Thursday, November 28, 2019
All Quite On The Western Front (Generation Essays - Literature
All Quite On The Western Front (Generation Gap) "I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. I see how people are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another. I see that the keenest brains of the world invent weapons and words to make it yet more refined and enduring. And all men of my age, here and over there, throughout the whole world see these things. All my generation is experiencing these things with me..." All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Remarque, is a classic anti-war novel about the personal struggles and experiences encountered by a group of young German soldiers as they fight to survive the horrors of World War One. Remarque demonstrates, through the eyes of Paul Bumer, a young German soldier, how the war destroyed an entire generation of men by making them incapable of reintegrating into society because they could no longer relate to older generations, only to fellow soldiers. Paul believed the older generation "...ought to be mediators and guides to the world... to the future. / The idea of authority, which they represented, was associated in [their] minds with greater insight and a more humane wisdom." Paul, his classmates, and a majority of their vulnerable generation completely trusted their so-called role models and because of that trust were influenced and pressured into joining the war. They believed the older generation understood the truth behind war and would never send them to a dangerous or inhumane situation, "...but the first death [they] saw shattered this belief." The death caused the soldiers to realize that the experiences of their generation were more in line with reality than those of the older generation and that created a gap between the two. "While [the older generation] continued to write and talk, [Paul's generation] saw the wounded and dying. / While [the older generation] taught that duty to one's country is the greatest thing, [Paul's] already knew that death-throes are stronger." The older generation had an artificial illusion of what war is and although Paul's generation, the soldiers, loved their country, they were forced to distinguish reality from illusion. Because of this distinction, Paul's generation felt terribly alone and separated from society outside of the battlefield. This separation from society is demonstrated when Paul goes home on leave. When he is reunited with his mother "[they] say very little," but when she finally asks him if it was "very bad out there" Paul lies. In trying to protect her by lying, Paul creates a separation between his mother and himself. As Paul sees it, the tragedies and horrors of war are not for the uninitiated. Sadly, the true nature of war further separates the two generations. While on leave, Paul also visits his father and some of his father's friends, but does not wish to speak to them about the war. The men are "curious [about the war] in a way that [Paul finds] stupid and distressing." They try to imagine what war is like but they have never experienced it for themselves, so they cannot see the reality of it. When Paul tries to state his opinion, the men argue that "[he] sees only [his] general sector so [he is] not able to judge." These men believe they know more about the war and this makes Paul feel lost. He realizes that "they are different men here, men [he] can not understand..." and Paul wants to be back with those he can relate to, his fellow soldiers. Paul wishes he had never gone on leave because out there "[he] was a soldier, but [at home] he is nothing but an agony to himself." When Paul returns to the battlefield, he is excited to be with his comrades. When he sees his company, "[Paul] jumps up, pushes in amongst them, [his] eyes searching," until he finds his friends. It is then that Paul knows that "this is where [he] belongs." The illusions held by the older generations perception of war differed from the reality of war that Paul's generation experienced, and this difference made Paul feel that the two generations had separated. This feeling caused Paul to realize that he related only to the soldiers because they have had a strong bond since the beginning of the war and have grown together. Since the "rubbish" they learned in school has "...never been the slightest use to [them]" they were forced to turn
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on The Taoism
What is Buddhist Meditation? In general, any virtuous object can be used as an object of meditation. If we discover that by acquainting our mind with a particular object our mind becomes more peaceful and virtuous, this indicates that for us that object is virtuous. If the opposite happens, for us it is a non-virtuous object. Many objects are neutral and have no particular positive or negative effect on our mind. There are many different virtuous objects of meditation, but the most meaningful the objects of the twenty-one meditations, from meditation on relying upon a Spiritual Guide to meditation on emptiness, the ultimate nature of phenomena. Explanations of these can be found in the The Meditation Handbook By relying upon a qualified Spiritual Guide we open the door to practising Dharma. Through the blessings of our Spiritual Guide we generate faith and confidence in our practice, and easily attain all the realizations of the stages of the path. For these reasons we need to meditate on relying upon a Spiritual Guide. We need to meditate on our precious human life to realize that we now have a special opportunity to practise Dharma. If we appreciate the great potential of this life we shall not waste it by engaging in meaningless activities. We need to meditate on death and impermanence to overcome procrastination, and to ensure that our Dharma practice is pure by overcoming our preoccupation with worldly concerns. If we practise Dharma purely it is not very difficult to attain realizations. By meditating on the danger of lower rebirth, taking refuge sincerely, and avoiding non-virtue and practising virtue, we protect ourself from taking lower rebirth and ensure that life after life we shall obtain a precious human rebirth endowed with all the conditions conducive to the practice of Dharma.... Free Essays on The Taoism Free Essays on The Taoism What is Buddhist Meditation? In general, any virtuous object can be used as an object of meditation. If we discover that by acquainting our mind with a particular object our mind becomes more peaceful and virtuous, this indicates that for us that object is virtuous. If the opposite happens, for us it is a non-virtuous object. Many objects are neutral and have no particular positive or negative effect on our mind. There are many different virtuous objects of meditation, but the most meaningful the objects of the twenty-one meditations, from meditation on relying upon a Spiritual Guide to meditation on emptiness, the ultimate nature of phenomena. Explanations of these can be found in the The Meditation Handbook By relying upon a qualified Spiritual Guide we open the door to practising Dharma. Through the blessings of our Spiritual Guide we generate faith and confidence in our practice, and easily attain all the realizations of the stages of the path. For these reasons we need to meditate on relying upon a Spiritual Guide. We need to meditate on our precious human life to realize that we now have a special opportunity to practise Dharma. If we appreciate the great potential of this life we shall not waste it by engaging in meaningless activities. We need to meditate on death and impermanence to overcome procrastination, and to ensure that our Dharma practice is pure by overcoming our preoccupation with worldly concerns. If we practise Dharma purely it is not very difficult to attain realizations. By meditating on the danger of lower rebirth, taking refuge sincerely, and avoiding non-virtue and practising virtue, we protect ourself from taking lower rebirth and ensure that life after life we shall obtain a precious human rebirth endowed with all the conditions conducive to the practice of Dharma....
