensure that the babys father stayed alive and out of harm. Redemption, the act of sacrifice in order to forgive ones self. His father had once said to Rahim Khan A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything (Page 23). Amirs guilt lies in the fact that his mother had died giving birth to him and he feels that he is responsible for his mothers death. At one point in the story, Amir begins to believe that his father blames him for her death, due to an unhealthy father-son relationship. It is at this point where we realize that Amir has been trying to redeem himself in his fathers eyes and meet his fathers standards for his entire life. But his guilt does not end there. Amir has a strong desire to win Babas love and for that he believes that he must win the kite flying competition and ultimately sacrifice anything, including Hassan. Although he does not say it, he shows it in the rape scene that occurs later on, when he watches his best friend getting raped and does absolutely nothing about it. It is ironic because Amir thinks he can redeem himself in the eyes of his father by bringing him the losing kite and make him proud. In the movie Tsotsi, there is one prime example of redemption that occurs. Throughout the entire movie, the main character, Tsotsi can be seen wearing black clothing at all times. It represents his impurity and his evil intentions. While wearing black, he kills a man, threatens a woman with a gun, and bullies an old man. In the last scene of the movie, Tsotsi wears white, symbolizing his purity and his good intentions. He accepts his mistakes, goes to return the baby and to seek forgiveness for his sins. This change in clothing may not seem big, but it shows the audience the change that Tsotsi has gone through, the purity in his heart, and also shows that he wants to be a better person. Brotherhood, the relationship between brothers or close group of friends. In The Kite Runner, the major example of brotherhood is the relationship between Hassan and Amir. Throughout the book, there are events that show off this brotherhood. When Ali and Hassan decide to leave, Baba, a man who is seen as the toughest man in Kabul, starts to break down in tears due to the fact that his best friend is leaving him. Hassan and Amir share a special bond as they have known each other since childhood and have been each others best friend. One example of their brotherhood would be, Amir and Hassan, The Sultans of Kabul., which was engraved onto the tree. This symbolizes that they will always be friends and Rulers of Kabul. Another example of their brotherhood would be that Amir returns to Afghanistan to help Hassans son and bring him back to America. In the movie Tsotsi, a key example of brotherhood is between Tsotsi and Boston. Tsotsi first finds Boston on the street, outside of the bar, throwing up and lying in his own vomit. Tsotsi takes him in, cleans him up, and accepts him as part of the gang. They are together for a total of six months before getting into an argument which leads to Tsotsi punching Boston in the face multiple times. Once Boston becomes conscious again, Tsotsi brings him back to his home, apologizes and they start over again. Tsotsi tells Boston that he is going to get him money, so that he can continue his education and fulfill his dreams of becoming a teacher. Although these stories seemed to be complete opposites at first, upon further analysis we can conclude that they are actually very similar. They share multiple themes with one another including redemption, brotherhood and bravery.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Odysseus, The Hero :: essays research papers
An individual’s characteristics are the key to their behavior. Homer’s The Odyssey takes place about 700BC in the Mediterranean, near Greece. The epic tells of a man who left his home twenty years earlier to fight in the Trojan War. His mission now is to make his way home to Ithaca. Odysseus shows good and bad traits throughout the epic that influence his way home .      (65 words) The courage and wisdom of Odysseus help him survive through the whole epic. For example, Odysseus kills the Cyclops while the giant is asleep, even though the monster ate two men minutes before (P.110). Odysseus has courage to stand up for his beliefs and never lets the opinion of others keep him from doing what is right. Some think Odysseus shows his courage throughout the epic because he is proud and does not want to leave any job unfinished. Furthermore, Odysseus by plugs the sailors’ ears with wax when going through the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to there doom (p. 141). Odysseus often hesitates before acting, because he uses reason to evaluate the situation, which saves him and his men many times. Odysseus knows that there is no progress without the wisdom to back it up. Using courage and wisdom throughout life allows a person to see greatness in life. As great as he was, Odysseus still had some weaknesses, most importantly that of his pride and sensualness, that prolongs his voyage back to Ithaca. This is clearly evident in the episode on the Cyclopes’ Island when Odysseus and his men are safely away from the island when Odysseus brags about his exploits making Polythemus hurl giant boulders almost sinking the ship (P. 114). This incident hurt Odysseus more than just losing a few men, because Poseidon makes his travel home very long and arduous. This proud characteristic shows Odysseus has a lack of respect for others and that he is selfish. Furthermore, Odysseus stays with Circe for one year before his men remind him of home (p.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Impact of External and Internal Factors on the Four Functions of Management
