Monday, September 30, 2019
Women’s Right to be Educated
Before the Revolutionary War education was undergoing many changes. One of these changes was that many people, like the Puritans, felt that education was the key to help a person be successful in life. The idea was that if you were successful in life, then you would be spiritually successful also. The only problem with the Puritan's ideas was that it left out women. For a woman, in order to be successful, she had to raise her family in the way of the Church, and obey her husband. If she were to do this, she would achieve spiritual success. But the philosophy was mainly focused on the breadwinners of the family. A woman's role in society was not as noticeable to achieve merit. Their primary role was to stay at home and take care of the children. Also, they would help their husband in many of his daily activities. Women were being excluded from education, society, and power. The turning point for women though, was the Revolutionary War. Many women were left at home to take care of all of the responsibilities around the house or farm. With this new set of responsibilities, women began to think a little bit. They began to wonder why they hadn't been able to obtain any sort of social power. The fact remains that women had no power at this time because of historical reasons. Historically men had been the heads of the household. And with the strong religious beliefs of the time women couldn't change that. The Bible was a clear-cut answer to who should run the home. A woman's function from the perspective of the Bible was to be a mother and to be obedient to their husbands. Women didn't need education in order to be mothers and or to be obedient. Women had been educated before the turn of the Revolutionary War. But the education they were getting was not equal to that of the men or clergy. Really, the only education they were getting was the education that was taking place in the Church, separated from men. Before the War, women had a 40% literacy rate. This meant that 40% of the women's population could sign their name. They were only allowed to learn about the Bible and their religion. So historically women only needed enough education in order to stay at home and do domestic labor, and also to take care of their children. Secondly, men had been supporting the family for centuries. So all in all women had no power whatsoever. They had no voice in society, except for the raising of the children and the instillment of morality over their children. This would later be helpful as women started teaching. Before the War women had been dependent upon men. Now that the men were gone fighting, the women had no choice but to take over the responsibilities of supporting the family. This caused women to start thinking about their situation. They started to wonder why it was that they could do everything a man could do now, but they weren't being treated as though they were equal. They had no education, no power, no voice, and were now supporting the family. After the War was over some very interesting social groups popped up. One of these groups was called the Loyal Citizens. The Loyal Citizens group was a woman's group that was formed in order to uphold the â€Å"Republican Motherhood†. The basic idea here was that women should shape their sons in the image of the Republic. Also, the mothers should shape their daughters to become good Republican Mothers. This and other groups would be a powerful influence on the unification of women. For one of the first times we see women joining together in a common voice. Women are starting to understand that they aren't going to get anywhere unless they are unified. Meanwhile many schools were developing with the intention to educate women. The economy was booming which created many job openings for men. This left a void to be filled in the schools. For the private schools this meant that they weren't going to be able to stay open unless they were able to fill the open spots. So in order to fill the need, many women were educated in Proprietary schools. The education in these schools was not the same as the education in an all-male school. These schools were actually beauty and technical schools. Although, women were not receiving the same education as men, the education they were receiving would also have a large impact on the unification of women. Education at this time was responsible for unifying the country and shaping children as talked about in previous papers. With the education of women starting to be accepted, there was an explosion of girls schools called academies. This was around 1807-1808. The purpose of the academies was to teach grammar and etiquette. Some of them were actually finishing schools. Academies were a huge step for women's education. Women finally had a school that they could call their own. As women became educated, men started to wonder if women's education would interfere with their opportunities. The argument was made that education would not make women discontent with their roles in life, but instead would lead them to accept their place in society more easily. Here it is obvious to see that the women are having to justify their education to the men in order to continue. Women's education is still not accepted among society because the people in power, who were men, heavily influenced society. Hence, women still had little opportunity to do anything with this newfound education. In the early part of the 19th century, many of the common schools were undergoing dramatic changes. With such an onslaught of women becoming educated, there would soon be a large percentage of women who would need jobs. As the common schools began to increase in size, the demand for teachers rose. The women that had recently found education would soon meet the demand for teachers. One of the reasons for this was that women could be given less pay than men. And education was in great demand with the signing of the Northwest Ordinance. The majority of women's teaching was at the elementary school level. They would have approximately 40 to 100 kids all of whom were between the ages of 3 and 16. The only qualification that a woman needed to teach was that she had to have graduated from elementary school. With little education, women would start teaching with as little as 1 week of training in etiquette. In 1839 Horace Mann would come back from Europe and start to influence the way teachers were being educated. He developed the Normal School. It would teach the basic methods of teaching. He borrowed these methods from the Prussian education system. Later, in 1861 the Oswego Normal School would be a forerunner of all of the Normal Schools by placing even more emphasis on the learning of teaching methods. Normal Schools became an outlet for women. They could be educated to become teachers because society's views were changing. Finally in 1837, Oberlin College started accepting women and African Americans. Economically it had become cheaper to educate both the girls and boys. Society had become more egalitarian because of this push for women to educate themselves. But equality was far away. Society had changed. There was a need for women to come out of the home and into the workplace. But was this for the best. Women today still struggle to find equality in the workplace. Society, which was run by men, allowed women to come out of the home and to teach. So women did make a great stride in the right direction, but only because they were let to go there. Margaret Haley was an activist for women's power and a vehement supporter of teacher's unions. She noticed that women had no power and were still confined by the bounds that were placed upon them by men. Examples of this were that women would have to report to male administrators and were constantly scrutinized by men. She wanted to level the playing field by empowering women. She was also responsible for the American Federation of Teachers, which would later be known as the AFLCIO. With women being educated, the only thing left for them to do was to gain power and to someday give society the gentle touch of a woman. Women had learned the role of the Republican Mothers. There was no better way to teach a child than to have a woman who already understood their role as a mother. This role would be to shape the children they would teach into sons and daughters of America. Women were the perfect teachers. They had been teaching their own children for years how to be moral and responsible citizens. Through their struggle women eventually won their suffrage and would have a larger voice in the country. But even today there are still ripples from the pond that reach us. Women still struggle daily with trying to achieve total equality. Hopefully, they will win their fight!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Maritime Law Essay
On January 6th, 2007 the vessel collided with â€Å"M. V Container†while approaching to pilot station. The cause of the collision was due to wrong plotting position of 3rd officer from â€Å"Never Struck†and wrongful act on COLREG 72 from â€Å"M. V Container†. Owners of the â€Å"M. V Container†claimed her damage cargo hold No 1. Cargo owner of fertilizer claimed to owner against delays. 4. general average vs. particular average (a) General average is incurred for the benefit of all interests but the particular average is in connection with just one of the many interests. b) General average is always voluntary and intentional but the particular average is an accidental or unexpected calamities. (c) General average is shared by all those who have benefited by the general average act. Particular average is paid by the insurer. (d) General average may include expenditure and sacrifice along with loss, whereas the particular average results from a loss or damage. 5. Conditions implying General Average In order for an act of sacrifice or expenditure to be considered an act of general average, six conditions must prevail. a) Common Maritime Adventure – More than one party must be involved in the adventure so as to be ‘common’ (shipowner, cargo owner). (b) Real and Common Danger – all parties must have been actually benefited by the sacrifice due to a peril that endangers the adventure. (c) Extraordinary – loss must be distinguished from ordinary loss because ordinary loss is not allowed for general average contributions. (d) Intentional – decisions must be made and the loss must be voluntary. (e) Reasonableness – unreasonable and unnecessary sacrifice or expenditure is not valid. f) Success – the sacrificial actions must be able to save the property involved in a common maritime adventure from a particular danger. Where the ship and cargo is totally destroyed altogether, there will be no quest ion of general average. 6. CASE ANALYSIS In the case of â€Å"Never Struck†and â€Å"M. V Container†, it was due to the negligence of 3rd officer in â€Å"M. V Container†who did not condone to Prevention of Collision Regulations 1972 which is a breach of international law, causing the two vessels to collide. Although â€Å"Never Struck†did have a fault of its own, it did not however breach the international law of sea navigations. In applying the rules of Prevention of Collision Regulations 1972, Part A, section 2(a) and section 2(b), referred to as the â€Å"General Prudential†rule and provides for non-conformance with stated rules in order to prevent a collision, because what is paramount is to avoid or minimize the damaging effects of a collision, as opposed to blindly following the rules to the letter. The overall intent is to minimize actual collision taking place rather than rule compliance in itself. Due to negligence on the part of â€Å"M. V Container†she will not be able to claim against â€Å"Never Struck†for the repairs of the cargo hold No 1. The cargo loss in the cargo hold No 1 which was lost due to the accident may however bring about an action in tort. If there was any further loss of cargo which was jettisoned in order to save the ship or expenses incurred after the collision in order to save the adventure may be liable for general average. As for â€Å"Never Struck†, the cargo owner may claim either â€Å"Never Struck†or â€Å"M. V Container†against delays. However it should and would not be considered in general average claims. Same as for the case of â€Å"M. V Container†, the cargo loss which was lost due to the accident may however bring about an action in tort. If there was any further loss of cargo which was jettisoned in order to save the ship or expenses incurred after the collision in order to save the adventure may be liable for general average. 7. CONCLUSION As a conclusion, collisions may lead to a series of claims and actions. These series of events may bring about the application a number of acts. It is important though to understand that General Average only exist if the act of sacrifice or expenditure is voluntary in order to save a common adventure from total loss at sea.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Women Rule the World