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analysis the tables of the SPSS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analysis the tables of the SPSS - Essay Example This indeed was the case since only 202 of the returned questionnaires were found eligible for analysis. The standard questionnaires dispatched contained three sets of questions. Five broad features of service quality were recorded using the first 21 questions posed. These were tangible elements of service, reliability of service providers, responsiveness of the staff and management of the facility, assurance and action to ensure fulfilment of the same, and empathy towards the clients. The second set of questions was concerned with the importance with which the clients weighed each of the five features recorded in the preceding set of questions. The third set of questions was a measure of key characteristics of the respondents. The first set of data was recorded on a 5-point linker scale, which allowed the respondents to choose from extremely dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied to extremely satisfy. In addition, the second set comprised a choice for the respondents to choose the respective scores to accord each of the five broad features of the first set of questions. ... Main Element Q I. Using frequencies and descriptive statistics, comment on sample composition. Frequencies Statistics are you male or female how often do you use the centre What year at university are you currently in? 1st /2nd/ 3rd/ 4th/ masters/ other are you a member or do you pay each time subject area N Valid 201 202 202 190 202 Missing 1 0 0 12 0 The study comprised of 202 participants. 201 participants responded to the gender question while all the 202 participants responded to the question on their current year of study. The questions on the use of the Sports Centre and the subject area were answered by all the 202 participants while only 190 participants responded to the question on membership. Frequency Table Are you male or female Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid male 126 62.4 62.7 62.7 female 75 37.1 37.3 100.0 Total 201 99.5 100.0 Missing 9 1 .5 Total 202 100.0 The gender question was responded to by 126 male participants and 75 female participant s. 46 participants never used the centre, 39 participants used it once a week or less, and 47 participants used the centre twice a week. 34 and 25 participants used the centre 3 times a week and 4 times a week respectively. Out of those interviewed, only 11 participants used the centre 5 or more times a week. How often do you use the centre Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid never 46 22.8 22.8 22.8 once a week or less 39 19.3 19.3 42.1 twice a week 47 23.3 23.3 65.3 3 times a week 34 16.8 16.8 82.2 4 times a week or more 25 12.4 12.4 94.6 5 11 5.4 5.4 100.0 Total 202 100.0 100.0 Among the 202 participants who responded to the question on their current year of study, 68 were in first year, 84
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research and present how Aflac practices social responsibility and Paper
And present how Aflac practices social responsibility and ethics. Your should uncover how it successfully uses - Research Paper Example The key CSR practises that have enabled Aflac to often rank high among most of the sustainability index such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) amongst others include the multi-purpose recycling program for plastics, office papers among other wastes such aluminium metals (Aflac, 2012a; Forster, Loughran & Mcdonald 2009, p.129). Aflac has come to understand the crucial role played by CSR and ethical practises and conformity programs in promoting the brand of a company and this explains why it been in the Ethisphere list of socially responsible companies continually. This recognition is further attributed to the company dedication to engaging in activities that mutually benefit the communities in which the company operates and enhances is success while maintaining high ethical standards. Aflac focuses on three key areas; compassion, multiplicity and the ability to uphold its purpose, it is dedicated to looking after its own congregation and is mainly concerned with its miscel laneous work force. Consequently, individuals in the societies in which the company operates in have come to have expectations that, it assumes more responsibilities to the public, and this is based on the assumption that the company makes so much money at the expense of the public. It is believed by the management of Aflac that these expectations will continue to increase in the future as the company goes on expanding its activities all over the globe. In addition, the company has come up with environmentally friendly plans to ensure that its negative impact on the environment remains minimal. Thus, its participation in corporate social responsibility can be said to have increased the role of this company in the society by making sure that it participates in making the environment a better place in which to live. Because of this, the company has come to adopt the theory of corporate social responsibility, which is an approach it utilizes when dealing with the impact its business ac tivities have on the societies and the environment, in which it is involved. Corporate Social Responsibility Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibilities refer to the actions undertaken by a corporation in order to cater for the welfare of all its stakeholders i.e. its clients, employees and especially to the communities they operate in promoting social welfare. Recently, there has been questioning of the current statements about the advantages of corporate social responsibility and the declarations that companies make on behalf of their corporate social responsibility programs. In particular, it has been suggested that the use of corporate social responsibility for the sake of public relations raises ethical predicaments over the motivation of companies. There have also been warnings concerning the justifications that either companies employ may be dishonest or imprecise with regard to the practical substantiation obtained from small-scale qualitat ive researches undertaken in the 1980s, a period when the exercise of corporate social responsibility was growing rapidly (Brown 2011, p.78). There has been the suggestion that companies only
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal Responses to the Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Responses to the Essays - Essay Example The walk, it turned out, provided the essence and meaning of her entire stay in Japan – yet ironically, nothing was uttered or said during that brief (she could not even remember how many minutes) togetherness with a stranger under one umbrella, with the raindrops and the sound of their footsteps hitting the pavement providing the only effects in addition to the silence. The author concludes her narrative with a breath under suspension after the stranger disappeared instantly without a word leaving her in a state of â€Å"mysterious shock.†Shields is her usual self in finding the humanity in every aspect or event or place or circumstance where she ascribes meaning to even the most ordinary thing or activity such as sharing an umbrella with a complete stranger. One cannot resist admiring Shield’s masterful play of words and emotions as she moves from her treatment of ordinary, drab, inconsequential events and transforms them into meaningful â€Å"encounters.â₠¬ I am completely taken by her figures of speech: â€Å"†¦invaded me like a kind of flu†¦ a temporary vacuum that had nothing to do with Japan†¦ hypnotic walking†¦walking towards the unimaginable.†I photo-played the ordinariness of her stay in Japan based on her description and I could sense her dryness, or maybe the dryness of the event she was describing and felt her remorse as if I was there. It was as if she took me by the hand when she shifted to a colorful and rich description of that brief â€Å"rain walk.†I could even see or feel as being the towering stranger holding up the umbrella for a woman and walking almost gingerly with somebody he does not know from Adam. I could see myself as the stranger quickly disappearing from the woman’s view as soon as we hit the sidewalk of the designated hotel, at the same time experiencing the agony and perplexity of Shields after being left without any word, or cue whatsoever. It was Shields wi elding her power and ability to put the reader in a similar state of suspension. Essay 2: â€Å"Goodbye Muse, Hello Prada†by Goran Simic (Harsent 84)
Friday, November 15, 2019
Improving Global Supply Chains by Information Systems
Improving Global Supply Chains by Information Systems Investigation on the improvement of Global Supply Chains by using Information Systems. ABSTRACT The process of globalisation continues to increase the competitive pressures on all firms. Those who wish to lead the market have to continue to raise the bar in terms of operating in the most efficient possible manner. One key area for companies today is how they manage particular or own SC activities via the increasing utilisation of Information Systems (IS). The scope of think over on to research a role of Information System within global supply chain management (SCM) and understand advantages and profits it fetches. Results showed that in order make SCM to be effective, suppliers and customers must work in close collaboration together to truly integrate their business processes. From the results of the analysis undertaken, it has been concluded that using IS throughout the Supply Chain increases efficiency by reducing inventories, which in turn reduces costs to the entire Supply Chain, but also adds significant value from the end customers perspective. Furthermore, the use of IS throughout a Supply Chain enables better speed of response to unpredictable demand APPENDIX A: PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION METHODS 57 List of Abbreviations SC = Supply Chain S-A = Sigma-Aldrich SCM = Supply Chain Management MNC = Multinational Company SME = Small to Medium Enterprise IS = Information System E-commerce = Electronic Commerce B2B = Business to Business B2C = Business to Customer EDI = Electronic Data Interchange ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning MRP = Material Requirement Planning MRPII = Manufacturing Resource Planning POS = Point of Sale MPS = Master Production Schedule CRP = Capacity Requirement Planning RFID = Radio Frequency Identification APS = Advanced Planning Scheduling APO = Advanced Planner and Optimiser SCC = Supply Chain Cockpit ATP = Available-to-promise CPFR = Collaborative planning, forecasting Replenishment Chapter 1: Introduction Over the past ten years, retailers and suppliers invested huge capital in reducing the occurrences, where customers cannot find right products in stores. This has created a serious problem in retail and other industries (Collins, 005). Gerry Jastremski (Gillette Co) reported that this serious problem is causing a $69 billion loss for top retail companies. Recent studies revealed more than 70 percent companies face the same problem that their customers cannot find the products they want to buy in stores due to out of-stock mostly because of inappropriate supply and forecasting of products (Gruen, Corsten et al 2002). When more focused on markets during special offers and sales campaigns, the probability of finding desired product is always one in five times ratio when customers visit the store. As a result, customers change their mind and delay their purchase or look for alternative brands products. Thus retailers will not achieve their targeted ROI (return of investment) and custome r loyalty goes down. Though organizations and big companies wish to solve the above problem but disruptions are unavoidable. The most efficient way to manage and maintain the stock in stores is through Supply Chain Management (SCM). Supply chain with globalisation created fresh/modern era in the market environment in recent days. Businesses in todays market are increasingly considering global atmosphere. Organizations need to be completely aware of external factors like economic trends, competitive and technological innovations at home and abroad markets, which affect their ability to grow and sustain. Globalisation means, a product can be developed in China, manufactured in UK and sold in USA. This process of globalisation shows the need and urgency for organizations to change the way in which their logistical and operational activities are managed, explainingthe the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Simple Supply chains were designed in the past using paper, pen and calculators. As business process and supply chain networks grew more complex in nature (Christopher, 2005) it became more difficult and impossible to manage SC activities without appropriate technological support. Its quite impossible to receive an effectuate and efficient SCM without IS/IT tools (Gunasekaran, Ngai. 2005). 