Impact of External and Internal Factors on the Four Functions of Management External and internal factors such as globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics can greatly impact the four functions of management. Functions such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling can be influenced by these different internal and external factors since organizations need to ensure that they are addressed properly for business success. In addition, knowing the external and internal factors help organizations in identifying the business risks that exist in the environment in which they operate.This paper will focus on United Way, a non-profit community-based organization that was initially found in communities, large and small, across the United States. Globalization Globalization has invoked extensive debate over its impact and credibility, giving rise to a number of perspectives. Indeed increased globalization has prompted remarkable economic growth around the world. It has led to job opportunities in making the products that are exchanged with different countries. This has produced specialization and comparative advantage.The power of foreign competition has encouraged domestic industries to innovate and it has allowed resources to flow to their highest use as well. Further, globalization is the process that increased the link and interdependence of the world markets and businesses. It is a route of interaction and integration of the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process motivated by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. The volume of world trade has increased due to globalization.Consequently, more jobs are being available to people and consumers all over the world are enjoying a wider selection of products made from different countries. Today, United Way does not only serve in strengthening families, helping children and youth, and building stronger communities locally. Aside from its 1 300 local organizations in America, it has also 3000 organizations in 47 countries. Due to globalization, United Way is able to tap not only the local communities but the international communities as well.The organization is able to help other nations through United Way International. As of 2008, United Way International started new United Ways in some parts of India, Brazil, Peru, France, Argentina and Johannesburg, South East Asia, Latin America and South Africa. (United Way International, 2008). United Way raises sources through donations to be able to help people in need in different countries. Globalization has indeed impacted the four functions of United Way management since the organization now needs to consider developing the budget and business plans for a global organization.United Way’s Founding Committee discusses challenges of what may come up during this process. The committee chooses members that will oversee the board and hires the director and the first manag ement team who will spearhead during the changes due to globalization. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization that serves a bigger area need to implement changes in its conventional way of doing things to ensure that the same quality services are provided in all the countries that it serves. Technology Technology impacts management and business decisions on multiple levels.During the December 1999 Conference of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management, Executive Director Roni Posner states: Technology is the backbone of management and organizational effectiveness. It equips people with data and information that can be then synthesized into learning and knowledge; and, this knowledge is what gives organizations more powerful voices in, and greater impact on, community change–the ultimate goal of nonprofit capacity building. (Osten, 2001, para. 1). The United Way implements technological plans to remain competitive with fundraising and accounting, volunteer management and community services.To improve management of accounting and fundraising practices, nearly 200 United Way organizations are opting to use Sage Software’s MIP Fund Accounting application (Sage Software, 2005). MIP Fund Accounting is designed to ease reporting and transaction management for nonprofits. With this system, chart of accounts are easily created with transaction tracking capabilities. Reports are generated within the program and reporting cycles are significantly shortened by hours or even days. MIP Fund Accounting is user-friendly and easy-to-learn, with grouped tasks according to accounting functions (â€Å"Sage MIP fund accounting,†n. . ). In addition to incorporating technology to manage multiple account funds, United Way is developing new technologies to garner donor contributions. Donations are the economic capital United Way relies on to provide quality services in their respective communities. Thus, United Way must be creative in its pur suits to compete with other nonprofits for this income stream. One viable solution was the creation of the United eWay Consortium. The consortium, founded by Phoenix’s Valley of the Sun United Way, allows participating United Way agencies to create customized Web sites for online pledging.This system eliminates the use of paper pledges and makes donation tracking effortless for both United Way organizations and gifting firms (Wallace, 2001). Cash donations are not the only gifts needed by United Way to meet its organizational goals. Human resource donations or volunteers are a significant portion of the United Way workforce. Technology was again utilized by the nonprofit to meet managerial needs. A local United Way agency in Indiana launched an online matchmaking site to connect volunteers with giving opportunities.Volunteer Solutions is a medium used by area helping agencies to post their volunteer openings on the site. Potential volunteers register on the site and search fo r possible positions by their zip code, area of interest or agency name. When a match is found, volunteers are then notified. During the first week of its inception, Volunteer Solutions matched approximately 40 volunteers to local nonprofits (Davis, 2003). Not only does the United Way use technology to enhance business operations, the nonprofit also employs technology to better serve its constituents. United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta and its partners†¦piloted an electronic benefits calculator, a tool that streamlines the eligibility and enrollment process for federal, state and community benefits†(United Way of America, n. d. , pg. 11). Over a two-year period, awards for benefits increased by $453,000. Technology is an essential tool used by United Way to increase efficiency and allocation of resources, generate donor contributions and expand community services. Without the use of technology, United Way and its benefactors would not reap the benefits of its continued s uccess as a dominant nonprofit organization.Innovation Innovation is important for an