History has ample evidence to show that quite a few women wielded the greatest power, leaving a legacy of their own and unleashing a revolution in their trail, but at the same time, they paid such a dear price for their power which is long believed to be the exclusive domain of male. Nerfititi, a co-regent of Egyptian pharaoh, could not escape the fate of death after removing the existence of the belief in priests and successfully starting to construct a new capital of Egypt together with her husband.Even days after her demise, her tomb was plundered and her body was smashed with the right hand holding the scepter, the symbol of utmost power in Egyptian kingdom, mutilated away from her corpse. Vo Tac Thien, the queen of China, in her reign, made an incredible record of contributions to her nation while standing up against waves of protests from traditionalists. It seems when it comes to holding the highest rank, women are biased, albeit their manifest talent and patriotism.Any cruel action they exercised, whether for their ends- as some believe- or the sake of the entire nation, was seen as unacceptable whereas such acts were easily forgotten if committed by men. Further evidence of this prejudice is well seen in the lives of Islamic women who are deprived of the right to have their own identity cards and inherit almost to none of the asset from the bequest of both their parents and spouses. They are born with masks and unveiling these â€Å"sacred amulets†is considered a sacrilege to their faith, rendering their lives in darkness, however.But despite all of this, Islamic women are found to be surprisingly enlighteners with an increasing number working as scientists, researchers and culturists. Such telling bodies of evidence hold the answer itself: when it comes to true power, women cannot be ignored. If given more freedom, why wouldn’t they rule the world as men? Let’s discuss, Seamap guys, to acknowledge the power of our WOMEN. Written by Pham Thi Le Na 1. What are key factors to become a good leader? 2. What are basic differences in the way men and women lead? What are their strengths and weaknesses? 3. Which are countries where women hold important positions in the overnment? Are these nations having any edge over others which exclude women from this opportunity? What’s about Vietnam? Is it a level-playing field for women nowadays? Why or why not? 4. What makes women have fewer chances to rise to power? As being a person of strong power, how can you make sure men and women have equal chance of being recruited to high positions? 5. Debate: What makes you believe women should rule the world? What makes you believe men should rule the world? Compare and contrast to defend you point. Envision the picture where women purely rule the world or men purely rule the world.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Why have the western and melodrama featured so prominently in genre Essay
Why have the western and melodrama featured so prominently in genre criticism - Essay Example 2). The sentiment was rather exaggerated yet films shown in different forms of media such as television, theaters and video cassete are absolutely the channel of the general public’s entertainment and are the embodiment of a democratic cultural framework. However, the primary significance of the film industry in the creation of pleasure for the general public does not necessarily imply that it can be a dimension of the cultural and historical indication. But the reality that films get in touch with the mass audience means that they represent some of the unconsious and conscious experiences of the general public, or probably a considerable portion of it (MacBean 1975, p. 48). Nevertheless, in the case of the American film industry, it is painstaking for many art scholar and historian to discern the relationship between Hollywood films and popular consciousness from the time 1940s until the contemporary period. The popular mind itself is multifaceted. It is inticately divided into different categories such as age, gender, ethnicity and social class and is habitually inconsistent and unstable in response. During the late sixties and early seventies, in the span of four or five years, the general movie audience shifted away from compassion towards social deviance of Bonnie and Clyde (1967) to the justice and regulate vigilantism of Dirty Harry (1971), and it is uncertain if that constant alteration of movie preference is in commune with some deep-seated transformation of popular feeling. However, it is probable that these divergent outlooks toward wickedness and crime coexisted in the American society, and the films further influence the already heteregenous American public. Likewise, it is difficult to determine the factors that contribute to the popular success of a particular film (Neale 1981, p. 11). For instance, did the movie Rambo garner its popularity because of its political underto ne such as
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Marketing management project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing management project - Case Study Example The critical problem of the agency involves a very important decision of whether to expand or continue the way it is for the agency. Grabbing a large portfolio would lead to expansion and better avenues of growth but it comes with the risks and the costs. Maintaining the status quo would be a less risky solution but not getting any return in the long run. Firstly, In case if the Yadana account doesn’t work well it would have to reducing the manpower hired for the account will damage the agency’s image. Secondly, determining the medium of advertising seems to be a problem, ignoring television would be ignoring the urban and metro market wherein radio and print would require a different skill set for a strong customer base to create. Thirdly, the customer although aware of the market is brand loyal and needs to be educated first. Fourthly, as the market seems to have shrunken it would actually be an opportunity in disguise. Very few players would always give a chance to grab a very large share of the market. 1. The investments would again run neck to neck with operating cost versus marketing costs. If the overall market is gloomy even if the most aggressive marketing techniques are implemented the results remain uncertain. 3. A customer survey and feedback would give a clear idea to the agency regarding the customer expectations. It would also give an opportunity to review its own strengths and weaknesses which is necessary. Advertising seems to be a very volatile business that fluctuates along with the markets and economic conditions. But if all the parameters of managing a business are to be applied then any business after doing an accurate assessment of its own strengths and weaknesses should go ahead and convert market threats into opportunities. Economic downturn is not a bane but certainly can be blessing in disguise. There are some changes which are forced by the environmental factors on the organization, but organizations who
Labour Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Labour Laws - Essay Example This is certainly the case with Key Lime Printing. There is a feeling on the part of the workers that they are at best getting a very bad deal from a company that has already been in business for a relatively long time and should be able to do better. As a lawyer, there are a few issues that I shall seek to reinforce. I shall seek to inform the client, Joe Blow, that there is little legal recourse once the matter gets to this point. After all, the Notice of Certification from the labor relations board has already been received. There are three main issues that seem to underline the employees’ decision to unionize. First of all, there is the issue of pay. Pay disputes are always a minimum expectancy when it comes to labor relations. This is where most of the labor unrest that we witness centers around. The next issue lies with dismissal of employees. Fair or unfair dismissal is a contentious issue that cannot be resolved anytime soon. On the part of the dismissed employee, thei r default position is that the dismissal is always unfair (Cihon & Castagnera, 2010). Finally, there is the whole issue of unionization. I shall seek to show my client his rights and responsibilities as far as unionization of employees is concerned. The first issue deals with income. I shall handle this issue in two parts. The first part shall be with relation to the right amount that each employee should receive. This is an extremely complicated issue. If each one of us were given the option to suggest how much we want to be paid, then we might suggest amounts that are impractical for the profitable conduct of business. We cannot leave this weighty decision to the employers alone either. There is a need for both the employer and the employee to sit down and discuss each of their positions as far as remuneration is concerned. My client does not seem to have done this. Therefore, first step during the anticipated meeting shall be to hear each side’s position in as far as salar ies are concerned (Pay and Wages, 2013). The second angle in as far as salaries are concerned is the nature of employment. There is the need to find the right balance between benefits, commissions and salaries. The idea of only paying a commission to the three workers without either salaries or benefits is a very emotive one. Initially, it was thought that being paid on commission motivated the workers to apply themselves fully so that in a way they can ‘determine their own salaries’. This is not the case anymore. Finding business is not guaranteed, yet at the end of the month these employees have bills to pay and other responsibilities to fulfill. This needs to be looked at considering that the leading light in this revolt is an employee who is subject to this draconian employment terms (Pay and Wages, 2013). Dismissal is another issue that needs to be addressed. Arguably, perhaps it is the place where the bitterest battles with regard to employee rights are witnessed. There should be a firm basis for any dismissal that is effected in the workplace. After all, this is a place where people from different backgrounds coalesce to satisfy their needs for employment. Additionally, in such a place one cannot dismiss the effect of culture and background on general conduct and productivity in the workplace. Therefore, dismissal must be looked at with this backdrop in mind. There seems to have been instances where the foreman, Top, dismissed employees. He has no right to do this. This is un-procedural. There needs to be a properly laid procedure through which dismissals are carried out. Only the owner, Blow, should have the power to mete out such punishment. In most cases, dismissal should be the last resort (Arthurs & Carter,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ways to stay healthy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ways to stay healthy - Essay Example This can be done by involving one’s body in exercises. In the current way of living in which many people sit behind computers all day either for work or pleasure, being involved in exercises is important for the body. Depending on objective of a person intending to start doing exercises, the amount of time and form of exercise varies. However, one hour of exercise is acceptable on a daily basis as way of staying fit and healthy. The most popular ways to exercise include jogging, going to the gym, walking and participating in sports which involve whole body movement as opposed to board games and computer games (Dale 16). Exercises help the body maintain its flexibility, improve the immune system, slow aging and helps one stay free from diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes. It is important to watch out what one eats or drinks in order stay healthy. People should eat a balanced diet in order to give the body all the nutrients it needs (Elson 19). It is believed that eating healthy lowers health risks such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and hypertension. A healthy balanced diet involves eating primarily vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. Vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrates are found in grains and potatoes among others. Whole grains are best for the purpose of fulfilling caloric requirements of the body. Adequate water consumption is important in order to stay healthy. It is recommended that one should drink at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis (Walter 21). A healthy diet provides energy needs of the body and supports human nutrition without the subjection to excessive or toxicity weight gain from consuming excessive amounts. Last but not least, it is important to undertaking regular checks even when one feels that the he or she is okay. This is important for early detection of diseases and thus increases chances of smooth treatment. Cancer, one of the leader killer diseases,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Chinese