1.1 Background/Supply Chain System In 21st century for achieving the global organizational competitiveness, Supply Chain Management System has evolved. Organizations are trying to find ways of increasing their competitiveness, responsiveness and flexibility by changing their operational strategies, technologies and methods which include the implementation of SCM (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2003). SCM is an approach for companies to integrate their activities in the changing market requirements which improve companys agility level and dynamic nature. Through the view of Simchi Levi (2000) â€Å"SCM is bunch of addresses to effectuate gather suppliers, store warehouses, manufacturers so that trade is created and dilivered at the right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time in order to minimize system wide cost while satisfying service level requirements (cited in Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2005). Supply chains created a viable way for satisfying customers needs around the world. What is a Supply Chain? SC is a strategy introduced in organizations to enhance the ways of distributing the products from the firms to end consumers. It is all about purchasing raw materials, developing them into products and distributing those finished goods to customers with the help of intermediate sources. Janyashanker, Stephen (1996) defined supply chain as ‘a network of autonomous or semi autonomous business entities collectively responsible for procurement, manufacturing and distribution activities associated with one or more fami lies of products. Due to greater demand of products and high global competition of firms resulted in implementing Supply Chain. In another words supply chain is the movement of substances or products as they drive through their origin point to the end customer. SC includes manufacturing, purchasing , warehousing, customer service, transportation, supply planning, demand planning and supply chain management. It is the involvement of the people, information, activities involved in moving products from its supplier to customer. Affective management of the supply chain can be a real challenge though definition sounds very simple. Example of a Supply Chain: A very well SC flow of goods is shown above. In some cases, the product is shipped from the Manufacturer to the distribution centre as soon as it is manufactured. In other cases, such as spoke model and Hub the product is held at the manufacturer once produced and on only on the requirement it is sent to the distribution centre. In reality, every step in Supply Chain activity has complex calculations during the globalisation process; however this increases business efficiency and brings benefits to the organization on greater scales. So the Supply Chain activities must be well planned, organized meticulously as efficiency plays major role and advantageous in competitive markets (Bartlett et al. 2007). Activities in Supply Chain entail purchasing raw materials, converting into bulk or finished products and sending those products to various warehouses / distribution centres. They are then directly or indirectly delivered to 1st tier customers who add further more value to the end customers. The activities like planning and delivery should be managed and coordinated well in terms of both time and place. IS or software tools which have been developed all these years to manage these activities have evolved and became increasingly specialized. Hence organizations need to understand and carefully select the IS too ls that are best suited to their needs. SC ACTIVITIES Integrated Behaviour Mutually Sharing Information Mutually Sharing Risk And Rewards Cooperation The Same Goal and The Same Focus on Serving Customers Integration of Processes Partners to Build and Maintain Long-Term Relationship 1.2 Identified Problem SCM allows the organizations to manage numerous relations in SC for ongoing business process, for which IS plays a major role. Sanders (2005) says that ‘IS/IT which permits for the transmission and processing of information useful for synchronous decision making between organisations can be viewed as backbone of SC business structure. As a result organizations started using IS especially SCM systems in order to have closer contacts with suppliers and vendors and to reduce problems in SC activities. Though technology is growing and investigating new methods to solve SC problems, Maguire (2000) states: The IS community faces a paradox: despite impressive advances in technology, problems are more abundant than solutions; organizations experience rising cost instead of cost reduction. IS misuse and rejection are more frequent than acceptance and use. Major factor that leads IS to a failure is alignment between IS and the organization that is applied in. However there is a paucity of research in IS when efficiency is considered. Even though there is a SCM system for reducing problems in SC, but still it is not efficient. And due to lack of collaboration between different departments in the organizations, information is not shared exactly for targeted tasks. Though sophisticated technologies have been introduced to reduce problems, due to employees misuse and resistance, efficiency is being reduced. In this project we will discuss how technology (SAP) is being used in an organization and what problems have been identified. More over in this report enhancement has been investigated on SC. The reason for choosing SCM with SAP is due to the complexity of system that operates as a chain between suppliers and vendors. And also nature of the case is too complex as the organization has businesses with numerous suppliers and vendors internationally. One more reason for selecting this case and topic is the researches founded an opportunity to investigate how the SC activities are managed in the organization and proble ms existing in the usage of the SAP. The reason SAP is selected: It is a powerful tool for integration purposes and also researchers personal interest in acquiring more knowledge about SAP technology. 1.3 Aims and Objectives This examination sets out to carry the investigation and the factual goal of the dissertation is- To understand the ways in which the information technology or Information systems (IT/IS) are able to find the management of global Supply Chains (SC). In order to achieve these aims the following objectives have been set: To broaden knowledge by researching in two main areas i.e., Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Information Systems or Technologies that are specifically designed to be used in SC. To do research and understand how Supply Chains have been created with globalisation. To conduct a thorough research on the literature of SCM Identifying advantages and challenges faced while implementing the IS/IT tools in SCM by doing the comprehensive review on the literature gathered on SCM. Identifying the factors that are driving and affecting the technologies / information systems used in SCM. A real case study will be carried out using a research methodology. Information will be collected through semi-structured interviews from employees of the case study organisation: Sigma Aldrich. An evaluation of the outcome, based on literature and data collected during interviews is used to find the gaps between literatures (theoretical) and practise (practically) in real world. Recommendations (if any) about SC in company. 1.4 Research Approach The Interpretive Method is applied to understand the complex nature of IT in Supply Chain system. This will identify the sociological features like behaviour of employees, benefits of technologies employed and issues arising in business with the use of IS/IT in SCM. The interpretive method involve gathering literature on SCM, IS/IT tools used, and semi structured interviews. The research aim will be fulfilled by studying the current literature, analysing what are the factors which indicate SCM and identifying existing gaps with reference to the literature studied. Further, the research continues on existing technologies used in supporting the SCM system in the present business market. Benefits associated with implementation of IT in SCM, adoption factors and any kind of implementation issues will be determined. For gathering the literature review core textbooks, journals, online papers, conference proceedings and information from internet have been used. After the literature study, we find out the gaps which exist in the literature read and provided. After identifying the gaps, an empirical study will be applied to give an alternative to the gaps which already been discovered in literature gathered. A qualitative research methodology has been applied. Both primary and secondary research methods are adopted. Primary method of research deals with conducting semi structured interviews and collecting data, where as secondary method of research is in the form of literature review. 1.5 Dissertation Outline This dissertation include of seven chapters, spanning the development of research from aims and objectives to the conclusions. Dissertation has been structured in the following way: Chapter one deals with the introduction of the topic with adequate theoretical background on Supply Chain and provides overall aims and objectives of the topic. Furthermore it provides types of research methodologies employed in this dissertation to achieve the aims and objectives. Chapter two provides literature review with the topics covering Globalisation, Supply Chain system, IS/IT tools used in SCM and it goes on with functionalities and issues arising in SCM system and also the use of IT in SCM. Chapter three deals with the research methodologies adopted and their advantages and limitations In chapter four, case study about a Life Science and Bio-chemical manufacturing company and its heavy utilisation of IT in SCM have been discussed. Technical characteristics of Supply Chain in that company have also been discussed. In chapter five, case study interview findings are analysed. Future recommendations are discussed in chapter six. In chapter seven conclusions of the whole research are provided. 1.6 Summary This chapter gives an introduction of the research area, highlights aims, objectives and outlines of examination. Next chapter is going to present crucial points through literature. Chapter 2: Literature Review/Background study 2.1 Introduction In this chapter adequate background is developed to demonstrate that this study will adjust the current knowledge in SC. Part one provides information about globalisation and how it has been achieved in recent years, Which is followed by implications in global SC. Part two emphasis on definitions, concepts of SC and IS in SC, which is followed by defining various technologies in SC. part three explains integration and IS applications in SC. Part four identifies issues and challenges in SC todays market and next part talks about identifying a technology which address those challenges. Part six summarizes the chapter. 