organization to succeed in its endeavor. For a non-profit organization like United Way, innovation is significant in order to find more ways to help and serve communities in need better. Innovation can greatly impact the four functions of management since innovation needs to be considered in all functions of management to improve and advance the ways and means of United Way in serving people. Diversity Diversity is â€Å"variety of something, such as opinion, race, color, style and or gender†(â€Å"Diversity,†2008, n. . ) In order for a company or organization to be diverse it needs to value diversity by respecting and appreciating all aspects of an individual, including race, gender, religion, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical abilities, age, parental status to name a few. That is what The United Way of America stands on and strives for. United Way is built up of all different walks of life and in order for the non-profit organization to be able to strive everyone must be able to get along and work well with each other.To make sure the organization stays diverse, United Way of America has formed a Diversity Cabinet to eliminate discrimination. United Way is made up of all types of individuals from every walk of life to form their cabinets, their volunteers and their customers. United Way’s Core Value statement is â€Å"Diversity and Inclusion are core values for United Way. We aspire every segment of the community in every aspect of our work and to demonstrate our commitment to and accountability for an inclusive environment in which differences are recognized, respected, valued and celebrated†(United Way, 2008, n. . ). United Way also feels that its inclusive and diverse organization gives the organization the opportunity to actively live and achieve its mission and values to attract, develop and return mor e diverse talent. It also helps the organization to grow and broaden its base of support from volunteers, donors and other stakeholders. Diversity also helps the United Way to model, facilitate and lead the collaborative efforts needed to make changes in community conditions. It is also a way to become innovative and develop better solutions leading to better performance and results.In addition, diversity enhances the organization’s reputation and brand in the philanthropic community and global market place (Live United, 2008, n. p. ). United Way does not care if an individual is someone who wants to be a volunteer or one of the organization boards/committees or someone who needs the help. United Way is here to help. Ethics Code of Ethics in any organization is extremely important. Code of ethics deals with organizational values and principles and behaviors on what is and is not acceptable.It helps to ensure people are treated equally and justly in all matters. United Way does have Code of ethics and it may differ according to each location. However all communities in which the organization is located is governed by the overall America Code of ethics that United Way has set forth (â€Å"United Way of America Code of Ethics Guide, 2004). United Way code of ethics was created and discussed amongst the employees and volunteers and believe these codes will help the organization through the work that is encompassed each day.United Way code of ethics is based on core values which are: integrity, impact, volunteerism, inclusiveness and catalytic leadership In addition, the organization believes that the staff will be able to make great decisions that are legal and binding when ethical codes are set forth. Code of Ethics from United Way Association (UWA) (United Way of America Code, 2004) also ensures personal and professional integrity. UWA is motivated in performance to meet the mission. In addition, UWA believes communication is a powerful source when us ed effectively. Equal Opportunity is another important factor governed under the Code of Ethics.UWA believes conflict of interest could degrade the organization and should refrain from personal gain to include gifts that does not relate to the mission. To include, UWA no one should be family affiliated or dating within the organization because it is believed that it affects the appearance of impartiality. Confidentiality and privacy is believed to be handled at a professional level in the UWA organization by respecting the privacy rights of individuals and to make sure information is not disclosed. United Way is committed to the highest ethical standards. It has an obligation to everyone to act ethically at all times.United Way believes that its continued success comes from everyone affiliated with the organization who lives by the code of ethics. United Way came up with their code of ethics by collaborating with their employees, volunteers and anyone else with interest (United Way of America Code, 2004). Holding an organization to a high ethical standard will always set the organization apart from other organizations. The United Way is such a highly reputable organization due to the implementation of its code of ethics. Delegation in Managing the Impacts of External and Internal FactorsManagers can use delegation to manage the impact that the factors have on the four functions of management by ensuring that the process of delegation is done well. One person can not run the show all on his/her own. Delegation plays a huge role in getting the job done successfully. In order to make this happen there must be a clear plan of action. All parties have to be informed as to what duties they are responsible for and how those duties must be carried out. There must be clarity that supports how the responsibilities will be completed and if support from other team members is needed for that completion.These things must be discussed in the planning and or organization s tages. There has to be contingency plans and structure to any project in which a manager is delegating responsibilities. Delegation of responsibilities, projects, duties or tasks can be a double-edged sword. In order for a manager to manage effectively it has to be used with finesse. The parties that a manager delegates tasks should be responsible and trustworthy. While it is not always possible to do so, it is important to implement accountability to each team responsible for every task.Delegation will only work if the manager who is delegating also does his/her job properly. Follow-up