traditional value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chinese traditional value - Essay Example However, the Chinese traditional values demonstrate the rich history of Confucian culture that emphasis on respect for the elderly and caring for the needy. As far as cultural values are trusted as vital elements in determining the behaviors of members of the society, it is not possible to hear, touch or even taste their existence. This is because cultural values are passionately contained within the hearts of the members of the society where it would be maintained through all dynasties. In contrary to western countries, Chinese has its own unique values, very distinct in terms of morals standards and attitudes some of as identified below (Hofstede 243).THESIS: Chinese traditional values significantly differ with the western traditional cultures. Chinese falls amongst the countries that experience high cultural contexts and for this reason, they exhibit a lot of collectivism in contrary to western countries which endorse a culture of individualism especially in terms of power, what has been gained or what is expected to be gained. Chinese has put at the forefront the recognition of collectivism and value to all members of the society. Their culture is an impediment and labeled with all efforts of synergy as everybody get equal measure of treatment as one unified group. Going by this cultural practice, Chinese value recognizes collectivism as compared to individual identity. Due to such reasons, much attention is given to group unity than self-attention and personal opinions. Moreover, they believed that anybody practicing self-assertive behavior is of disgrace to the society and should awarded no respect since he poses extreme danger on unity or peaceful coexistence between members of the group and the society at large. In s imple terms, all members of the group must harmonize co-existence with each other through allegiance, loyalty, participation and equitable sharing
Monday, September 23, 2019
Research/analyze the contemporary globalization of one place Research Paper
/analyze the contemporary globalization of one place - Research Paper Example This paper will give detailed proofs of how shanghai has undergone globalization and expanded from being local to international levels. The main mission of this paper is to enhance a better contact with shanghai. The underlying premise depicts that Shanghai is a rich city for Globalization. Instead of viewing globalization as an external factor influencing Shanghai, this paper will show how globalization is inherent in the city of Shanghai and that the investigation of the distinctive features of Shanghai starting from the abandoned factories which are now viewed as creative clusters, to the Lilong architectures, luxury malls and street peddlers lights up the world globalization both in the past and the future. The main factors that have led to shanghai globalization are the tourism attractions, the Shanghai’s resurgence, competition of the Chinese cities and the tale of two cities (shanghai and Hong Kong). There are other unmentioned factors that have seen shanghai in to globalization. Shanghai is a global city which sees itself as the city of the future. This continued belief of the Shanghai globalization is driven by the history of the city. With this in mind, questions like can shanghai reanimate the cosmopolitanism of its past? Will its attempts of fostering a culture of creativity succeed? Can it bear an urban golden age that is energetic and innovative enough to influence the rest of the world just like New York or London arise. First shanghai will be viewed as a model of development and trading partner for India. (Liu, 786). Secondly, the city will be regarded as one of the important zones of economic opportunity within the larger Chinese world. Without the global business networks of the Taiwanese, Hong Kong and the Chinese American entrepreneurs, shanghai city would not have risen to higher levels. Additionally, the city will be viewed as a magnet for the migration within the country of China. Back in the old
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Importance of Staff Training During the Recession Essay Example for Free
The Importance of Staff Training During the Recession Essay Most industry experts agree that training and development of staff should not be compromised during the recession even though they may be dealing with cuts to budgets and other cost pressures. This is because a well-trained and skilled workforce will be instrumental in supporting organisations during the downturn as well as after economic recovery and growth resumes. Previous recessions and downturns have shown that cutting down on training and skills development for employees only results in a shortage of talented workers come the upturn. This can greatly affect an organisations competitiveness. In March, a report from the Boston Consulting Group and the European Association of People Management (EAPM) found that cutting back on training was a popular cost-cutting option but warned that it is the least effective in the longer term. Rudolf Thurner, co-author of the report and president of the EAPM, said: Companies should evaluate the strategies deployed by HR executives during the last recession. In this way, they can avoid making similar mistakes all over again. The shortage of skills in the UK workforce is already evident, according to other studies on the issue. A Randstad-commissioned survey published earlier this year found that almost three-quarters of firms in Britain feel that there is a lack of suitably qualified workers in the country. As a result, half of firms are not planning to cut down on their training budgets, regardless of wider financial conditions. Fred van der Tang, managing director of Randstad UK Professional Services, said: Many organisations believe they will still be short of key skills to cope with the recession. There will be an increased emphasis on the provision of training for those with the most potential to make sure that key performers are retained. He added: In such immensely difficult times, it is encouraging that many human resource heads say their boards want to ensure they do not make inappropriate cuts. Cutting back too heavily was a mistake made by many employers during previous downturns, leaving them poorly prepared for the upturn. A recent study by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) found that firms in the insurance and financial services sectors are concerned about the level of skills demonstrated by new recruits in the industry. The poll also discovered that many organisations believe that the UK is far behind other countries in workforce skills and must do more if it is to maintain its competitiveness and emerge as a global leader. Daniel Pedley, public affairs manager for the CII, said: We would certainly advocate not cutting training in times like this. We believe that investing in training now, during a downturn, will help you come up in a better position when the recovery comes. If you invest now you are putting yourself in a much better position for later on down the track.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Risk Management in Healthcare
Risk Management in Healthcare Introduction Risk is anything that involves danger. Risk can be physical, emotional, health, or financial wealth. Life is full of risks and we all take risk in our lives in order to move forward. Risk can be big or small and can be taken intentionally or unintentionally. Riskassessmentrefers to the process by which the short and long-term adverse consequences to individuals or groups in a particular area resulting from the use of specific technology, chemical substance, or natural hazard are determined (Batterman, 2013). An example of intentional risk would be doing your assignment but not knowing that you will pass it or not and an example of unintentional risk is not doing the assignment because you did not know you had one. So in order to manage risk it is very important to have some kind of plan in place with can reduce the effect of any future risk, this is known as risk management. Therefore risk management is identification, assessment and prioritization of risks. There are two major ERM p rogrammes (ISO 31000 OR COSO) which could be used by any organization as a guideline to reduce risk. In this assignment I have used ISO 31000 because it is the most-latest one and easy to understand. Question one Risk management should be well organized in the enterprise for this to happen the risk manager needs to find out the objectives of the organization in order to make a proper plan. This can be done by talking with the owner or other staff members of the facility. For example one of the most important priorities for any health provider is the health and safety of its clients and workers. It is crucial to have friendly and safe environment for the employees. This can be done by doing regular health and safety audits and teaching the staff and the residents about the health and safety. This as a result will decrease the percentage of accidents that happen at work and make it safer both for clients and workers. This can lead to exposure to lose as they have to put more money and labour into teaching the staff about health and safety. This can also result in loss of life or a serious injury. For example there can be an injury at the work place if the clients are not transferred from bed to the couch using a hoist. Using a hoist can be more safe, time efficient and as a result will decrease the number of causalities at work. Like this there can be various other risks at the hospital so it is the duty of the risk manager to prioritize the highly likely and least likely risk for the enterprise and make the plan accordingly. For example hygiene is very important for the hospital, so it is important for the residents to have shower regularly. This risk cannot be tolerated as it will prevent spreading of diseases and cross contamination. This is one of the essential parts of hospital so risk manager should follow this first. Question two The model that I have used for this assignment is IOS-31000 to identify the high risk to health care business. It was introduced in 2009. It is a code of conduct which is followed by the organization to provide standardized care to the clients. This can be used by any organization regardless of its dimension, action and segment. This can help the organization to increase the chances of improving their techniques, achieving objectives, allocate and use resources. It also provides guidelines for both internal and external programs. This organization can also compare and contrast their risk management policies with an internationally recognized benchmark therefore providing good principles for effective and corporate governance. ISO31000can be applied to any type of riskwith a few provisos. Firstly, the new definition of risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives. The notes to the definition include: Objectives can have different aspects, such as financial, health and safety, and environmental goals, and can apply at different levels such as strategic, organisation-wide, project, product, a nd process. Thus, an organisation must set objectives that are relevant to its risk profile (Peace, 2009). There are also other related standards some of them are IEC 31010 and COSO. A risk management technique focuses on risk management. Risk management also helps the organization to understand the risks and make the decisions accordingly so it could effectively meet the objectives. IEC 31010: 2009 also focuses on risk assessment concepts and selection of risk assessment techniques. Question three Risk management process contains five different processes which are firstly identify the hazard, secondly decide who might be harmed and how, thirdly evaluate the risks and decide on safety measure, fourthly record your finding and implement them and finally review your assessment and update if necessary (Five steps of risk assessment ). In identifying the hazard the risk manager should be able to identify the risks that are most likely to happen in the hospital. The two ways to identify risk are retrospective and prospective risk. Retrospective risks are the incidents that previously occurred, so they are easy to identify. This can be done by reviewing audit reports, costumer complaints. Prospective risks are those that have not happened before but might happen in the future. As compare to retrospective risk this is harder to identify. This can be done by brainstorming, researching and reviewing system designs. This can also be done by talking with the staff members or looking at the documentation of the hazards and make the plan accordingly. For examples if falls is one of the major cause of injury in the hospital then there should be a proper plan in place. This can be done by using wet floor sign, making sure floor is dry at all times and assisting the residents when going to