2.2 Overview/Globalisation Over the last two centuries globalisation process underwent remarkable changes and established closer contacts between human societies over the globe. In modern days, rapid and significant Changes in terms of technologies, communications, and transportation led to new impetus for global processes and more interdependent world than before. Business started moving rapidly than ever to new perspectives in many perceptions like coordinating closely, cooperating more in networks, competing with other networks (Schary, Skjott-Larsen, 2001). According to Mehmet (1996, P31) chartered companies in the past and multinational companies in the present are the driving factors behind the remarkable process of globalisation, Further saying, the main goal and motivation of these companies is for global profits and honestly, the inner logic of globalisation is ‘capitalisation on a world scale. Globalisation created new markets, wealth, and the march led to have major impact on manufacturing com panies. National and international economies merged under trade, technology and capitalization. Multinational companies started manufacturing goods and sell to customers in different countries, this process initiated the movement of products, raw materials, money and technology swiftly circulate all around the world freely. Schary, Skjott-Larsen (2003, p. 450) states that ‘Globalisation involves markets, production and global infrastructure. Companies started racing toward global competitive efficiency which caused organizations to produce and sell their products all over the world. This process made supply chain, its management and activities became more complex in nature. Hill (2007, P.5) states that ‘globalisation refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalisation has several facets, including and globalisation of markets and globalisation of production. 2.1.1 Implications of Globalisation The motivations were completely different from those of todays, which drove firms into foreign markets. For example tire industries extended their growth to abroad for rubber plantations whilst oil companies grew to Middle East countries to open new oil fields. According to Bartlett et al. (2008, P. 8) ‘though they moved initially often opportunistic many organisations eventually realized that extra sales enabled them to exploit sales economies of scope scale, thereby providing a source of competitive advantage over their domestic rivals. It can be easily seen that over a period of time, those firms realized that benefits could be gained not only by suppliers sourcing but also by selling in those new markets. Companies like Reebok manufacture their goods in lesser developed nations like Vietnam where manufacturing cost are comparatively low. By using modern transportation facilities like airways and containerization, these products can be easily moved to destinations quickly, reliable and efficiently at low cost. 2.2 Supply Chains In todays globalise market; SC has become a centre of focus to all business organizations especially larger firms with multiple branches globally. Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become basic competitive requirement in order to satisfy and compete for the attentions of modern customers who is more empowered and have greater demand on total value package (Harrison, 2001). Significant supply chain decisions and supply chain performance is the key for success of any firm. Any supply chain combination of all parties which have involvement either indirectly or directly, in satisfying a consumers request. In another words supply chain is the movement of substances or products as they drive through their origin point to the end customer. SC includes manufacturing, purchasing, warehousing, customer service, transportation, supply planning, demand planning and supply chain management. It is the involvement of the people, information, activities involved in moving products from its supplier to customer. Affective management of the supply chain can be a real challenge though definition sounds very simple. Supply chain flow encompasses whole bunch of activities including organization and flow of materials, other resources to produce finished product to final customer Mannheim (1994), Treacy Wiersma (1993) cited in (Schary Skjott 2001). A sequel of process that add value to firm is product development, customer relationship and SCM (Schary Skjott , 2001). No process is considered as individually important, all three work together to make supply chains successful and profitable. It is a difficult task to manage SC and failures in SC can be devastating to firms, example Nike and Cisco found in 2001 loosing $100 million and $2.2 billion respectively due to improper management and problems in their SC. But on the other end organizations like Wall-Mart demonstrated huge success on daily basis on its SCM which provided a great deal of successful competitive advantage (Taylor, 2004). A Supply chain is a network of distributors, retailers, transporters, storage facilities and mostly active member in this process is suppliers that take part in production, selling of the product to the customer and delivery. A supply chain is specially those who co-ordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition by the multiple companies. It has three main key parts: Supply: targets on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including when how and from what location. Manufacturing: mainly active in converting raw materials into finished goods. Distribution: targeting on ensuring these products reach the customers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses and retailers. While implemented to customer products and manufacturing a supply chain can determine to show how different processes supply to one another. SC can be also considered as network of suppliers, manufacturing, assembling and distributing facilities responsible for materials procuring, and converting into final products and distributed to end customers (Barbuceaunu, Teigen 1998, Fox, Barbuceaunu et al 2001, Agnetisa, Hallb et al 2005, Stadtler, 2005). SC consists of numerous networked organizations aiming to produce goods and services to customers. A Supply chain is a network of distributors, retailers, transporters, storage facilities and mostly active member in this process is suppliers that take part in production, selling of the product to the customer and delivery. A supply chain is specially those who co-ordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition by the multiple companies. It has three main key parts: Supply: targets on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including when how and from what location. Manufacturing: mainly active in converting raw materials into finished goods. Distribution: targeting on ensuring these products reach the customers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses and retailers. While implemented to customer products and manufacturing a supply chain can determine to show how different processes supply to one another. In this sense the definition of S C can apply to finance Internet technology and many other industries. A SC strategy restricts how SC supposed to behave in order to compete in their business relatively. And this strategy describes the cost relating to the operation and the benefits. SC strategy mainly targets the actual operation of the company and SC which will be used to meet a specific goal. Another term SCM (supply chain management), which is focusing on oversight of materials, information and finances as they are distributed from supplier to consumer. The SC also contains all the required stops between the supplier and the consumer. Above figure clearly indicates SC always needs the collaboration between various organizations. Functions ranging from ordering materials to delivery of finished products to customers need to operate in integrated manner (Angerhofer Angelides, 2005). Supply Chain Management (SCM) was introduced for ‘Gathering organizational units along a SC coordinating information, material and financial flows in order to provide customer demands with the aim of improving competitiveness of the SC as a whole (Verwijmeren, 2004). SCM plays a major role for a good planning, organizing and coordinating of SC activities. SCM (supply chain management) can be divided into three important flows: The product flow contains moving materials or goods from supplier to consumer, as well as fulfilling the customer requests. The information flow contains delivery status and order information. The Financial flow contains credit terms, payment schedules and additional arrangements. 2.3 Information systems in SC Due to increasing customer demand value and global competition supply chain concept has become a bigger concern thus to run a smooth operation the important information must be accessible in real time across the supply chain and this cannot be achieved without an integrated software system for SCM( supply chain management) . To improve customers satisfaction SCM members have to share information and collaborate with each other. In real time to trade with suppliers and customers over the internet, web technologies have played a major role to become effective. For this, company have to integrate their applications and IS with their customers and suppliers. The implementation of this will result in as an increase in companys profits and competitiveness. IS in SC making business to grow rapidly and is bringing both opportunities and challenges at the same time and pace. SC design and management has been intensified with IS tools which span organizations to integrate, manage and automate SC functions. Various IS tools like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), World Wide Web (WWW), E-commerce, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Systems Application products in Data (SAP). These tools help to overcome the complexities of systems which initiates vendor-customer-supplier relationships. Aim of SC activities with the use of IS is: reducing paper work, controlling cost, lowering inventories and shorten product cycles Chou et al., (2004). Below table shows different stages how IS has been used from recent years. Stages Year Milestone Firms IS Developments Introduction 1960-1970s MRP Firms are closely linked with MRP Only Internal integration was practised for customer services. Growing 1970-1980s EDI In-time delivery was practised for efficient communication between Suppliers. Pre-Mature 1990-2000s E-Commerce Organizations and vendors in SC B2B B2C started using internet for effectiveway to communicate. Mature 2000- present C-commerce Business organizations started ERP Collaborating for improving the Efficiency of SC System. Table 2.1 Stages of IS Evolution in SC. Chou et al., (2004) The above mentioned IS have advantages and disadvantages as well. EDI and E-commerce can be used for external operations in SCM. 2.3.1 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI is defined as being ‘specifically the electronic exchange of structured business documents between different computer applications across enterprise boundaries (The Edi zone, 2008). Ruppel defined EDI as electronic data communication of invoices, purchase orders and other applications which use standard EDI format between supplier and customer. For purchasing orders and sending requisitions EDI has been used by trading partners for information exchange. EDI has been adopted for many reasons- faster and easier communication of data in trading, improved accuracy in information, reduced clerical errors, and reduced inventory cost, labour, and automation of tasks. These all together improves firm relationship with customers and suppliers (Ruppel, 2004 Leonard, et al., 2006). Disadvantages associated with EDI is its adoption and implementation cost (Williams et al., 2002, Chou et al., 2004) and it does not operate in real time. EDIs standard format of structure makes it more d ifficult to follow (Chou et al., 2004). The swap of business data from one company or organisations system application to the computer application of a trading partner. Why EDI? For accuracy, push up the no of accuracy by eliminating r-keying of data. The standard quality of data is found by agreeing product cost. By reducing supply chain cost co related with manual processing EDI helps to build up the partnership between supplier or customer. Those suppliers who are enabled with EDI are very simpler and having very low cost to deal with. Because of EDI electronic documents can be transferred from system to another computer system means one trading company to another trading company. EDI conveys a row of messages between two organisation or companies or parties in which one can be a recipient or originator. The sequel of the data shows the documents might be passed from originator to recipient via telecomm or delivered physically on electronic storage media. To carry out smoothly supply chain operation EDI plays a very important role. EDI is able to explain a very strict standardized format of electronic document. Companies that send and receive papers between both of them are known as â€Å"trading partners†in EEDI methodology. 