and constructive feedback is important for the delegation process to be effective. Conclusion The external and internal factors can indeed impact the four functions of management. As observed in the United Way organization, globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics can affect planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of its organization. While globalization has helped United Wa y in serving other countries in need it has also impacted the four functions of management. Considerations now need to be done in a larger scale.The four functions of management have to be done in a global scale with the same standards as the organization has locally. Technology impacts the four functions of management on multiple levels. Proper planning on what technology to use, organizing the people who needs to spearhead the use of new technologies, leading and controlling the people who will be involved in the use of different technologies need to be considered. If these are not done, the effectiveness of the technologies that the organization uses may not be fully maximized. Innovation impacts the four functions of management since innovation needs to be considered in ll functions of management to improve and advance the ways and means of United Way in serving people. Diversity can also impact the functions of management since most organizations like United Way has diverse emp loyees that can affect the decisions that are involved in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of its organization. Ethics can also impact the four functions of management since an organization cannot create good credibility without acceptable code of ethics. Thus, it is essential that internal and external factors are considered when using the four functions of management.References Davis, A. M. (2003, August 18). Technology connects volunteers: local United Way launches online matchmaking service. Indianapolis Business Journal, 24(23), 3, 60. Retrieved September 14, 2008, from Gale PowerSearch database. Diversity. (2008). In Encarta World English Dictionary Online. Retrieved September 14, 2008 from Live United: United Way: Diversity and inclusion. (2008). Retrieved September 14, 2008 from Osten, M. (2001, May). Technology and nonprofit management: Themes from the conference of the alliance for nonprofit management. Nonprofit Online News.Retrieved September 14, 2008, from http://news. gilbert. org/features/featureReader$3842? print-friendly=true Sage MIP fund accounting. (n. d. ) In Sage Software. Retrieved September, 14, 2008, from http://www. sagenonprofit. com/products/fundaccount/ Sage Software continues to attract United Way organizations. (2005, August-September). The National Public Accountant, 4(4), 19. Retrieved September 14, 2008, from Gale PowerSearch database. United Way International. 2008. Official website of United Way International. Retrieved September 14, 2008 from http://uwint. org/devfinal/ United Way of America. n. d. ). Goals for the common good: The United Way challenge to America. Retrieved September 14, 2008, from http://www. liveunited. org/goals/upload/UW_Common_Good. pdf United Way of America Code of Ethics Guide. (2004). In United Way. Retrieved September 14, 2008 from United Way: United Way of Greater Los Angeles: Creating Pathways Out of Poverty. (2008). In United Way Los Angeles. Retrieved September 14, 2008 from Walla ce, N. (2001, April 5). Technology: New online option for United Ways. Chronicle of Philanthropy, 13(12), 36. Retrieved September 13, 2008, from EBSCOhost database.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Unbeatable War on Drugs - 1062 Words
Society’s view of drugs has vastly changed based on the sociological imagination of the times. Sociological imagination basically means that we are able to view ourselves as a part of one large group rather than individuals. Human’s behavior and attitude have evolved based on the social forces that have adjusted around them. This changing of ideas has been clearly apparent in the Americas and is a prime example of the prohibition of alcohol from 1920 to 1933. The illegality of alcohol provided the Mafia with an opportunity to produce liquor and therefore it had considerable control over those who wanted their alcohol and service. The part that the Mafia played in the 1920s has been developed into the drug dealers and drug cartel of this†¦show more content†¦The war on Narcotics might as well be nonexistent; supporters argue that the governments needs to be focused on more highly abused Narcotics that do greater harm to the American people, such as alcohol. I believe that the government should use the tax system to discourage consumption among kids, and even among adults to some extent. In the Netherlands, the focus is pragmatically centered on minimizing the harm that the addict population does to itself and the rest of society. The record speaks for itself: American adolescents use marijuana at about twice the rate of their counterparts in Holland, where marijuana and hashish have been freely available for more than 17 years. The only drug that causes traffic fatalities and violence in Holland is the same one that causes these problems here--alcohol. While in Amsterdam this past summer I learned that over last 17 years in Holland, during which possession and use of hard Narcotics have been legal, the number of people under 22 years of age who use heroin or cocaine has dropped from 15 percent to less than three percent. While there has been a slight increase in overall drug use, the number of crimes associated with drugs has decrease d. Dutch adolescents have no problem seeing that this is hardly a glamorous and exciting life-style and that it does not even provide much pleasure. Reality, even a disagreeable reality, is remarkably educational; and the attempt to legislate reality out ofShow MoreRelatedBattle of Stalingrad1452 Words  | 6 PagesThe Battle of Stalingrad Explain why one event during World War Two in Europe was a turning point in the conflict The Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 was one of the major turning points in World War Two. It was a major turning point for a number of reasons, the first being that Germany lost considerable amounts of manpower and equipment in this battle; losses from which they never recovered. 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