the toilet and provide training if necessary to the staff. Secondly the risk manager needs to decide who might be harmed and how. This will help him to know which risk has greater impact than another. The three categories to determine risk levels are qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative. Qualitative refers to the images based on some based on some characteristics rather than quantity. It is the most effective method of analyzing risk. Semi-qualitative test is one that doesnt give you the absolute amount of analyses in a sample. Lastly quantitative is based on mathematical or numerical numbers and quantity rather than the characteristics. For example it does not mean differentiating everyone by their names, but identifying group of people. If you share your workplace, you will need to know your work affects other staff members or members of public and therefore identifying how they might be harmed. In the third process of risk assessment the risk is evaluated and safety measures are taken. The risk evaluation involves measuring and comparing level of risks found during analysis process. Once risk has been identified it is the duty of risk manager to decide what to do about them. He has to be lawful and do everything reasonably practicable to protect people from harm. For example there is an infection breakthrough in the facility. It is the risk manager’s duty to make sure all the residents and works get immunized, all the clothes and bed sheets are cleaned properly and make sure everyone is safe from the infection and how can they prevent it in future. This can be prevented by using hand sanitizers, washing hands regularly, wearing gloves and using other precautions when necessary. Fourthly recording and implementing the findings. It is about treating the risk that we not acceptable in the previous process of risk assessment. This step is used to either eliminate or reduce the effect of the risk. Monitoring and reviewing is a very essential step of the risk management process which will result in positive outcomes for the hospital. Risk needs to be monitored regularly so that new risks are captured in the process and are effectively managed. For example risk assessment does not need to be perfect but it must be suitable and sufficient. A proper check must be made; you need to ask who might be affected; you dealt with all the other significant hazards, also took into account the number of people who could be involved; the safety measures are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low; and you have also involved your staff or their representatives in the process. Lastly review the assessment and update if necessary. At work sooner or later, there will be new equipments and procedures that could lead to new hazards, so it makes very much sense to review them. Therefore all the risk management assessment parts are related to monitor and review. For example there is a new hoist at work which is more effective and fast but the workers do not quite know how to use it. So it is the duty of the risk manager to put a plan in place and teach all the workers how to use it and review it regularly. This as a result will prevent any future miss-happenings and make work more safe and efficient. Conclusion This concludes that it is very important for the organization big or small to have risk management program and team in place to minimize the risk and for the better growth of the business. It can save lives and money and can be extremely profitable for the enterprise and safe for the employs. References Batterman, S. (2013). Defination. Risk Assessment , 653-655. Five steps of risk assessment . (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2014, from Health and Safety Executive : Peace, C. (2009). ISO 31000. Standard and Deliver , 44-47.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Red Guards :: essays research papers
Red Guards In the summer of 1966 there was a new effort on the part of the head leaders in China to further control the actions and thoughts of the people in China. The Red Guards were the force to do it all. A group of kids who mostly in their teens and some in college were put into this gang. This so-called military force was called the Red Guards. Groups of these Red Guards traveled from the large cities all the way to empty country sides. They held huge demonstrations at every stop. Their main goal was to eliminate as many as possible of the customs and traditional thoughts of the old China. They participated in Long Marches and other activities. The man they looked up to most was a person by the name of Mao. They carried huge portraits of him and also carried banners and flags. Many people in the group beat on gongs and drums. Some observers said it looked more like a circus then a political demonstration. They did a lot of things that many thought were outrageous. At one point they raced widely through Peking denouncing anyone who was in a business. They even made a demand to change the meaning of the colors in a stop light. According to the Red Guards, that because the color of communism is red, that you should go on red and stop on green. When the Red Guards added students from another school or workers from another factory they decorated the entrance with purple paper, lanterns and a red cloth covered with flowers. People who did not agree with Mao Tse-tung and his teachings were often dragged through the streets and forced to wear dunce caps. The main reason of course was to humiliate. This group in time became more destructive. Even some of China's highest leaders were taken. The Red Guards demonstrations lasted through fall, and winter of 1966 and well into 1967. The Red Guards highly looked up to Mao they thought of him as a father who shared the same views. Chairman Mao greatly influenced many of their decisions. They stormed on to railroad trains to spread their ideas coast to coast. Many people thought of them as a disorderly young army. Most of their efforts were devoted to wholesale destruction of reputation and careers. One of their best weapons were political posters which were about many high political figures. Political people were not the only ones to be embarrassed, professors and engineers were also humiliated by the young group. Many young people agreed with the Red Guards and their point of views.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Scarlet Letter Essay -- Literary Analysis, Hawthorne
After the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s character Dimmesdale from the book the Scarlet Letter, there have been many theories about the cause of his death. Some literary analyzers claim that his guilt was the cause of his death. Others say that Roger Chillingworth, a physician, poisoned him with Atropine and Scopolamine. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale’s guilt appears to be the cause of his death, but his symptoms point towards Atropine and Scopolamine poisoning. In The Scarlet Letter, all the symptoms Dimmesdale experiences provide evidence that he is poisoned with Atropine and Scopolamine. The action of gripping hard at the breast leads readers to believe that Dimmesdale is poisoned with Scopolamine and Atropine. Gripping hard at his breast is a cardio vascular symptom which is associated to Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning. Shafer points out that â€Å"he was often observed, on any slight alarm, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain†(qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning causes pain in the chest therefore Dimmesdale’s symptom is one of chronic intoxication. Shafer quotes Hawthorne saying how the gripping of the chest â€Å"had now become a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture, to press his hand over his heart†(qtd. in Hawthorne 88). Because Dimmesdale forms the constant habit of putting his hand over his heart, it shows that he constantly has pain in his chest and is being gradually poisoned. Other symptoms of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning that Dimmesdale experiences are gait disturbances, tremors, and convulsions. Shafer mentions that Dimmesdale has a nervous â€Å"despondency in his [Dimmesdale’s] air†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (qtd... ...n occur. If overdosed, Atropine can cause very serious consequences but fatalities from Atropine poisoning are very rare but can occur in adults and children. Atropine is the safest alkaloid of all the potential alkaloids. Since death caused by Atropine alone is very rare, the fatal dose has not medically been discovered. If ever overdosed, the side effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, anhidrosis, and constipation are unavoidable. Although The Scarlet Letter makes readers believe that Dimmesdale died of guilt, there is enough medical evidence to prove that he was poisoned by Scopolamine and Atropine. Not only is there enough evidence of the poison, there is also evidence on how Chillingworth caused his death. All in all, Dimmesdale’s death in The Scarlet Letter was caused because of Scopolamine and Atropine poisoning by Roger Chillingworth.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Womens Athletic Organizations :: Pro Con Essays
Pro's and Con's of Women's Athletic Organizations being Incorporated by Men's Athletic Organizations When the American Basketball League (ABL) started up, I was one of the wide-eyed young athletes who dreamed of playing in it when I grew up. I had always had lots of women role models as athletes, but this gave me something that I could aspire to do with my life. These women were playing basketball as a career. My parents took me to games to see the New England Blizzard and the Columbus Quest play. One time we stayed in the same hotel as the Columbus team, and they all came out of their rooms and talked to me and autographed a program for me. That summer that Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) initiated by the National Basketball Association (NBA). I was adamantly against the WNBA from the moment I heard its name. Take the men's league and stick 'women' in front of it, and you had the WNBA. The WNBA wasn't even playing basketball during the right time. No one should have a basketball season during the summer. Of course, they couldn't play during the winter because then th ey would be interfering with the men's games. The NBA couldn't let women's games draw support away from the men's games. In my thirteen-year-old eyes, the ABL was a league made for women by former female players. It had female coaches and it was the true basketball league that would give women an equal chance. The WNBA was thought up as a novelty by fat white men in business suits who thought that with the NBA's backing and money, they could do just about anything. So why not let women play basketball and see how it went over? In retrospect, I can see that neither of my opinions on the two leagues was exactly correct. However, I still resent the NBA-supported WNBA for breaking the first women's basketball league that had a real chance of surviving. I resent it more because I know that the WNBA did have a better chance of competing in the business world of professional sports because they did have support from the men's league. The WNBA would get more sponsors than the ABL would, and it could afford to not make a profit for a few years with the financial support from the NBA. I can also see that with my height and lack of natural athletic ability there was no way I would have ever made it into either league.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Cause and Effect of Cigarette Smoking