2.3.2 Internet, World Wide Web When compared to EDI which requires technological expenditure, internet and World Wide Web have been widely accepted as the scope of connectivity between individuals and businesses is broadened (Chou et al., 2004 William et al., 2002). ‘This is the vision of the digital future: If there is an increased demand for woollen pullovers in Benton shops, a farmer in New Zealand receives an order via the web to shear his sheep (Rohrict, Teufel et al 2002). Internet became a ubiquitous and cheaper means to communicate between firms and partners and which initiated global SCs. Cost involved in exchanging information has been greatly reduced with the usage of internet in e-SCM. It has been observed that web based networks provides professional services which are quick, accurate and synchronized in global SC (Folinas et al., 2004). A new trend evolved in supporting SC applications is use of ‘third party softwares. Firms recognized the value of developing partnerships with vendors and consultants. That softwares must be compatible, capable of integrating with SC allowing partners to include any other modules which helps to include programming interfaces to current systems for future use (Green, 2001). Now-a-days SC business processes are scattered over multiple members, so SC system should be actively flexible to handle and respond effectively to the dynamic changes in the global market (Chandrashekar, 1999). 2.3.3 Evolution of ERP From business perspective ERP has broaden from co- ordination of manufacturing processes to the integration of enterprise wide backend processes. Recent studies show that organizations all around the world are investing billions of money on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), when consulting expenditure is calculated then the figure may be doubled (Themistocleous, Irani et al., 2001). Before integrating business process of a firm with customers and suppliers, initially their internal processes have to be operated more efficiently. For this purpose, software/technology ‘ERP is used commonly. According to Hamilton (2003, p. 12) â€Å"An ERP system provides transaction processing and a common database to model operations within a manufacturing firm, and supports several levels of decision making†. MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is earliest form of ERP, which was used in ordering materials and components (Wallace kremzar, 2001). Master production schedule (MPS) is considered as heart of MRP. MPS calculates production requirements according to meet distr Improving Global Supply Chains by Information Systems Improving Global Supply Chains by Information Systems Investigation on the improvement of Global Supply Chains by using Information Systems. ABSTRACT The process of globalisation continues to increase the competitive pressures on all firms. Those who wish to lead the market have to continue to raise the bar in terms of operating in the most efficient possible manner. One key area for companies today is how they manage particular or own SC activities via the increasing utilisation of Information Systems (IS). The scope of think over on to research a role of Information System within global supply chain management (SCM) and understand advantages and profits it fetches. Results showed that in order make SCM to be effective, suppliers and customers must work in close collaboration together to truly integrate their business processes. From the results of the analysis undertaken, it has been concluded that using IS throughout the Supply Chain increases efficiency by reducing inventories, which in turn reduces costs to the entire Supply Chain, but also adds significant value from the end customers perspective. Furthermore, the use of IS throughout a Supply Chain enables better speed of response to unpredictable demand APPENDIX A: PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION METHODS 57 List of Abbreviations SC = Supply Chain S-A = Sigma-Aldrich SCM = Supply Chain Management MNC = Multinational Company SME = Small to Medium Enterprise IS = Information System E-commerce = Electronic Commerce B2B = Business to Business B2C = Business to Customer EDI = Electronic Data Interchange ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning MRP = Material Requirement Planning MRPII = Manufacturing Resource Planning POS = Point of Sale MPS = Master Production Schedule CRP = Capacity Requirement Planning RFID = Radio Frequency Identification APS = Advanced Planning Scheduling APO = Advanced Planner and Optimiser SCC = Supply Chain Cockpit ATP = Available-to-promise CPFR = Collaborative planning, forecasting Replenishment Chapter 1: Introduction Over the past ten years, retailers and suppliers invested huge capital in reducing the occurrences, where customers cannot find right products in stores. This has created a serious problem in retail and other industries (Collins, 005). Gerry Jastremski (Gillette Co) reported that this serious problem is causing a $69 billion loss for top retail companies. Recent studies revealed more than 70 percent companies face the same problem that their customers cannot find the products they want to buy in stores due to out of-stock mostly because of inappropriate supply and forecasting of products (Gruen, Corsten et al 2002). When more focused on markets during special offers and sales campaigns, the probability of finding desired product is always one in five times ratio when customers visit the store. As a result, customers change their mind and delay their purchase or look for alternative brands products. Thus retailers will not achieve their targeted ROI (return of investment) and custome r loyalty goes down. Though organizations and big companies wish to solve the above problem but disruptions are unavoidable. The most efficient way to manage and maintain the stock in stores is through Supply Chain Management (SCM). Supply chain with globalisation created fresh/modern era in the market environment in recent days. Businesses in todays market are increasingly considering global atmosphere. Organizations need to be completely aware of external factors like economic trends, competitive and technological innovations at home and abroad markets, which affect their ability to grow and sustain. Globalisation means, a product can be developed in China, manufactured in UK and sold in USA. This process of globalisation shows the need and urgency for organizations to change the way in which their logistical and operational activities are managed, explainingthe the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Simple Supply chains were designed in the past using paper, pen and calculators. As business process and supply chain networks grew more complex in nature (Christopher, 2005) it became more difficult and impossible to manage SC activities without appropriate technological support. Its quite impossible to receive an effectuate and efficient SCM without IS/IT tools (Gunasekaran, Ngai. 2005). 1.1 Background/Supply Chain System In 21st century for achieving the global organizational competitiveness, Supply Chain Management System has evolved. Organizations are trying to find ways of increasing their competitiveness, responsiveness and flexibility by changing their operational strategies, technologies and methods which include the implementation of SCM (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2003). SCM is an approach for companies to integrate their activities in the changing market requirements which improve companys agility level and dynamic nature. Through the view of Simchi Levi (2000) â€Å"SCM is bunch of addresses to effectuate gather suppliers, store warehouses, manufacturers so that trade is created and dilivered at the right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time in order to minimize system wide cost while satisfying service level requirements (cited in Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2005). Supply chains created a viable way for satisfying customers needs around the world. What is a Supply Chain? SC is a strategy introduced in organizations to enhance the ways of distributing the products from the firms to end consumers. It is all about purchasing raw materials, developing them into products and distributing those finished goods to customers with the help of intermediate sources. Janyashanker, Stephen (1996) defined supply chain as ‘a network of autonomous or semi autonomous business entities collectively responsible for procurement, manufacturing and distribution activities associated with one or more fami lies of products. Due to greater demand of products and high global competition of firms resulted in implementing Supply Chain. In another words supply chain is the movement of substances or products as they drive through their origin point to the end customer. SC includes manufacturing, purchasing , warehousing, customer service, transportation, supply planning, demand planning and supply chain management. It is the involvement of the people, information, activities involved in moving products from its supplier to customer. Affective management of the supply chain can be a real challenge though definition sounds very simple. Example of a Supply Chain: A very well SC flow of goods is shown above. In some cases, the product is shipped from the Manufacturer to the distribution centre as soon as it is manufactured. In other cases, such as spoke model and Hub the product is held at the manufacturer once produced and on only on the requirement it is sent to the distribution centre. In reality, every step in Supply Chain activity has complex calculations during the globalisation process; however this increases business efficiency and brings benefits to the organization on greater scales. So the Supply Chain activities must be well planned, organized meticulously as efficiency plays major role and advantageous in competitive markets (Bartlett et al. 2007). Activities in Supply Chain entail purchasing raw materials, converting into bulk or finished products and sending those products to various warehouses / distribution centres. They are then directly or indirectly delivered to 1st tier customers who add further more value to the end customers. The activities like planning and delivery should be managed and coordinated well in terms of both time and place. IS or software tools which have been developed all these years to manage these activities have evolved and became increasingly specialized. Hence organizations need to understand and carefully select the IS too ls that are best suited to their needs. SC ACTIVITIES Integrated Behaviour Mutually Sharing Information Mutually Sharing Risk And Rewards Cooperation The Same Goal and The Same Focus on Serving Customers Integration of Processes Partners to Build and Maintain Long-Term Relationship 1.2 Identified Problem SCM allows the organizations to manage numerous relations in SC for ongoing business process, for which IS plays a major role. Sanders (2005) says that ‘IS/IT which permits for the transmission and processing of information useful for synchronous decision making between organisations can be viewed as backbone of SC business structure. As a result organizations started using IS especially SCM systems in order to have closer contacts with suppliers and vendors and to reduce problems in SC activities. Though technology is growing and investigating new methods to solve SC problems, Maguire (2000) states: The IS community faces a paradox: despite impressive advances in technology, problems are more abundant than solutions; organizations experience rising cost instead of cost reduction. IS misuse and rejection are more frequent than acceptance and use. Major factor that leads IS to a failure is alignment between IS and the organization that is applied in. However there is a paucity of research in IS when efficiency is considered. Even though there is a SCM system for reducing problems in SC, but still it is not efficient. And due to lack of collaboration between different departments in the organizations, information is not shared exactly for targeted tasks. Though sophisticated technologies have been introduced to reduce problems, due to employees misuse and resistance, efficiency is being reduced. In this project we will discuss how technology (SAP) is being used in an organization and what problems have been identified. More over in this report enhancement has been investigated on SC. The reason for choosing SCM with SAP is due to the complexity of system that operates as a chain between suppliers and vendors. And also nature of the case is too complex as the organization has businesses with numerous suppliers and vendors internationally. One more reason for selecting this case and topic is the researches founded an opportunity to investigate how the SC activities are managed in the organization and proble ms existing in the usage of the SAP. The reason SAP is selected: It is a powerful tool for integration purposes and also researchers personal interest in acquiring more knowledge about SAP technology. 