It is mandatory for this message to be printed on every pack because of how serious the effects of smoking are and how easy it is to become addicted to smoking them. There are millions of campaigns and advertisements against cigarette smoking communicating to the world that this terrible habit causes many illnesses ultimately leading to death. But a threat to health obviously does not seem to be a good enough reason for people to quit anymore, people somehow block this important information and ignore all of the possible consequences they are facing themselves with when they continue to smoke. The purpose of this essay is to discuss some of the many effects of cigarette smoking, including the broadly mentioned possibility of developing cancer or dying. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. Cigarette smoking is directly responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases in the United States annually. Both non small cell lung cancer and small lung cancer can be caused by cigarette smoking, cigar smoking and second hand smoke. It can be difficult to diagnosis lung cancer early because the symptoms often do not present themselves aggressively until the disease is in advanced stages, which puts people in an even worse situation. If cancer is found, the doctor will take the time to do some staging which is determining whether it has spread to other parts of the body such as the brain or bones. One of the stages is referred to as Stage 0 non-small cell lung cancer which is also called carcinoma. It is the earliest stage that lung cancer can typically be detected but unfortunately for people bound to consume this cancer, it is rarely found at this stage, and when it is, it is normally an incidental finding when testing is done for some other reason. Lung cancer should be completely curable at this stage, meaning not in all cases. With that being said, many people with stage 0 lung cancer, have or will develop second primary cancers. 20 percent of all deaths from heart disease in the United States are directly related to cigarette smoking. The heart is the most important organ in the body, pumping blood, life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. If the pumping action of the heart becomes inefficient, vital organs like the brain and kidneys suffer, like a chain reaction. Death will occur within minutes if the heart stops working altogether. It is astonishing how life itself is completely dependent on the efficient operation of the heart and people still decide to take up the habit of smoking, leading to this disease. There are many kinds of heart disease, each of them affecting the heart in several ways, one of them being coronary artery disease which is directly related to smoking. Coronary artery disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, creating blockages in the vessels that nourish the heart itself. Atherosclerosis occurs when the arteries become clogged and narrowed, restricting blood flow, ultimately starving the heart of oxygen and other vital nutrients it depends on to work properly. Lungs become damaged due to reactions to irritants entering the airways and alveoli and lead to emphysema. The major cause of emphysema is smoking. When people are exposed to cigarette smoke, the air sacs of the lungs create defensive cells known as macrophages, which eat the inhaled particles. Macrophages are stimulated to release materials which can destroy the proteins that allow the lungs to expand and contract, called collagen. This causes difficulty for a person to exhale so the next breath taken is started with more air in the lungs. The trapped old air takes up space so the alveoli, tiny air sacs in lungs, are unable to fill with enough fresh air to supply the body with the appropriate oxygen. This causes someone to be short of breath and diminishes the ability to properly exhale. Will all of the information provided in the world and all of the advertisement including the warning posted on every pack of cigarettes against the use of these harmful vises, you would think we would have less smokers, but that is incorrect. You would also assume that with all the damage that comes with smoking over the years, including death; that we would have fewer smokers, but again, that is incorrect. People still insist on putting themselves in harm’s way and continue to be smokers.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Is It Possible to Create a Perfect Human Being Essay
As William Penn says in his book, Some Fruits of Solitude, in Reflections and Maxims Relating to the Conduct of Human Life, â€Å"Men are generally more careful of the breed of their horses and dogs than of their children. †This statement is true, to a point. While eugenical artificial selection could in fact ‘breed’ an ideal human being, as is done with horses and dogs, there is a level of eugenics that has gone too far. During WWII, Adolf Hitler took the stance of eugenics as an innovative idea that was for the greater good. However, his proposal of eugenics was eliminating all other choices of humans other than his ideal image – the Aryan race. The murder of over 11 million people can hardly be compared with propagation, but they both derive from the same idea: eugenics. Eugenics is only one of the many methods that scientists are meddling with in order to design an ideal human being. Creating a flawless human being has been a scientific prerogative, and while there are some discrepancies, science is showing progress. Alongside eugenics, cybernetic organisms are another option for creating a perfect human being. Cybernetic organisms are comprised of synthetic and organic parts. Humans that have dysfunctional body parts are able to replace them with mechanical alternatives. Surrogate parts enable humans to be far more efficient. A commonly replaced organ is the heart, and scientists should soon be able to replace other vital internal organs. Scientific exploration of new areas is one of the many benefits made available by cybernetic technology. Space travel without a breathing apparatus could be made possible if the necessary organs were substitute. Replacement lungs could allow humans to function without oxygen. If oxygen was provided within the body, then humans would be able to easily explore space, as well as the depths of the ocean. With cybernetic organisms at the helm, a century’s progress, due to exponential growth of technology, can be accomplished in an hour. Although more efficient than humans, cybernetic organisms can also be considered a threat to humanity. Technology is not always dependable. Artificial hearts fail, cellular phones break, and planes crash. In 1993, 7 people died in a plane crash due to engine failures. Not only is technology not one hundred percent reliable, but if humans are eventually comprised completely of artificial parts, then emotion will no longer remain. As exemplified in Anthem, a society without emotion is detrimental. The citizens of Anthem believe that they know everything that there is to know, but they are mistaken. In order to ensure equality, the idea of love was removed, and along with it, family, spirituality and opinion. If machines become the main factor in this world, it is possible that Anthem could be the future. The World Council defines and enforces the law, so that all are the same and perfect by Anthem’s standards. Cybernetic organisms can be manipulated by humans to be perfect, or without flaw, but possible consequences are risky. With cybernetic organisms as the extreme in creating the perfect human being, genetic modification for health purposes is a less drastic measure. With technology today, cures to diseases, such as Anthrax and H1N1, are being discovered at a rapid pace. If one can inject the vaccine of all known diseases into embryos until all diseases are eradicated, everyone would be healthy, and in a sense, perfect. Brave New World is a society of perfect health. All citizens are immunized at decantation and are able to live a life free of disease and infection. Unfortunately, the vaccines to every disease have not yet been discovered, but with the exponential growth of technological advances, there is a probable chance. Using genetic modifications to prevent diseases is an idealized goal, but it has a major risk factor – mutations. DNA is a complicated system, and the slightest mistake could cause a major bodily malfunction. It would take extensive scientific research and application to consider attempting to alter a human’s genes. Science has made many advances, but oftentimes the major ones have come back with unintended consequences that were never before thought significant. The extensive use of oil, coal and natural gas demonstrate that perfectly. It was commonly known that the burning of these natural resources releases gasses into the air, but it was not thought of as important. Global warming was considered a hoax, and little was done to preserve the earth’s delicate ecosystem. If tampering with genetics is disregarded as insignificant, then drastic outcomes could occur, such as unheard of deformities, or permanent brain damage. Genetic modification in this sense would be detrimental to society. A ‘perfect’ human being is hard to define, but standards can easily be changed over time with both genetic modification and cybernetic organisms. There are positives and negatives to both options, but technology is changing rapidly, and circumstances adapt with it. Although scientists have not yet created a prototype for an ideal human, ideas are being formulated. The ideas, however, of what defines a perfect person are constantly changing. Until idealization has had its parameters defined, scientists will continue to struggle to achieve this goal.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The New World
The Spanish, French and English explored America and left a lasting mark on the New World’s development. Different methods of colonization were used by the Spanish, French and English. The Spanish and English had similar ways of colonization, and the French had quite a different style. When he Spanish conquered the New World, they were the most wealthy and powerful of the three. The Spanish brought epidemic disease that depopulated areas over many years causing civilizations to collapse, along with brutal killings of Natives.Spanish integration with the Indians over time resulted into a modern distinction between Latinos and Spanish into a new population. Forced labor and Christianity pushed the Spanish wealth into accidental discoveries of Tobacco, Chocolate, and Vanilla Spices. The English were similar to the Spanish of their brutal behavior towards the Natives, slavery and the epidemic of disease. On discovering the America’s, a belief of new shipping lanes were form ed. This proved to be an advantage for trading because it provided quicker routes.Agriculture was founded and traded due to success of using slavery. Gold, copper and the products of farming were traded and used for power. The French had a very different approach unlike the Spanish and English, as they used commerce versus conquer. Accidently being discovered while exploring, the French came across the Natives and started trading furs. This turned out to be long lasting relationship and provided a different way to cohabitate with the Native’s, instead of taking the land.The Spanish, English and French had similarities that were common. The English colonies were better fed and clothed as the French and Spanish had much larger empires. Slavery, trade routes, farming and religion were very common of all, and benefitted in establishing the New World. Faraher, J. M. , Buhle, M. J. , Czitrom, D. , & Armitage, S. H. (2009). Out of Many: A History of the American People (5th ed. ). U pper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ideal Work Environment (Iaps) Essay
Compensation: Our employees will be compensated by receiving a good compensation package for both the benefit of the company and the employee. The compensation package will include: †¢20% more income than the average salary per month †¢Guaranteed raises and bonuses based on job performance and/or time with company †¢Paid Volunteer Days †¢Time off unpaid †¢Vacation Pay †¢Health Insurance †¢Use of the company car Also, our company awards bonuses based on merit, these are non cash bonuses known as ‘Employee of the Month’, bonus day off, or a good parking space. Management: There are many qualities that make a good boss. At Honda Automotive Design Engineering, we have hired a boss that respects and has acquired all the expectations to lead this company to success and help improve the work environment in the building with weekly interactions with the employees. An effective boss will: 1. Set clear expectations 2. Coaches (someone who educates and encourages his employees as well as leads the company) 3. Gives feedback 4. Is inclusive 5. Gets to know employees 6. Works fearlessly 7. Is open and truthful (communication is essential) We view The Discussing Style as an effective management style because it promotes learning through interaction. In this style the manager encourages critical thinking and lively discussion by asking employees questions about the problem, opportunity, or issue that must be resolved. The manager is a facilitator guiding the discussion to a logical conclusion. This style is effective because it’s based on communication, coaching, decision-making and recognition. Conflict: As executive officers, we manage workplace conflict by playing the role as an integrator. We seek to hear a variety of reasonable opinions and have an exchange of information before making a decision. This style of managing workplace conflict encourages creative thinking and is effective at problem-solving when issues are complex but it does take time. Hiring: This company hires employees that are compromisers when it comes to either conflict-management styles or working at this company in general. When compromising at this company, we force taking something from all parties involved and giving up something in return. When all parties to a decision are knowledgable and have good suggestions, this style results in good decisions. But when some parties contributing to the discussion are not fully informed, the final decision can be weak and we do not tolerate alienation, avoiding or domination. We are looking for 3 types of positions: Architects, Mechanic/Engineers, Designers (All must have a designing degree). Culture: At Honda Automotive Design Engineering, we create a community feeling in the building. Our offices are designed for employees to have lots of space, freedom and wide communication with the other employees. To prevent worker alienation, we have created our offices to be a happy and comforting atmosphere and in order to do that we changed plain, boring, simple office spaces into warm colourful walls and more open space for communication but also providing separation walls so the room does not becoming loud or chaotic, enough for a functioning workplace. Recruiting the best employees possible will be simple giving them special accommodations, for engineers we provide them with tons of space in the building and utilities. For designers, we provide all the utilities, essentials, workspace and organization products (files, compartments etc.). Equity: To meet the needs of a diverse worker population, we aim for employees with different ethnicities and personalities. We ensure that the work environment is a safe space free of harassment by 24/7 security on building grounds, employees have the right to complain and/or notify authorities and the manager, and we hire employees that are open-minded about gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. We do not tolerate any kind of harassment in the workplace and we also provide rules towards that topic. The Honda Automotive Design Engineering is redesigned to maximize productivity and employee satisfaction for the work environment. On the graph 7.6 (page. 206), we think that our employees would rate their job/workplace regarding economics fairly well because we provide job security, fair/reasonable pay, health plans and a paid vacation. Also, Contribution and involvement would be rated excellent because we allow employees to work the way they want in their office space, they can make a difference to improve the companies growth and production as well as participate in decision-making.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Leading Toward E-Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leading Toward E-Learning - Essay Example r crowds functioning online or offline, and simultaneously or coincidentally via systematized or separate computers and additional electronic gadgets (Naidu, 1). The present study talks about an issue that impacts the quality of e-learning courses in colleges. Several colleges have initiated to address the confrontation of computing not just their advancement in initiating e-learning into training and learning, but what consequence their e-learning approach is having on students. Every kind of practice inside the college and university has been altered by the expansion of the World Wide Web (www) and associated technologies (Brown and Jackson, 1). E-learning provides several benefits to colleges and universities. Some of them are: - learning is self rated and offers learners an opportunity to accelerate to hold back whenever necessary; education is self-aimed at, permitting learners to decide substance and suitable to their contradictory interests, requirement and ability levels; contains manifold learning approaches using as truth of liberation processes devised to dissimilar students, more efficient for entrain beginners; probably lesser costs for organizations requiring guidance and for the suppliers; improve computer and internet proficiencies; illustrates hundreds of reputable educational values; has the awareness of every main university in the job, the majority with their personal online degrees, credentials and personal course (Manjunath and Patil, 3). One of the major issues that impacts the quality of e-learning courses within colleges is that learners can study from anywhere in the world. This is a particularly significant contemplation for learners who desire to learn in a different nation. In this study, Delta College, Michigan, U.S. will be taken into consideration. The strategy that will be discussed in this paper will be library automation. Through e-learning, the students will be saving their time without going to colleges and universities.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Convection Currents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Convection Currents - Essay Example This is known as a thermal. Figure 1 cloud formation, which may produce a thunderstorm. A cumulonimbus cloud, or "thunderhead," is a particularly dramatic example of a convection cell. Eventually the heated cell is cooled by the surrounding air, begins to fall, and the cycle is repeated. Whereas the Sun's electromagnetic energy is the energy source for atmospheric convection, asthenospheric convection is fueled by radioactive decay in the earth's core. The convective cells form in the asthenosphere, a region of extremely high pressure at a depth of about 60-200 miles where rocks are deformed and become molten by enormous pressures. In the asthenosphere, the molten material rises in a convection current until it hits the bottom of the upper layer of Earth's interior consisting of the crust and the mantle. Here, it can not rise any farther and begins to move horizontally. Figure 2 depicts the movement of the convection cells in the asthenosphere. The red areas are the heated molten material rising from the earth's center and moving toward the surface. As the material reaches the surface it Figure 2 Eventually the material cools and as it does it becomes denser. This material then slowly sinks through the lighter material until it is again heated by the earth's core. It forms a new convection cell and repeats this same process. In both the atmosphere and the asthenosphere material is moved from one region to another. Lower air levels rise to become the upper air, and as the cooler upper air cells fall they become ground level air. Within the Earth, irregular convection cells within the mantle transfer heat from the core to the surface of the planet. This process is the driving force behind both heat transfer and plate tectonics ("The Restless Earth"). The effect of the rising material also forms mountain ranges. This process also transfers energy from one area to another. This transfer of energy can result in violent activity if the transfer happens abruptly. In the atmosphere we see it form high winds and thunderstorms. In the asthenosphere, energy is usually transferred by heating the earth's crust. In other cases, it may result in a volcano or an earthquake. The hydrosphere is also an active medium that is powered by convection. The movement of convection cells is the force behind the ocean currents. Circulation patterns in the oceans are driven by density differences between warmer and colder hydrospheric cells. As the water circulates, material and energy are transferred. The ocean's water is heated by the sun as well as undersea hot air vents. It is cooled by the polar ice caps. Convection is also responsible for the action of the water cycle. As the sun heats the surface water on the earth, it evaporates and becomes water vapor. This warmed vapor rises until it encounters the cooler air at higher altitudes. Here it condenses back into water and returns to earth as precipitation ("The Water Cycle"). Convection takes place anytime there is a mass of gas or liquid on the earth. It causes our weather, winds, and ocean currents. Convection heats our air and creates our mountain ranges. It results
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Should Floridas school resource officers be permitted to use Tasers on Research Paper
Should Floridas school resource officers be permitted to use Tasers on youth - Research Paper Example The task force should consult a legal expert and all the stake holders to be affected by the policy. The policy is most effective when those affected by the policy are consulted, are supportive and have the opportunity to consider and discuss the potential implications of the policy. The task force team should afterwards embark on the gathering of information, which concerns the flawed Taser law in the State, consulting various stakeholders that have been affected directly or indirectly by the law. The policy should then be drafted. In drafting the policy, should consider the various components and structure of the draft policy. In this draft policy, we have dealt with the statement of the policy , that is, the policy aims at ensuring that the citizens of the Florida state receives quality services as far as justice to criminal offenders are concerned. The policy should include; underpinning philosophy, objectives, actions to be taken, strategies, desired outcomes, performance indica tors, management plan, and the review program. Security is a vital aspect for economic growth for any country. A secure nation is characterized by stability hence good economic and standard of living. In this regard, every government works hard to ensure that its nation is secure (Appleton, 2013). To attain a secure nation, there should be well-outlined policies that need to be implemented. How a country’s national security policies are developed, coordinated, articulated and implemented is critical for the well-being of the country. It is worth noting that establishing policies is one aspect but implementation of those policies is another aspect. However, the foundation is the establishment of those policies. In this regard, the security agents needs a well-defined and smoothly functioning policy development and decision making process (Appleton, 2013). Studies suggest
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Key Factors Dictating Stalins Attitudes And Policies Toward Essay
The Key Factors Dictating Stalins Attitudes And Policies Toward Religion - Essay Example There is no politician accused in so many uncommitted crimes. How to understand this ambiguous personality? The best way is to address the documents and the recollections of the people who were acquainted with him. Stalin’s regime is characterized by mass repressions of 1937-1939 and 1943. This period is also characterized by extermination of the outstanding figures in the field of science and art, church and religion persecution, forced by industrialization that turned that USSA in to the state with one of the strongest economies in the world. Stalin’s regime was also the period of collectivization that led to agriculture downfall, mass escape of peasants form villages and the famine of 1932-1933. There are many questions around Stalin’s personality, which can be addressed in this paper: if Stalin was despot in relation to his companions and subordinates, if he really was unskillful leader and impeded the process of the war, why Stalin’s contemporaries co nsidered him to be brainy. All these questions are very interesting to be answered, however, the given paper will investigate Stalin’s attitude towards religion: what it was and how it was formed. *** Stalin is one of the greatest oppressors. He was a master of destinies of millions of people. The Soviet Union was focused on eradication of religion. It is incredible, but Stalin thought that it was necessary to take away the most important trigger of human spirit, which is religion. Stalin positioned himself as God. He wanted to be the most powerful human being in the world. Physical features of Stalin and his middle height were hidden behind his artificial power. He was unattractive pygmy, who wanted to compensate his physical vices by his cruel intentions taken against other people. Therefore, the Communist regime was enriched at the expense of church resources. Religion was ridiculed and the believers and followers were prosecuted. Atheism was promoted at schools, but the C ommunists wanted to position their beliefs as the most important and the crucial for the society. Anti-religious campaigns of Stalin’s policies were focused against the Russian Orthodox Church. This religion had the largest number of followers. There were 50,000 churches, but in the result of this anti-religious policies only 500 remained open. Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941. After that year Stalin was promoting patriotic feelings of his nation and restored the Russian Orthodox Church. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox churches had become active. Other types of religion were also oppressed during the regime of Communists. Attacks on Judaism were dangerous in the Soviet period. Religious practices of Judaism were almost forbidden and the followers were prosecuted. â€Å"Nonetheless, Davies discovered that throughout the periodbelievers could be found among all segments of society. The population stubbornly resisted official antireligious propaganda. Moreover, the church held special attraction for it continued to provide a type of entertainmentwhen other diversions were lacking† (Dunn 2004, p. 156). It was a kind of entertainment for people to go and take part in different forbidden rituals. Russians were positioned as those, who were prevented from following their own religious beliefs or any other triggers for their possible normal functioning in the society. In the majority of cases average Russians were positioned in opposition to other nations. At the same time, Russians were not totally prosecuted; they were put under a strong control and supervision of their almighty rulers. Communism was ever existent form of ruling and oppression in