1.3 Aims and Objectives This examination sets out to carry the investigation and the factual goal of the dissertation is- To understand the ways in which the information technology or Information systems (IT/IS) are able to find the management of global Supply Chains (SC). In order to achieve these aims the following objectives have been set: To broaden knowledge by researching in two main areas i.e., Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Information Systems or Technologies that are specifically designed to be used in SC. To do research and understand how Supply Chains have been created with globalisation. To conduct a thorough research on the literature of SCM Identifying advantages and challenges faced while implementing the IS/IT tools in SCM by doing the comprehensive review on the literature gathered on SCM. Identifying the factors that are driving and affecting the technologies / information systems used in SCM. A real case study will be carried out using a research methodology. Information will be collected through semi-structured interviews from employees of the case study organisation: Sigma Aldrich. An evaluation of the outcome, based on literature and data collected during interviews is used to find the gaps between literatures (theoretical) and practise (practically) in real world. Recommendations (if any) about SC in company. 1.4 Research Approach The Interpretive Method is applied to understand the complex nature of IT in Supply Chain system. This will identify the sociological features like behaviour of employees, benefits of technologies employed and issues arising in business with the use of IS/IT in SCM. The interpretive method involve gathering literature on SCM, IS/IT tools used, and semi structured interviews. The research aim will be fulfilled by studying the current literature, analysing what are the factors which indicate SCM and identifying existing gaps with reference to the literature studied. Further, the research continues on existing technologies used in supporting the SCM system in the present business market. Benefits associated with implementation of IT in SCM, adoption factors and any kind of implementation issues will be determined. For gathering the literature review core textbooks, journals, online papers, conference proceedings and information from internet have been used. After the literature study, we find out the gaps which exist in the literature read and provided. After identifying the gaps, an empirical study will be applied to give an alternative to the gaps which already been discovered in literature gathered. A qualitative research methodology has been applied. Both primary and secondary research methods are adopted. Primary method of research deals with conducting semi structured interviews and collecting data, where as secondary method of research is in the form of literature review. 1.5 Dissertation Outline This dissertation include of seven chapters, spanning the development of research from aims and objectives to the conclusions. Dissertation has been structured in the following way: Chapter one deals with the introduction of the topic with adequate theoretical background on Supply Chain and provides overall aims and objectives of the topic. Furthermore it provides types of research methodologies employed in this dissertation to achieve the aims and objectives. Chapter two provides literature review with the topics covering Globalisation, Supply Chain system, IS/IT tools used in SCM and it goes on with functionalities and issues arising in SCM system and also the use of IT in SCM. Chapter three deals with the research methodologies adopted and their advantages and limitations In chapter four, case study about a Life Science and Bio-chemical manufacturing company and its heavy utilisation of IT in SCM have been discussed. Technical characteristics of Supply Chain in that company have also been discussed. In chapter five, case study interview findings are analysed. Future recommendations are discussed in chapter six. In chapter seven conclusions of the whole research are provided. 1.6 Summary This chapter gives an introduction of the research area, highlights aims, objectives and outlines of examination. Next chapter is going to present crucial points through literature. Chapter 2: Literature Review/Background study 2.1 Introduction In this chapter adequate background is developed to demonstrate that this study will adjust the current knowledge in SC. Part one provides information about globalisation and how it has been achieved in recent years, Which is followed by implications in global SC. Part two emphasis on definitions, concepts of SC and IS in SC, which is followed by defining various technologies in SC. part three explains integration and IS applications in SC. Part four identifies issues and challenges in SC todays market and next part talks about identifying a technology which address those challenges. Part six summarizes the chapter. 2.2 Overview/Globalisation Over the last two centuries globalisation process underwent remarkable changes and established closer contacts between human societies over the globe. In modern days, rapid and significant Changes in terms of technologies, communications, and transportation led to new impetus for global processes and more interdependent world than before. Business started moving rapidly than ever to new perspectives in many perceptions like coordinating closely, cooperating more in networks, competing with other networks (Schary, Skjott-Larsen, 2001). According to Mehmet (1996, P31) chartered companies in the past and multinational companies in the present are the driving factors behind the remarkable process of globalisation, Further saying, the main goal and motivation of these companies is for global profits and honestly, the inner logic of globalisation is ‘capitalisation on a world scale. Globalisation created new markets, wealth, and the march led to have major impact on manufacturing com panies. National and international economies merged under trade, technology and capitalization. Multinational companies started manufacturing goods and sell to customers in different countries, this process initiated the movement of products, raw materials, money and technology swiftly circulate all around the world freely. Schary, Skjott-Larsen (2003, p. 450) states that ‘Globalisation involves markets, production and global infrastructure. Companies started racing toward global competitive efficiency which caused organizations to produce and sell their products all over the world. This process made supply chain, its management and activities became more complex in nature. Hill (2007, P.5) states that ‘globalisation refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalisation has several facets, including and globalisation of markets and globalisation of production. 2.1.1 Implications of Globalisation The motivations were completely different from those of todays, which drove firms into foreign markets. For example tire industries extended their growth to abroad for rubber plantations whilst oil companies grew to Middle East countries to open new oil fields. According to Bartlett et al. (2008, P. 8) ‘though they moved initially often opportunistic many organisations eventually realized that extra sales enabled them to exploit sales economies of scope scale, thereby providing a source of competitive advantage over their domestic rivals. It can be easily seen that over a period of time, those firms realized that benefits could be gained not only by suppliers sourcing but also by selling in those new markets. Companies like Reebok manufacture their goods in lesser developed nations like Vietnam where manufacturing cost are comparatively low. By using modern transportation facilities like airways and containerization, these products can be easily moved to destinations quickly, reliable and efficiently at low cost. 2.2 Supply Chains In todays globalise market; SC has become a centre of focus to all business organizations especially larger firms with multiple branches globally. Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become basic competitive requirement in order to satisfy and compete for the attentions of modern customers who is more empowered and have greater demand on total value package (Harrison, 2001). Significant supply chain decisions and supply chain performance is the key for success of any firm. Any supply chain combination of all parties which have involvement either indirectly or directly, in satisfying a consumers request. In another words supply chain is the movement of substances or products as they drive through their origin point to the end customer. SC includes manufacturing, purchasing, warehousing, customer service, transportation, supply planning, demand planning and supply chain management. It is the involvement of the people, information, activities involved in moving products from its supplier to customer. Affective management of the supply chain can be a real challenge though definition sounds very simple. Supply chain flow encompasses whole bunch of activities including organization and flow of materials, other resources to produce finished product to final customer Mannheim (1994), Treacy Wiersma (1993) cited in (Schary Skjott 2001). A sequel of process that add value to firm is product development, customer relationship and SCM (Schary Skjott , 2001). No process is considered as individually important, all three work together to make supply chains successful and profitable. It is a difficult task to manage SC and failures in SC can be devastating to firms, example Nike and Cisco found in 2001 loosing $100 million and $2.2 billion respectively due to improper management and problems in their SC. But on the other end organizations like Wall-Mart demonstrated huge success on daily basis on its SCM which provided a great deal of successful competitive advantage (Taylor, 2004). A Supply chain is a network of distributors, retailers, transporters, storage facilities and mostly active member in this process is suppliers that take part in production, selling of the product to the customer and delivery. A supply chain is specially those who co-ordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition by the multiple companies. It has three main key parts: Supply: targets on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including when how and from what location. Manufacturing: mainly active in converting raw materials into finished goods. Distribution: targeting on ensuring these products reach the customers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses and retailers. While implemented to customer products and manufacturing a supply chain can determine to show how different processes supply to one another. SC can be also considered as network of suppliers, manufacturing, assembling and