The Features And Problems Of The Educational Process Essay
The Features And Problems Of The Educational Process - Essay Example He insists that education is on the level of psychological and sociological, these two are combined to mold an individual in the society to be their own person in the civilized society that is and continues to be, it trains them to have use of all their capabilities. He purposes school as a social institution that should be used to simplify life for the young minds so that they do not become confused or have their capabilities develop prematurely (Dewey 463). It expounds and forms the social life that is installed at home, the information imparted in schools and lessons learned is a preparation for the future. The teachers in the school should not control or command the kids rather see influences that will positively affect the child’s future and examinations that test the child’s fitness for social life. The social life of a child is based on their social activities, thus the subject matter of the education taught in schools should progress civilization (Dewey 464). It should not be objective but help interpret past experiences and develop new attitudes and interests. The author tries to inform us that when a child is involved in a passive and absorbing attitude rather than active and experimental the result is waste and friction (Dewey 465). Laws and regulations should not be imposed because education is the moral duty of any society in order to shape itself in its own direction. John Dewey uses repetition and examples in his essay My Pedagogic Creed to convince his audience that is mainly the educators, parents of young students, and the community that instant education reform is of utmost importance for the proper social and psychological growth of children. He uses strong emotion and opinions on how the subject matter of the education should be and what he thinks is the duty of the teachers and the society in instilling education in a child.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Core Competence of the Corporation Assignment
The Core Competence of the Corporation - Assignment Example Definition: Core competency: Core competency is what a company does well (a company’s strength), that differentiates it from other similar business establishments. M. Tampoe describes core competence as management subsystems which incorporate processes, diverse technologies, resources and knowledge to distribute services and products which would reap unique and sustainable benefits and also add worth to an organization. Introduction: The idea of "core competencies" in the organization is one of the most significant business shaping ideas in the present business world. This is one of the key thoughts that lie behind the present wave of outsourcing, as companies concentrate their attempts in key strong (work) areas and outsource as much as they can of everything else. The opening point for understanding core competencies of an organization lies in understanding that a business in order to acquire good position in the market requires having something that consumers uniquely value . The most powerful method to succeed worldwide competition is still unseen to many of the business establishments. Here the study talks about the core competencies of the corporation Boom-Bust Construction Ltd. ... The following case study talks about the Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC). First of all, to understand how to build up core competencies; it is advisable to understand what is and in not a core competency? According to Prahalad, core competencies are not necessary on the subject of: outspending competitors on Research &Development, sharing expenses between business units and amalgamating vertically. At the same time as the construction of core competencies may be helped by some of these proceedings by themselves, they remain inadequate. What is the topic about? The following study makes an attempt to critically review the article about the core competencies of the corporation (by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel) and application of core competency ethos in business industry. The following case study talks about Boom-Bust Construction Ltd (BBLC), it is a large family building organization owned by Jed Boom. As per C.K. Prahalad, the application of core competency in BBLC might help to de velop various new opportunities. Core competencies are inclined to be rooted in the capability to coordinate and incorporate various groups in the company. At the same time as an organization may be capable to hire a group of brilliant scientists with a particular skill, in doing so it does not itself become competent in that skill. But the efficient coordination between every group involved in bringing an invention to the market, can be taken as a core competency of the company (Core competency suggestions by P.J.H Shoemaker, S.T. Walsh & J.D. Linton, M. Tampoe and D.C.Band & G. Scanlan). Criticisms: The idea of core competencies was started by C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel in the year 1990 as a part of management literature. The two main
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Central Concerns in John Thompsons Political Scandal Essay
Central Concerns in John Thompsons Political Scandal - Essay Example This is because there was no perception of accountability to the public in many societies in the past. Moreover the dissemination of scandals far and wide, and as frequently as is possible, is made possible by the development of a plethora of media now available. This has resulted in lots of unearthing of covert actions of people in power. There are some people who look at the media coverage of scandals as a form of entertainment available to the people. However many consider the role of media as that of vigilant watch dog that unearths the wrongs in society and brings remedial action and plugs in all loopholes that encourage public figures to circumvent regulations and act in their private interest. Many recent books have come out on this subject and John Thompson's book, Political Scandal has made a significant contribution to the ongoing debate on the subject by an analysis of public scandals as churned out by the media and its effect on accountability of high ranking public figures, the effect of this on the erosion of credibility associated with their office and a host of other illuminating aspects of the problem. Thompson considers political scandals as violations of prescribed process and transgressions of regulations, which have been incorporated, in the democratic system as a measure to avoid misuse or check the deviation to unilateral action by a person who has a public responsibility. After the media has gained such significance as tools that can form the attitudes of people and influence the way they cast the vote, there has been a conscious attempt to throw the weight of the media in competitive politics. Thomson sees the reputation of the individual politician as the key asset that will determine his edge over his opponent in the process of election. The media is on the look out for transgressions committed by an individual as a matter of priority in its reporting due to various reasons. While some media report these transgressions merely to enhance their readership or viewer ship others may be committed to their role as watchdog Page 3 in a healthy democracy. In addition to this, in competitive politics, the motive may be to tarnish the reputation of the opponent by constant bombardment of the opponent by targeting weakest points. In this tendency Thompson sees the dangers of dragging political non-issues related to the personal conduct of public figures into vortex of media reporting. In many democracies, including some of the old and celebrated ones, the narrow-minded struggle for power heavily draws on the repertoire of sex scandals real or concocted to deal a deathblow to the reputation of the other. The mud slinging campaigns and personal vituperation that appear so blatantly in the media, Thompson, warns will undermine the social trust of the democratic system (p.251). The exposure of political scandals if undertaken responsibly, Thompson believes, can strengthen the democratic institutions. What he calls power scandals are those that contravene or seek to circumvent the rules, laws and established procedures that govern the exercise of political power (P.196). In a democratic set up power is to be exercised openly and the role of the media as a watchdog makes the exercise of the power an openly done task and hence accountable. However Thompson does not think
Saturday, September 7, 2019
MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 3 Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 3 Case - Essay Example Considerably, the importance of the mission of relief and recovery operations are practically given way through the application of common good and virtues culture in providing assistance. The value of common good directly implies a rather important sense of realization when it comes to providing help to those who need the assistance.2 The common good allows a better chance for the relief operations to be focused on matters that affect the majority of individuals who were victimized by the tragedies or natural calamities and be able to answer the call for the said need. Directly to, applying virtues in the process would provide the rescuers with the patience that they need to keep on pursuing the matters that the people they are helping really need and stop the deeper sense of discrimination among those who are being helped from the position of those assisting them. It is only through the application of common good and virtues culture of handling relief and recovery service to victims of calamities and disasters that the procedure of helping becomes directly effective and applicative in assisting those in need towards the instance of keeping a great chance of proving the victims with the attention that they need regardless of the differences that they may have against each other. Also, it should be noted that the application of... tivity makes it easier for the providers of service to keep their procedures in line with the law and the different guidelines that are carried on to assure that the victims' welfare are well attended to. Critically, these considerations assist every individual given the responsibility to provide relief the right position and motivation towards actually giving attention to the different approaches used to make it better for the victims to recover from the situations that they ought to grow out from later on to be able to move on in life. 2)In your opinion was the compensation to the victim's families fromthe 9-11 terrorist's attacks on America raised the expectations of a similar compensation to victims from other disasters. If you considered it ethical to provide compensation to the victims of 9-11 would you apply the same ethical approach to the victims of Hurricane Katrina If not, would you apply another ethical approach What about the victims of future major disasters The equalization of the procedures and budget when it comes to providing victims of calamities and tragedies around the different states in concern is a huge matter to be given attention to by the officials appointed for the directive considerations that need to be undergone to be able to help victims recover from the situations that they have been under. Why is this so Likely, the idea of keeping the victims supported for them to successfully recover from the situations that they have to ponder with comes with great ethical balancing of focused elements. This includes the balanced approach of relief and recovery service given to all the victims of such situations. For instance, those who have been under the 9/11 tragedy have been well compensated by the government due to the fact that the fatigue
Friday, September 6, 2019
DBQ for AP United States History Essay Example for Free