distributing facilities responsible for materials procuring, and converting into final products and distributed to end customers (Barbuceaunu, Teigen 1998, Fox, Barbuceaunu et al 2001, Agnetisa, Hallb et al 2005, Stadtler, 2005). SC consists of numerous networked organizations aiming to produce goods and services to customers. A Supply chain is a network of distributors, retailers, transporters, storage facilities and mostly active member in this process is suppliers that take part in production, selling of the product to the customer and delivery. A supply chain is specially those who co-ordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition by the multiple companies. It has three main key parts: Supply: targets on the raw materials supplied to manufacturing, including when how and from what location. Manufacturing: mainly active in converting raw materials into finished goods. Distribution: targeting on ensuring these products reach the customers through an organized network of distributors, warehouses and retailers. While implemented to customer products and manufacturing a supply chain can determine to show how different processes supply to one another. In this sense the definition of S C can apply to finance Internet technology and many other industries. A SC strategy restricts how SC supposed to behave in order to compete in their business relatively. And this strategy describes the cost relating to the operation and the benefits. SC strategy mainly targets the actual operation of the company and SC which will be used to meet a specific goal. Another term SCM (supply chain management), which is focusing on oversight of materials, information and finances as they are distributed from supplier to consumer. The SC also contains all the required stops between the supplier and the consumer. Above figure clearly indicates SC always needs the collaboration between various organizations. Functions ranging from ordering materials to delivery of finished products to customers need to operate in integrated manner (Angerhofer Angelides, 2005). Supply Chain Management (SCM) was introduced for ‘Gathering organizational units along a SC coordinating information, material and financial flows in order to provide customer demands with the aim of improving competitiveness of the SC as a whole (Verwijmeren, 2004). SCM plays a major role for a good planning, organizing and coordinating of SC activities. SCM (supply chain management) can be divided into three important flows: The product flow contains moving materials or goods from supplier to consumer, as well as fulfilling the customer requests. The information flow contains delivery status and order information. The Financial flow contains credit terms, payment schedules and additional arrangements. 2.3 Information systems in SC Due to increasing customer demand value and global competition supply chain concept has become a bigger concern thus to run a smooth operation the important information must be accessible in real time across the supply chain and this cannot be achieved without an integrated software system for SCM( supply chain management) . To improve customers satisfaction SCM members have to share information and collaborate with each other. In real time to trade with suppliers and customers over the internet, web technologies have played a major role to become effective. For this, company have to integrate their applications and IS with their customers and suppliers. The implementation of this will result in as an increase in companys profits and competitiveness. IS in SC making business to grow rapidly and is bringing both opportunities and challenges at the same time and pace. SC design and management has been intensified with IS tools which span organizations to integrate, manage and automate SC functions. Various IS tools like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), World Wide Web (WWW), E-commerce, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Systems Application products in Data (SAP). These tools help to overcome the complexities of systems which initiates vendor-customer-supplier relationships. Aim of SC activities with the use of IS is: reducing paper work, controlling cost, lowering inventories and shorten product cycles Chou et al., (2004). Below table shows different stages how IS has been used from recent years. Stages Year Milestone Firms IS Developments Introduction 1960-1970s MRP Firms are closely linked with MRP Only Internal integration was practised for customer services. Growing 1970-1980s EDI In-time delivery was practised for efficient communication between Suppliers. Pre-Mature 1990-2000s E-Commerce Organizations and vendors in SC B2B B2C started using internet for effectiveway to communicate. Mature 2000- present C-commerce Business organizations started ERP Collaborating for improving the Efficiency of SC System. Table 2.1 Stages of IS Evolution in SC. Chou et al., (2004) The above mentioned IS have advantages and disadvantages as well. EDI and E-commerce can be used for external operations in SCM. 2.3.1 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI is defined as being ‘specifically the electronic exchange of structured business documents between different computer applications across enterprise boundaries (The Edi zone, 2008). Ruppel defined EDI as electronic data communication of invoices, purchase orders and other applications which use standard EDI format between supplier and customer. For purchasing orders and sending requisitions EDI has been used by trading partners for information exchange. EDI has been adopted for many reasons- faster and easier communication of data in trading, improved accuracy in information, reduced clerical errors, and reduced inventory cost, labour, and automation of tasks. These all together improves firm relationship with customers and suppliers (Ruppel, 2004 Leonard, et al., 2006). Disadvantages associated with EDI is its adoption and implementation cost (Williams et al., 2002, Chou et al., 2004) and it does not operate in real time. EDIs standard format of structure makes it more d ifficult to follow (Chou et al., 2004). The swap of business data from one company or organisations system application to the computer application of a trading partner. Why EDI? For accuracy, push up the no of accuracy by eliminating r-keying of data. The standard quality of data is found by agreeing product cost. By reducing supply chain cost co related with manual processing EDI helps to build up the partnership between supplier or customer. Those suppliers who are enabled with EDI are very simpler and having very low cost to deal with. Because of EDI electronic documents can be transferred from system to another computer system means one trading company to another trading company. EDI conveys a row of messages between two organisation or companies or parties in which one can be a recipient or originator. The sequel of the data shows the documents might be passed from originator to recipient via telecomm or delivered physically on electronic storage media. To carry out smoothly supply chain operation EDI plays a very important role. EDI is able to explain a very strict standardized format of electronic document. Companies that send and receive papers between both of them are known as â€Å"trading partners†in EEDI methodology. 2.3.2 Internet, World Wide Web When compared to EDI which requires technological expenditure, internet and World Wide Web have been widely accepted as the scope of connectivity between individuals and businesses is broadened (Chou et al., 2004 William et al., 2002). ‘This is the vision of the digital future: If there is an increased demand for woollen pullovers in Benton shops, a farmer in New Zealand receives an order via the web to shear his sheep (Rohrict, Teufel et al 2002). Internet became a ubiquitous and cheaper means to communicate between firms and partners and which initiated global SCs. Cost involved in exchanging information has been greatly reduced with the usage of internet in e-SCM. It has been observed that web based networks provides professional services which are quick, accurate and synchronized in global SC (Folinas et al., 2004). A new trend evolved in supporting SC applications is use of ‘third party softwares. Firms recognized the value of developing partnerships with vendors and consultants. That softwares must be compatible, capable of integrating with SC allowing partners to include any other modules which helps to include programming interfaces to current systems for future use (Green, 2001). Now-a-days SC business processes are scattered over multiple members, so SC system should be actively flexible to handle and respond effectively to the dynamic changes in the global market (Chandrashekar, 1999). 2.3.3 Evolution of ERP From business perspective ERP has broaden from co- ordination of manufacturing processes to the integration of enterprise wide backend processes. Recent studies show that organizations all around the world are investing billions of money on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), when consulting expenditure is calculated then the figure may be doubled (Themistocleous, Irani et al., 2001). Before integrating business process of a firm with customers and suppliers, initially their internal processes have to be operated more efficiently. For this purpose, software/technology ‘ERP is used commonly. According to Hamilton (2003, p. 12) â€Å"An ERP system provides transaction processing and a common database to model operations within a manufacturing firm, and supports several levels of decision making†. MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is earliest form of ERP, which was used in ordering materials and components (Wallace kremzar, 2001). Master production schedule (MPS) is considered as heart of MRP. MPS calculates production requirements according to meet distr
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cold War Essay -- essays research papers
THE COLD WAR The Cold War was the longated tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It started in the mid 40’s after WWII had left Europe in shambles and Russia and the USA in superpower positions. The Cold War was a clash of these supergiants in political, ideological, military, and economic values and ideas. Though military build up was great on both sides neither one ever directly fought each other. In this essay I’m going to bring forth the following points: Rise of the Cold War, events in and because of the Cold War, and the fall of Russia. Again Germany had been thwarted in its plans of total domination. It had been a combined effort by all the Western powers and a few Eastern powers too. England was devastated, France had been literally burnt to the ground, and many small nation had suffered economic failure. To the East Russia had suffered many losses from the vain siege of the Nazi’s. But they were in better shape then Europe. They still had a military and a running, somewhat , economy. In the late 40’s through early 50’s the Soviet Union started to spread the Lenin ideological as it started moving in the Westward position. In 47 the US started funding the rebuilding of European infrastructure in a system called the Marshall Plan. Russia in turn brought forth its own funding called the Molotov Plan. Because of that, they were able to spread communism through many countries. Some of these nations were: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Eastern Germany, and numerous countries in Southeastern Asia. But on the US side we had the support from almost the entire Western Europe. So the tension started, between Western Europe or a republic society and Eastern Europe and communism. There are many key events that happened throughout the entire duration of the Cold War. The fist main events that led up to the tension were the foreign aid policies. These policies were able to divide up Europe between the superpowers. After Europe was divided up treaty organizations and alliances stated forming up again. One of these alliances was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This allied the western portion of Europe. Next came the Warsaw Pact, it was the communistic version of NATO. Throughout the Cold War, relations between the Soviet Union and the west alternated between times of tension and crises and peri... ...e reforms, the revolts of Poland were not a bloody massacre as the first two, but effective displays of rejectment of the government. It was a union setup by a boat dock worker, which union were forbidden, to start strikes on the factories and industrialized areas. They smartly got the world media on them. This put the Soviet Union on the spotlight. The revolt was considered one of the greatest individual feats on the fall of communistic Russia. This in turn brought forth new policies and rights. The by-products of these policies brought forth the collapse of the communistic countries(around 89 -90 ). This lead to the establishment of non-communist political parties, free elections, and the development of a new democratic state. In October of 1990 the communistic government fell in Berlin, and the divided city was re-united. This was the final symbol of the fall of communism in Europe. A little bit later the Warsaw pact was abolished, and the last of the nuclear weapons were dispersed in the sea. Presidents George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev officially ended the Cold War in 1991, I think. Basically the end of the Cold War ended because the Soviet Union ceased to be a superpower.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A meta-analytical review of the relationship between emotional intelligence and leaders’ constructive conflict management Essay
Conflict competent leaders Introduction       The article examines the connection involving emotional intelligence and the ability of leaders to manage and resolve conflict positively. According to Schlaerth, Ensari, & Christian, (2013) understanding of effective conflict management is important traits for competent leaders that lead to constructive conflict management in organizations. Competent leaders are able to solve conflict in an organization due to their emotional intelligence. The trait helps leaders to understand their own emotions and those of other workers. The result is use of the most effective conflict resolution process and strategy that would ensure the success of the organization.       Lack of ability to resolve conflicts constructively affects the relationship between the employees and the leadership. The result is poor performance in an organization, which is blamed on poor leadership. Therefore, the article acknowledges the roles of leaders in the conflict resolution. In addition, it evidences the importance of extraordinary ability to handle emotions in order to achieve constructive conflict resolution.       Consequently, the article discusses the need of emotional intelligence for the non-leader workers in order to ensure constructive conflict resolution. The non-leader workers will help to reinforce strategies and process that are laid down by leaders to resolve the conflict constructively. Hence, the article tries to address the question about what of competent leaders in conflict management and resolutions. In addition, it points out the involvement of other workers in connection with leaders in order to achieve effective and constructive conflict solution. Reference Schlaerth, A., Ensari, N., & Christian, J. (2013). A meta-analytical review of the relationship between emotional intelligence and leaders’ constructive conflict management. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 16(1), 126-136. Source document
Friday, November 8, 2019
Porfiero Diaz essays
Porfiero Diaz essays Jos de la Cruz Porfirio DÃ az (15 September 1830 2 July 1915) was a dictator who ruled Mexico from 1876 until 1911 (with the exception of one single four-year period). Diaz was born in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. He was a Mestizo, of Mixtec Indian and Spanish ancestry. An army officer with humble rural roots, he became something of a hero due to his participation in the war against the French, where he won several important victories. He led the cavalry in the celebrated Battle of Puebla of 1862. In 1876, he overthrew the government of President Sebastin Lerdo de Tejada. Initially, he advanced a platform of reform, using the slogan "No Re-election" (for the President). Defeated by Juarez in the presidential election of 1871, Diaz charged fraud and led a revolt against the government, which was not suppressed until after the inauguration of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada. Diaz again lost in the presidential race of 1876. He refused defeat and 1876 he overthrew the government of President Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada. Aside from a brief period from 1880 to 1884 when he handpicked Manuel Gonzalez as his temporary successor, he remained in power until 1911. His rule was ruthless and ultimately effective. He maintained power through manipulation of votes, but also through simple violence and assassination of his opponents, which as a result were very few. He was a cunning politician and knew very well how to manipulate people to his advantage. He also sought reconciliation with previously hostile sectors, particularly the Catholic Church and the U.S. government. Diazs policy encouraging foreign investment resolved U.S. interference with Mexicos decisions, and led to U.S. recognition of his regime. Diaz embarked on a program of modernization, attempting to bring Mexico up to the level of a modern state. His principal adviser ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
buy custom Written Assignment essay
buy custom Written Assignment essay Introduction A multi-ethnic individual is a person who is able to have more than one language and cultural practices. It is possible for a multi-ethnic individual to cope with the influences of culture since what is required is flexibility. If one understands a language it is easy to adopt other practices. In America there are many ethnic groups e.g. Muslims are the most diverse group in America. Multi-ethnic individuals can form groups according to similarities in language and cultural practices. This can unite them and be able to negotiate from the other influences. Currently in America according to the statistics taken shows that Obama and democrats ethnic group is the fastest growing in America this is due to unity and development of cohesion among them. During elections and voting multi-ethnic individuals can vote for readers who will favor them. In the religious field negotiation can be formed where the multi-ethnic individuals understand the other language. Religious groups can be formed and try to come up with their own religious leaders which mightinfluence the larger ethnic community. But in places such as schools and work places a multi-ethnic individual must learn to use the majority language and cultural practices for effective and efficient communication since such places includes all kinds of people. A multi-ethnic individual can engage into businesses with the major ethnic community and as well invest together. This will create negotiation and positive influence on traditions and other perspectives. In this area racial identity might not be influenced since it can not be transferred. No one can change to white identity completely; this allows the racial identity to be expressed purely. Cross-cultural factors like music a multi-ethnic individual can learn them with time since they occur at rare occasions and nowhere are they applicable officially. They only require orientation and practice. Through this negotiation and cultural influence will have taken place. Cross-cultural activity such as films requires attending cinemas and night clubs regularly. The use of media sources i.e. radio and television will allow influencee and change in the type of films to watch and since the language is understandable it will automatically call for interest and gradually one changes. Amulti-ethnic individual can as well change to the type of food taken although this can take time since it can not be forced. This can involve attending to restaurants and ordering common foods and sometimes request to the chefs to make foods of their choice that are closer to their tradition foods. Individuals can as well buy items and make their own foods at their home places. In the area of music multi-ethnic individuals can listen to the radio and TV programmes and be able to cope to these changes. In conclusion holidays such as gathering the language and tradition to display should be one which was original because the family members will be comfortable with that since its natural and not learned. Since they are all family members they share a common mother tongue and traditional practices which are familiar to all. This will automatically make the occasion lively and enjoyable. Buy custom Written Assignment essay
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Legal Issues in Undocumented Immigrant Workers Essay
Legal Issues in Undocumented Immigrant Workers - Essay Example However, the development of such means as electronic verification systems (E-verify) has become a major blow to the industry especially to the companies that was dependent on these undocumented immigrants. This is due to a reduction in the labor pool, higher wages and the cost of hiring new staff might shoot, and what looked like a humming industry could be brought down to its knees.With the changes that are being advocated for by human rights activists and other international bodies, it has come a time when the hospitality industry with have to face the impact of the new legislations put in place to advocate for the rights of these undocumented immigrants. Not that these legislations have not been there before, but the fact is that the government is setting up more profound measures that will ensure that the immigrants do not suffer the same historical injustices as they have suffered before. This will also be aimed at ensuring that the job market in the states is decongested, allow ing room for the citizens to have access to job opportunities.Previously, legislations were aimed at barring entry of some illegal immigrants especially from Asia, Japan and Korea. The Quota Act aimed at reducing the number of immigrants entering the country and dictated a gradual incorporation of any foreign born immigrants. For example, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 that allowed H-2 visas to immigrants with labor skills to help in agriculture industry created an opportunity for immigrants to find legal refuge in the country.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Asian Population-reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Asian Population-reaction paper - Essay Example Most Japanese sculptures consist of images of Buddha. Japanese women have a unique mode of dressing, mostly referred to as â€Å"Kimono†Married women dress differently from the unmarried women. Dressing code is associated with the place of woman in the society. A Japanese woman is expected to be respectful and always abide by his husbands demands. Most Japanese women were treated unequally until the end of World War II. Most Japanese gender roles have changed with many adopting the western cultures. However, the traditional norms still expect the woman to respect the man and hence follow what his husband says. Japanese people have a unique diet. Their diet is mostly composed of rice (Gohan) miso soup, meat or fish and pickled vegetables. Japanese cuisine is made up of light foods that are associated with their longevity. Most of their food practices are also related to their way of life (Kubota, 2014). When dealing with this kind of population, there are many things that I would do differently. I would respect their religion and emphasize on the need for moral ethics as it is also inscribed in their teachings. I would encourage the young people to adopt good living lifestyles as it is the typical segment in most religion. I would also respect women’s opinion and help champion for their rights. I would adopt their feeding habits as it focuses on good health. I would also provide them with alternative light foodstuff that also emphasizes on good health. I would join their martial art school so as to learn their culture very
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