DBQ for AP United States History Essay Britains taxation on the American colonists greatly affected the relationship between the two nations. Moreover, the colonists were not being represented. The feeling of deprivation not only angered the Americans, but may have also opened their eyes to see the need of a revolutionary movement. Thomas Jefferson states in A Summary View of the Rights of British America that they possessed a right, which nature has given to all men. The British deprived the colonists of these rights when they did not allow a representative in the House of Commons, as decided in the Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress of 1765. This was especially unfair for the colonists for they were not only being taxed, but also received nothing in return for their own benefit. Additionally, the taxes did not profit the colonist itself. Rather, all tax profits went to Britain. It was a way for the British to reimburse the financial debts from the Great War for Empire. Taxation on the colonists was a way the British liquidated its war debt, as stated in Document N. As said in the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms (Document I), The colonists did not give consent to Britain to take away their money by exploiting the land by heavy taxes. They felt that only they had the power and the right to tax themselves. As new heavy taxes piled upon each other, the colonists realized even more the need of an outbreak from Britain and the destruction it has brought upon the colonists. Thomas Paine explains in Common Sense that there is something very absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island. Paine is saying that a small island like Britain cannot rule a big continent, as a small child cannot rule grown adult. The author of the Stamp Act and former Prime Minister George Grenville states that Great Britains intention is to protect America and nothing more. By doing this favor, he believes America should yield to British authority and practice obedience. Thomas Paine rebuttals and argues that only small islands that are incapable of protecting themselves should be the ones who are taken under a kingdoms care. Paine believes that this is not the case for the colonists. He sees that America is not a small island in need of help. Rather, America is geographically secure, politically mature, prosperous, dynamic, and self-reliant, as Lawrence Henry Gibson states in Document O. Thomas Paine also calls for a move towards democracy. The American people could no longer live under the bondage of British authority, which stripped them of their natural rights. Britain, for example, deprived [the colonists] of the accustomed and inestimable privilege of trial by jury, (Document I) which they claimed to have violated their life and property. Document L illustrates of the austerity of British rule. A woman lay on the ground naked and distressed, while British officials watch with pleasure. Surely, they had to respect for the motherlands offspring. Clearly, this is not a way to show that the British protected and cared for the colonists as George Grenville previously stated when he spoke on Repeal on January 14, 1766. Because of unequal treatment, the American desire for equal representation grew the more. The unfair treatment of the British to the Americans only pushed the colonists to their limit. Taxation without any representation, or benefits in return truly raised an issue of equality. The British has suppressed the colonists. Weary of this, the colonists moved towards a revolutionary movement, wanting to escape the British Crown and authority, but all the more, where they would take up on democracy in which they could practice equal representation.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Quality Of Life Among The Elderly
Quality Of Life Among The Elderly Loneliness is a geriatric giant leading to impaired quality of life, greater need for institutional care and increased mortality. Routasalo, Pitkala, 2003 The phenomenon of loneliness occurs in people of all ages it may be a particular problem in the elderly according to a study carried out at Edinburg University in the nursing science department. It is acknowledged that loneliness is not necessary accompaniment to ageing and that ageing is not solely responsible for the development of loneliness in the elderly people; however there is a relationship between ageing and loneliness. There is a need to understand the casual relationship between life-events and loneliness, how to predict it and whether negative consequences maybe alleviated.(Routasalo, Pitkala, 2003). This study is about loneliness among the elderly people. I was interested in this topic because the fact that many old people are still experiencing loneliness at different levels cannot be overlooked. Loneliness and social isolation have often been used to characterise the social world of older people and as an indicator of their quality of life (Victor, scamber and Bond, 2009) but loneliness among the elderly has been under addressed.Like many other social science concepts,loneliness is often a taken-for-granted idea from every day life.Loneliness is a common problem among the elderly that lead to widespread unhappiness and social exclusion. The purpose of this study is therefore to portray loneliness among the elderly ,the main influencing factors and strategies to address it. This study is entirely based on Qualitative Research methodology by probing into different academic disciplines so as to gather a deeper understanding of this particular topic. WHAT IS LONELINESS? Loneliness is a situation experienced by the individual as one where there is unpleasant or inadmissible lack of (quality of) certain relationships. This includes situations in which a number of existing relationships is smaller than is considered desirable or admissible as well as situations where the intimacy one wishes for has not been realised. (De jong gierveld, 1987, p.120 quoted in vangelisti and pelman 2006, p. 585-500) (Peplau, 1981 quoted in vangelisti and pelman 2006, p. 585-500) defines loneliness as the unpleasant experience that occurs when a persons network of social relations is deficient in some important way either qualitatively (Quality related) or quantatively (size related). Loneliness categories (Weiss, 1973 in vangelisti and pelman 2006, p. 585-500) categorise loneliness as: Emotional loneliness This is as a result of absence of an intimate figure or a close emotional attachment (a partner, best friend) e.g. in divorce or widowhood. We can further subgroup it as: Developmental Experienced when there is a need for intimacy balanced by a pursuit for personal happiness and independence (goals). Internal Often includes feelings of low-esteem and vulnerability. Social loneliness This kind of loneliness arises with the absence of a broader group of contacts or an engaging social network like friends, collegues and people in the neighbourhood. It can also be termed as Situational/Circumstantial which can be explained by situations like loosing a relationship or moving to a new city. Measurements of loneliness among the elderly Loneliness is subjective(It is based on somebodys opinions or feelings rather than on facts or evidence) and is measured using questions that seek perceptions of relationships,social activity and feelings about social activity(British Columbia ministry of health ,2004) Loneliness is very cultural and temporally specific(jylhà ¤ 2004).It is and has been difficult to compare levels of loneliness accross cuntries because the meaning of loneliness is highly cultural(and possibly temporary)specific. Variations in measures used to measure loneliness by researchers in different countries has made it difficult to make a comparison across different countries. Findings of the study Main factors influencing loneliness among the elderly Health resources Chronic poor physical or mental health, Sensory impairments, Falls and Self-rated health and Health expectations (Tijhuis et al 1999) found that increase in loneliness was attributed to poorer subjective health but not on activity limitation or cognative function.Lonely and isolated peoples health may deteriorate becausethey lack the environmental support,social ties and assistance by others that become critical factors in the maintainance of their independence later in life.(Bosworth and schaie 1997 p.197) Mental health issues such as depression can impact self-rated score in an indirect way as those who are depressed may evaluate their social relationships negatively and therefore create apparent associations with other risk factors when infact it is depression that is the issue.(Russel et al,1997) Social resources E.g. Availability of family, friends and Social contacts Recognition of the importance of the importance of the relationship between social engagements and quality of life is not new (Victor, scamber and Bond, 2009). Social relationships and social engagements are a very important part of quality of life in old age according to (Victor, camber and Bond 2009).Rowe and Kahn (1997) suggest that a high level of social engagement is a key factor in achieving the goal of successful ageing. This same observation has been made in ideas of healthy ageing and active ageing. Demographic factors E.g. Age, gender, household composition, neigbourhood and Marital status Age and gender Being widowed and living alone are more common among women because of their tendancy to outlive male partners. Neigbourhood Favorable neighborhood is associated with feeling safe and secure. Immediate neighborhood is of particular importance to the well-being and quality of life of older people(bowling 2006,Victor,Scamber and Bond 2009)Whilst there has been much focus on the importance of maintaining older people at home this has been often interpreted as the narrow confines of the built dwelling or house rather than the wider environment of neighborhood or locality. Yet place is clearly important in providing the spatial context within old age (Berkman et al., 2000; berkman and Glass, 2000, Victor, Scamber and Bond 2009) Household composition Most people who live alone are lonely but not all people who live alone are lonely.Living alone also interacts with many other variables to create varying pictures of loneliness.Living together with someone and living in ones own apartment(as opposed to an institition) showed a positive influence on feelings of loneliness for this population(Holmen et al 2000 as cited in gierveld,Tilburg and Dykstra in Vangelisti and perlmans 2006) Material resources E.g. Home ownership, access to car and education Qualifications Economic status and self-esteem have been found to have a relationship with loneliness. Loneliness was expressed by those older persons with less adequate self-rated economic conditions and those living in actual poverty.(Mullins,Elston and Gutkoiski,1996) agrees that the less financially adequate individuals perceive their situation to be the more lonely they were. Access to Transport/car Driving status and transportation have an effect on the loneliness and social isolation of the elderly because of their role in facilitating access to the social network.(Kivett 1979) categorized older rural adults with transportation problems as a high risk of loneliness. Many seniors are restricted to pre-arranged van trips with community or volunteers drivers. Dependence on others for transportation related socializing may change the nature of social interaction for those people (Hall Havens,1999). Programs for seniors will be ineffective if they cannot access them. Life Events E.g. Bereavement ,widowhood and onset of illness Death of a spouse and living alone is a major additive risk factor for loneliness and isolation. Events like widowhood emphasize that bereaved persons are especially vulnerable for emotional isolation(loneliness)rather than social isolation (Van baarsen et al,1999) Discussions of findings Given the potential harmful effects of social isolation and loneliness in seniors,it is important to persue this issue in order to reduce emotional damage to seniors and inappropriate health and social service usage.However,caution should be observed when again interventions without knowing the target population and assessing the possible negative consequences of the planned intervention.( British Columbia Ministry of Health.March 2004) Strategies to address loneliness and isolation for older people. A survey done in campaign launced by leeds metropolitan university on behalf of the british gas to combat isolation and lonelness developed recommendations with the older people to address the issue of isolation and loneliness.Through interviewing older people and trying to identify what they want,the following suggestions were arrived at. Involving older people in planning,developing and deliverly of activities that target social isolation and loneliness. Practical,flexible and low level assistance that could help older people to remain indipendent,gain confidence to identifytheir own solutions and support them in retaining their own social networks. Individually tairoled solutions to meet specific needs,within a variety of activities available within their local neighborhood and within the reasonable travelling distance. Transport that takes the mobility of the elderly into account. Availability of Services that cater for specific groups such as carers,ethnic minorities,older men and those with hearing impairments or mobility problems and those who have been isolated for a long time. Support and encouragement for the elderly to learn new skills as well as the opportunity to share their skills with other older people.
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